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Survivor: Rhuidean - Dance the Spears!

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Steely makes a vicious stab forward with.....


Romanda Cassin?


Correct!  1 Ji point for the Goshein Clan!


The standings are now as follows:


Taardad - 3 Ji

Shaido - 0 Ji

Goshien - 3 Ji


Question #7: How many Forsaken are killed by the conclusion of The Dragon Reborn?


If I've done my research correctly, it is 4.


Correct!  Balthamel, Aginor, Be'lal, and Ishamael all DEAD! 1 Ji point for the Taardad Clan! One more correct answer from the Taardad and they win the Reward!


The standings are now as follows:


Taardad - 4 Ji

Shaido - 0 Ji

Goshien - 3 Ji


Question #8:Slayer is a combination of Luc and Isam, and as such he actually has two mothers. Who are they?

Guest Cairos

The answer would be Modrellein and Breyan.


Cairos eyes Sammy reaching for his spear and strikes first with...


The answer would be Modrellein and Breyan.


Correct!1 Ji point for the Shaido Clan!


The standings are now as follows:


Taardad - 4 Ji

Shaido - 1 Ji

Goshien - 3 Ji


Question #9: Every book of the WoT speaks of a wind blowing in its opening chapter.  Which book in the series does the following "wind" come from?

". . . a wind rose among brown-thicketed hills in Cairhien. Westward the wind blew over abandoned villages and farms, many only jumbles of charred timber. . . The wind held no moisture, and the sun tried to sear away what little remained in the land. . . Westward the wind blew, stirring drought-shriveled leaves on the trees, riffling the surface of shrinking streams bordered in hard-baked mud. . . Westward, until the wind passed into Caemlyn, lifting two banners above the Royal Palace, in the heart of the Ogier-built Inner City."


Corki strikes hard with his spear and......

And to hopefully give us victory, it is Book 6 - Lord of Chaos.


Correct!!!  The Taardad Clan wins the Reward Challenge!!!!


The final standings are:


Taardad - 5 Ji

Goshien - 3 Ji

Shaido - 1 Ji


Congratulations Taardad Clan!!!  Here is your reward....(gameshow music begins to play)


First up, we have this lovely cuendillar safe!!! That's right, this mystical and magical safe is made with 100% heartstone, virtually impregnable to anything, including balefire.  Oddly, for something barely bigger than a microwave oven, it seems that inside is a gateway to some limbo area...therefore you could fit virtually ANYTHING in there....and keep it "safe" from Aiel Raids.




Only people who know the three digit combination can open this safe.  Therefore the only way an opposing clan could get to your items is during a raid and then only if they guess the three digit combination correctly.  (Please PM me with the three digit combo you choose for this safe for verification.)


Secondly, your skills with the spear have impressed the Aiel and they have awarded you all ANOTHER AIEL RAID TICKET!!!  Use it just like the first one you won!




And finally, *wheels out a rather large barreled contraption.....* forget about rationing the brews....you now have your very own portable INSTANT BREWERY!!!! *cheers*




This is the state of the art portable brew system can make any kind of brew you ask it to make, using elements from the surrounding area.  Blessed by the Wise Ones, this brew system keeps your brew nice and cold at all times.  Enjoy!


Congratulations again, Taadads! - Stay tuned, the Immunity challenge is coming up tomorrow!




Ahh, but with those safes, the things have to fit through the little doors..I mean, it doesn't matter how long they are, but if they're like, say...a house or something else that you might usually put in a safe, you gotta break it up into little pieces to put it in anyways...


If only we could lock away the other clans in the safe. That way they wouldn't be able to compete against us...


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