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Pregnancy and your Ajah - Thoughts?


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*twaps Raeyn*  ;D


Well, it would be kinda fun if one of the Reds came and told loony Zarinen that she's up the spout ... can you imaging the eruption? rofl !

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  • 3 weeks later...

What seems original to a newbie would seem typical and tacky to an old timer who pretty much saw it all. Just remember that it's safe to say that most things have been done already. And just because something has been done before, it doesn't mean it can't be done again. And hey, maybe it'll even be done better, which is an achievement in itself.


Originality is sometimes overrated. The quality of a RP always comes first.





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I agree with Nyn. Being a newbie myself, I haven't seen all the things the "older" people have, so someone from the Two Rivers, or who someone's parents were, are all new to me.


Give me a few years, and I'll probably also grit my teeth and think: oh not THAT old story again !  ;D

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Perhaps we should consider as a guideline somewhere something along the lines of "Just because monkey sees someone else RP something 'neat', monkey probably shouldn't do"... because that was always the main crux of the problem.  Someone would see someone else do something, and then it would all go to pot - ESPECIALLY when it came to the White Tower and relationships :)

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  • 1 year later...

this is old, I know...but I was just catching up on some reading. Err...Lavinya has just had a baby. As in, her return to the WT was after having dashed off to have her baby. There is a big back story for it which is awesomeness, and the staff at the time were all in the know of the rps and were cool with it. I never got to rp Gray Ajah repercussions, but there were no questions that the Head was going to beat her with a stick for putting on such a display of impropriety.


The father of the baby is my ooc promised...they had a night of bliss (aww), he rejected her (sob), she ran away on the mission to the BT, then was bonded and brutalised and found out she was pregnant. Was it the lover, or the BT rapist? Few know the truth...ooooh. Only a handful know about the pregnancy at all (father sure doesn't...yet). Upon being released from her bond, she disappeared to have the baby in secret and has only just returned. Yay for secrets.


I'm all for disapproval of Aes Sedai shacking up and breeding, but they all have their secrets, right? Lavinya has always been the black sheep of the Grays for her improper behaviour. I like the idea of each ajah having their own internal policies on pregnancy and shagging, with the tower as a whole having the stance of duty first and discretion. I mean, I can't see the Amyrlin passing a no baby ever mandate, but someone publicly flaunting their happy family would be a disgrace to the Tower and seen to be neglecting their duty.


Am I rambling? lol

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Not a widely known IC tidbit there ;). This was all nutted out when Russ was DL, that's how long I've had this in the works for lol! I'm so dying to finally finish it all up, though at least now there will be a bonding in the end for Lavinya, since Sirayn has gone. A happy ending after all :)

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