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Path or Disciplines? The Decision is eminent! Attn ALL WY Members


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The choice between Path or Discipline is not a new debate, and it seems like everyone has an opinion. After much discussion with the staff we have decided to scrap both the old paths and the old disciplines; while this decision may not make everyone happy I think the solution will.


We wanted to give the members a chance at helping rebuild their division. We will be republishing the Paths and Disciplines on the Warders Site for a few weeks to give you all a chance to look them over. During that time we will be taking applications for new Paths as they will be called. You can simply combine or rewrite an old path/discipline or come up with something completely original.


We want the new paths to be about more than just a fighting style; they need to encompass the warrior’s view of the world as well. The deadline for these applications is July 6th. They can be mailed to Warders.staff@gmail.com


Soon after the 5 best Paths will be posted and go into use. For those of you who already have a Path or Discipline in your history, you can continue to follow them of course, and just know that as your years as a warrior progressed new more modern techniques were developed.


The Format to submit applications in is as follows….


Path Name:






We would really like to encourage everyone to participate, old member or new. This is your chance to help shape the future of the Warders Yard.


We look forward to reading your submissions.


WY Staff


Edit: Any suggestions need to all be e-mailed to warders.staff@gmail.com  We love talking to all of you about ideas, but to be quite frank, MSN messenger isn't the place.  Things get lost too easily and difficult to track down.  We want all the suggestions we can get, and to make sure we don't overlook any, please e-mail them.


And remember, there is more to life that is a strength and weakness than swordsmanship.  Think of what life-style people would live and such. These Paths are a lifestyle, not just a fighting style, they are a way of thinking, a way of approaching a situation, etc.

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Okay, here's something i made if you need help on balancing your Path out a little. The version's still a bit crude, but if people like it an improved version could perhaps be added to all of the new Paths once they get done.






STRENGTH: How much the Path focuses on physical strength.

SKILL: How much the Path focuses on combat techniques and skill.

SPEED: How much the Path focuses on agility and weapon speed.


0 = No focus (not listed, 1 is the minimum for a Path)

1 = Low focus

2 = Average focus

3 = High focus

4 = Very High focus

5 = Total focus


Note that more Strength does NOT mean more Endurance. High strength means your Path relies on heavy armor and/or big weapons, and in itself has no effect on the triangle as it is. The triangle is just supposed to show how important these three values are to your Path. Along those same lines, a triangle in itself has no way of showing why a certain focus is important to it, it just serves as an easy referrence when comparing Paths.


Imagine you have about eight points to spend on this scale, then make a triangle showing where the focus lies. In my two Paths' respective cases:






Mandieb is a combat art that focuses mainly on speed and accuracy, hence the above average Speed and Skill. Yet, because it relies on light blades it places little to no importance in strength, so it gets only one point in that area.






Passhar focuses almost completely on personal agility, with only an average amount of combat techniques. Being unarmed, strength is even less of an issue than with Mandieb, but as 1 is the minimum value we'll go for that.

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From what i gathered, Disciplines and Paths are going to be merged and renewed into a whole new set, though the people following the old Disciplines and Paths (like Melenis) won't be forced to drop the old Discipline and Path they picked.


Basically, you can learn things the way they traditionally used to (old Discs and Paths) or you can learn the newer versions of them (new Paths).

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Hmm... 4 Str, 2 Skl, 2 Spd then? Though since it has a shield, i figured it'd be 4 Str, 3 Skl, 1 Spd given that shields and heavy weapons imply relying on armor to keep swift blows from lightweight weapons from dealing damage, and skill to make up for the lack of mobility from said armor. Kind of like the tank/damage soaker build in RPGs.


Your call though :)

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well you should try your hand on it kyn, dig out the old description and get writing, you knew the disc from the time it was active so would be the best one to actualy elaborate on it *s*

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Just as a reminder I should have old documentation of the old disciplines with their training attached if there is any...


I will see if I can find it and post the link here.



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Remember tho some of these disciplines were combined at one point with others.  So they aren't wholely the originals.  I MIGHT be able tofind the originals someplace but that will take alot of looking and I think my daughter might have destroyed the zip disc it might have been on.


The descriptions here have been changed for the following disciplines:


Me'Areath includes Way of the Wind

Cuen'd'eren includes Cold Death Sings

Thunder on the Ocean includes Scales of Power


and Chameleon's shadow should never be used!!!!!


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Mo'Kai'La looks impressive.


From what i know of Melenis' grandfather, that'd seem likely for him to follow, even though Melenis follows Me'Areath. She'd probably recognise a user during training though ^^


Come to think of it... Is there a list somewhere of who follows what? It says in a number of places that (Grand) Masters are required, so which PCs folow which Paths? I know Kyn's a full Warder following Thunder on the Ocean, but not much other than that save for Gaidan and Melenis both following Me'Areath.


And yes, i know NPCs can always be used. I just prefer player interaction, 's all ;)

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