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Twin Power


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This may be a question to which the answer has already been told in one of the books! I wondered, if Elayne can use the Saidar, and Rand can use Saidin, will the children be able to touch both? Or does the ability have nothing to do with genetics? :?:

  \ said:
This may be a question to which the answer has already been told in one of the books! I wondered' date=' if Elayne can use the Saidar, and Rand can use Saidin, will the children be able to touch both? Or does the ability have nothing to do with genetics? :?:[/quote']


There's still the male/female aspects of each of the powers.



The question is will the children be able to channel like their parents, not which power they would have.


I believe it's probably more likely that they could channel then not, but I don't know (or at least recall) any information about this topic.


In one of the books an AS speculates to herself that killing all the men who can channel may be culling the ability out of the world(well Randland atleast). So probably there is a genetic link to channelling. However if you are female you channel saidar and if you are male you channel saidin.


Arangar is a special case. She was a man so for some reason she channels saidin. This would seem to argue it is not genetics since Arangar has the DNA of her female host taken from the Borderlanders. Hmmmm. Now I don't know what I think....D'oh.


Also, Aran'gar is obviously a freak, being able to channel saidin in her new female body. That happened only by the Dark One transmigrating a man's soul into a woman's body.


Becides that, while the ability to channel must come from a genetic trait, the sex of the child would determine which aspect it would channel saidin, or saidar.

  \ said:
The question is will the children be able to channel like their parents' date=' not which power they would have.[/quote']I actually took the question to mean that they wanted to know if the kids would be able to touch both saidin and saidar, not just one or the other.

RJ has said that channeling is a function of the soul, but that the genetics of the body influences how relevant that is. Like, it decides if your a spark or a learner, and likely how strong you are. For instance my guess is Morgase has a channeling soul, but a genetically unviable body...


It is likely, given the evidence we've seen amongst the sea folk families that Elaynes kids will be able to channel.


maybe, if the gene is a recessive trait and both parents express it, they must both be homozygous recessive, in which case, any children they have will also be homozygous recessive and thus able to chanel - souls permitting

so any children of two channelersd MUST themselves be channelers, reguarless of sex.


with the seafolk, if the mother is a channeler, but the father is not the offspring have a chance of being a channeler of nil to 1 in 2; depending on the genes of the father.

so to have three generations of channelers in the family it is logical to assume the gene prevalent in the population, thus carried by a significant proportion of the population, but only expressed under the right circumstances.


sorry about all the science, i cant help it. send me a message if you want to know more, or just google "mendelian genetics", or "punnet square".


RJ has already commented on this. He stated in his interview with Locus in Sept '01 that any children born of Elayne and Rand will be able to channel DarDin, a mixture of the two thought to have only been previously prevalent in Ogier. Elder Haman and Loial will help the children learn to channel this quiet yet raging storm of magic sometimes called DarDin, other times the UnTrue Power.




  \ said:
RJ has already commented on this. He stated in his interview with Locus in Sept '01 that any children born of Elayne and Rand will be able to channel DarDin' date=' a mixture of the two thought to have only been previously prevalent in Ogier. Elder Haman and Loial will help the children learn to channel this quiet yet raging storm of magic sometimes called DarDin, other times the UnTrue Power.



Please show me a link to this quote, and then I might believe it. But it just seems unlikely that RJ would have this DarDin when the book is all about balance. Also, there are not any stories from the AoL about this, and I am sure that in that age, male and female channelers had children together.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Thom Merrilin

Kadere, I am starting to notice a trend, this is the second time you left a reply and it seems you haven't read the whole message.

Dont worry though, no one cares, we just think its funny,


shhhhhhhhm i didn't almost do the same thing!


and although I think everything been covered, a summary (in basic terms)of the TRUTH is this.


1.Men channel saidin.

2.Women channel saidar.

3.Freaks of the dark one that have been messed with somehow channel the "true" power, (a kind of mix of the two, i think)

4.Genetics increases(make more likely) or decreases(make more UNlikely)the chance of a man channeling saidin or a woman channeling saidar.

5.No darkfriend freaks have had known children.


I think that's quite clear eh? I feel I did a good job :wink:


when I edited this I just fixed a typo


I don't think the recessive/dominate trait holds as true as you want it to. It's not always so cut and dry. You can have what is called incomplete dominance of a trait. My theory is that the homozygous recessives have the spark and the heterozygous people can learn to channel. The persons power in the one power could be determined by other genes (as most traits are determined by multiple genes). Or the soul could have influence on the persons power as well.



Sorry I'm a biologist so when the discussion went to gene theory it sent my brain racing on many theories. I like this one the best.


i am a chemist, but i am in forensics so i have done some molecular biology but my genetic theory is a little, um, vague.

i do however know about incomplete dominance

although, RJ has mentioned that the ability to channel is not only a recessive trait, it is an ability the soul must have to fully manifest. if an exact combination such as this is needed, is it then possible that one or another factors may be missing in those who can be taught...ie, the potential is there, but coaching is needed.


i do however, like your idea, it would also account for the disproportionatly large number of channelers who must be taught as oppsed to those with the spark. hence the phrase "the old blood sings".


haha see I'm at a disadvantage here because I'm new to the series (just finished reading all the published books straight through a few days ago) so I don't know about all the things RJ has said. Guess I'll learn as I go.


Here's an intresting thought, not sure if someone has already had this idea or not. But one will be a boy and one a girl then they would be able to link together and become ubber powerful.

  \ said:
Here's an intresting thought' date=' not sure if someone has already had this idea or not. But one will be a boy and one a girl then they would be able to link together and become ubber powerful.[/quote']


Ew, brothers linking with sisters..gross. :lol: :shock: :)


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