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Wizard First Rule casting news...


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  • 2 weeks later...

There's an enormous amount of backpedalling going on in certain quarters. Goodkind's last few interviews seem to have consisted of him saying the TV series won't be a straight retelling of the books, but will feature lots of new stuff, but that's not important because getting the characters right is the main thing. I get the distinct impression that the books will provide certain plot points but most episodes will stand alone with Dick and Kahlan turning up, solving a particular problem, and moving on, presumably with an arc plot about Darken Rahl that gets addressed in the S1 finale.


The only problem is that the characters don't seem to have been gotten right either. Dick Rahl seems to be a good 5-10 years younger than he should be and appears to be about five foot tall, whilst in the books Dick is, infamously, "Bigger than most men,".


No word on the facekicking yet, but I strongly suspect it's out of the running.


Whilst this series indeed looks pretty terrible, I do hope it succeeds so then the good stuff has got a chance of getting on screen.

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A couple of things.


1. It's ABC's first Syndicated show. It's not "getting a time slot on ABC". It's like how Baywatch, Xena, Hercules, etc worked. Those shows weren't locked into specific time slots. Like I know Hercules and Xena started an hour later in Chicago then it did in Minnesota and we are in the same time frame.


2. You're totally right about them having to tone down the *Blood*. Which will in some ways suck. Then again, I really don't need the indepth " the blabe then cut through the 3rd vein in his arm and now the 4th and now the 5th" kind of uber description in the books. Just kill the guy already. It's like with Robert Jordan and 3 to 4 pages on the background of a city to explain why a roof's tiles are painted red. Get's kinda redundant, get to the story! Trailer is violent enough though.


3. I agree with the Richard they have looking to young. I am hoping after a few years of the series as he gets older in real life, then he'll look a little rougher.


4. I have BIGGER issues with the casting of Chase. Jay Laga'aia? Seriously, my Chase looked more like Michael Clark Duncan.


5. Zedd is a huge question mark too. I have no idea how this guy will do. I mean you can't have someone TOO old, or you could have a Dumbeldore's replacement kind of situation. Still, we'll see.


I'm excited. Frankly, it's obvious they're trying very hard to get it right and the only people who can't see that are the nay-sayers.

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In any case, it will be good entertainment. However you see fit.  :P


Besides, since its Goodkind's books, I don't really mind if the series destroys the books. ;D I'll still watch it though. It might even make me want to read on in the books.... 



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Read the books, watched the trailer, have to add my two cents LOL


First off let me just say that I don't like the books after Blood of the Fold (book 3) After that the characters and story just drag on for me. First book good, second one little odd but good, third one hilerious and after that not so much. Didn't like Cara the Mord Sith Goodkind decided to focus on and was pissed he kept killing off the others in Richards entorage (sp) Anyway trailer wise it looks alright, I would probably watch it although the music in the trailer was more interesting to me then what was going on...I mean ummm what right moving on...


4. I have BIGGER issues with the casting of Chase. Jay Laga'aia? Seriously, my Chase looked more like Michael Clark Duncan.
That's the guy shooting a bow and arrow at one point in the trailer yes? Yeah I didn't think chase looked like that. I was kinda a little confused. I'm more interested in how they are going to do Deanna and the People's Palace then I am in the rest of what goes on. Because let's face it the Mord Sith are the best part of most of the books and of course Scarlet the Dragon. On the bright side it looks like they got the color of Kahlans dress correct :) That's something *G* 
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The randbots will hate it for not spotlighting objectivism. His fanboys will hate it because its a complete hacking of the story. The BDSM lovers will not watch it without the hard core sex scenes. Non fans will not enjoy it without more T&A (its ABC not Fox).





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Well, having just watched the trailer, it seems very like the recent BBC Robin Hood. And that was very toned down, and didn't have great acting.


My fears over Kahlan have been laid to rest. Bridget Regan makes quite a good Kahlan. Oh, and if the Confessor dress is the one in the pic on the blog, I'm liking that an awful lot!

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are some new promo vids and pics out for this.  Or at least I assume there are from my brief stop over at prophets-inc.com (home of all things Goodkind).  Kahlan's dress is stunning, but Richard still looks goofy and Zedd looks... un Zedd like.  Chase is smaller than I thought he'd be.  And I'm sure the show will be very loosly based.  Still, I may watch it.  hence me posting on this board.




I assume this is Richard, Chase, and Kahlan shortly after Richard is named seeker.  *shrugs* Maybe.



Tired or something, definately not myself (though I'm not sure who else I could possibly be)

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