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The Children of Light, what's the point?

Charlz Guybon

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    Don't ever underestimate heavy calvary. Think about it. Look at Uno and the Borderlanders. If their heavy calvary wasn't fighting the Shadowspawn all of Randland would be Trolloc fodder. Sure, no channeling among them, but would make a great diversion and charge by flank or behind. What do you think Lan most likely will be using?


Guest Dreadlord

Indeed a diversion, or a double-diversion. The Forsaken will think "Oh, its only a bunch of non-chennellers. What the hell can they do? Its a diversion." The Forsaken will bother themselves with more important things, allowing the Chidlren-and any Ashaman and Aes Sedai hidden within their ranks-to move wherever they want. Have the Children still move as stealthily as they normally would, but NOT using any sort of One Power stealth tricks, and surround them with inverted wards, and the Children could become a very useful tool. Obviously this is only possible if Galad can be persuaded, but if Elayne was there, with Egwene and Gawyn for moral supprt, they would be able to convince him.


In the grand scheme of things I think the Children of the Light were brought into the story to meet other requirements.


Among some;


1. Develop Perrin's character

2. Develop Galad's character and give him a purpose (lets face it once Gawyn and Egwene get together he's a bit of a spare part)

3. Assimilate Morgase's escape



Not to mention a few others such as Carridin being a big darkfriend in Ebou Dar, and simply providing a counter to the channeler - centred story that we have apart from them. It would be completely illogical for RJ to have developed a world where everyone was on the same page when it came to channeling. They were the initial antagonists in the books.


To me, the "point" of the Children of the Light is to demonstrate another facet of evil.  Those who are so consumed by their "rightness" that they commit every manner of atrocity in the name of "good".


The point of Galad's little set-to with Valda, and the fallout from that was to demonstrate that even among such a group, there are those who when confronted with a clear choice between honorable behavior and dishonorable behavior will choose the honorable path.


Galad was never infected by the children.


It is mentioned that those unable to read when joining the Children, are taught to do so, so that they may read the teachings. 


As a noble, Galad had an education so he is able to read the works, interperet that which is relevent, and ignore the parts that are obviously "mental". 


He can say to himself.  "Self, what the Aes Sedai did to my sister was srong but channeling does not make them all darkfriends."  Which a distinction many of the children will pick up from him.


I've always liked the character.  He is what a Knight (if there were any in the books that is) should be but because he is seen as being too rigid, doesn't get a lot of respect for it.




My take on it is that RJ was a history buff.  The Children of the Light are a loose mix of the Crusader knights and the Inquisition.  This is easily seen with the Questioners and and the shock troops in white.  For the crusades, a knight had to swear an oath of fealty to uphold the righteous, etc... And centuries later, the Inquisition just killed everyone who didnt agree.  Just a good poke a Catholicism.


As for the incorporation in the books, he had it as a fallback for another source of evil.  The immorality of moral supremecy. 


*nods to despair*


The CoL are a wonderful study in those who hold so absolute to their beliefs, that they nearly become the monsters they seek.  Also, I heard a quote somewhere, "Evil in the name of righteousness makes the sweetest of the Devil's wine."  How easy was it for a Darkfriend, and perhaps a Forsaken, to infiltrate the COL. 


I think that the dissention among the CoL mirrors that of Galad's internal conflict.  We may see Galad lead his men to help in the final battle, and it may be Berelain sent to ask for his aid. 


My take on it is that RJ was a history buff.  The Children of the Light are a loose mix of the Crusader knights and the Inquisition.  This is easily seen with the Questioners and and the shock troops in white.  For the crusades, a knight had to swear an oath of fealty to uphold the righteous, etc... And centuries later, the Inquisition just killed everyone who didnt agree.  Just a good poke a Catholicism.


As for the incorporation in the books, he had it as a fallback for another source of evil.  The immorality of moral supremecy. 

I got this, I was just wondering what relevance they will hold in the future.

I considered the Children to be originally created either as Mesaana's Children (given their atrocities), or as a counter-movement to it (given their semi-religious fanaticism).


As for how to make them fight, it's easy. Put an Aes Sedai on the other flank and they'll gladly tear through whatever Trollocs, Myrdraal and Forsaken are in the way to get to her XD

Guest The Thin Inn Keeper

I got this, I was just wondering what relevance they will hold in the future.


I'd like to see them redeeming themselves. It seems fair to say that Galad has the chance at the moment to take control of the group. Given that Galad is essentially a good and just man (I think his stark black and white views will be challenged by Berelain when/if the two hook up), I think he'll make them what they claim to be. i.e. the Light's paladins. Standing against evil (not just the Shadow) etc., etc.


I don't think they'll be able to hold to their Aes Sedai hatred when they fight side-by-side in TG.


I don't know, I just hope they end up going down the right track.


I think he'll make them what they claim to be. i.e. the Light's paladins. Standing against evil (not just the Shadow) etc., etc.


Sort of like a Randland Vice Squad - together with the Reds, that have no male channelers to hunt for anymore?


whats the point of 9000 heavy cavalrymen? Especially CoL? Think about it. If the CoL were show-offs shiny armor, they would not have the position they have today. In TGH, Niall send a legion, thats 1000 soldiers, to pacify, and hopefully claim, Tarabon, Almoth Plain and Arad Doman.


Jehaine, the CoL were founded and a kind of Medicant Order in the Hundred Year War, when there seemed to be more people turning to the shadow. By the Time the War ended, they were fully militaristic.


I've always seen the CoL as what Aridhol was before it fell. Using the Light as an excuse to go to war and commit atrocities. And yes, the CoL are Crusaders, most likely Templars, who wore white tabards with the Christian Cross on it, much like the CoL have the Sun in theirs.


Under Galad, I can see the CoL becoming more like they should have been when it was founded. It will be mitaristic still, but they wont get involved in politics, and will be there more for the people.


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