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Aes Sedai and WS


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Just something i've been wondering about, but how would this work in combination with the OP?


Take, for example, a quartestaff. As a physical weapon in the hands of an AS, she could only get a max. WS of 5 with it. But what if she uses a weave of air to move the weapon for her, some twenty feet away from where she's standing? Would she still be tied to that WS 5 despite using the OP to essentially boost her fighting skill?


DISCLAIMER: No, i am not trying to Godmod myself to an ueber powerful character. I'm just being (overly) curious like most Novices ^^;

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Heh, that's okay ^_^


To be honest, i was thinking about what weapon to choose when i remembered that 'bubble of evil' part in one of the books that animated all the weapons in the Rebel AS Village. Since this effect could easily be duplicated by a weave of air, it kind of got me thinking...

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I think that would be influenced by one's skill score.  But I stick to what Suian said in The Great Hunt.  Well, some excepts of it, 'cause it's a dead-long passage.


"I never thought swords were much use - even if you have the skill, child, there are always men who have as much, and a deal more strength - but if you want a sword..." She held up her hand - Egwene gasped, and even Nynavee's eyes bulged - and there was a sword in it.  With blade and hilt of an odd bluish white, it looked somehow... cold.  "Made from the air, child, with Air.  It's as good as most steel blades, better than most, but still not much use."  The sword became a paring knife.  There was no shrinking; it just was one thing, then the other.  "This, now, is useful."  The paring knife turned into mist, and the mist faded away.  The Amyrlin put her empty hand back in her lap.  "But either takes more effort than it is worth.  Better, easier, simply to carry a good knife with you.  You have to learn when to use your ability, as well as how, and when it's better to do things the way any other woman would.  Let a blacksmith make knives for gutting fish.  Use the One Power too often and too freely, and you can come to like it too much.  That way lies danger.  You begin to want more of it, and sooner or later you run the risk of drawing more than you've learned to handle."


*blah blah*


"Useful," she said at last.  "Something useful.  You wanted a sword.  Supposed a man came at me with a sword.  What would I do?  Something useful, you can be sure.  This, I think." 


(blah blah channels Air and pins Nynaeve down)


"Useful, wouldn't you say?  And it is nothing but Air."  The Amyrlin spoke in a conversational tone, as if they were all chatting over tea.  "Big man, with his muscles and his sword, and the sword does him as much good as the hair on his chest."




Anyhoo, you get the idea - you *could* do it, but what's the real point? :)  Besides, if a character were to train up that way and get into a situation where they were unable to channel, they'd be gutted (literally).





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Yeah, like i said there wasn't really a point to me asking the question, and it'd only actually be of use in exceptionally rare circumstances (fighting a gholam or other OP-immune person?), so it's just my love for technicalities popping up again.

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Your weapon skill is a measure how well you are trained.  Despite your skill with the OP you still need to know how to move said weapon.  If you've never trained in a weapon how do you expect that your OP skill will counter a weapon if you don't know how to parry it with out getting hurt?  No matter your OP skills you need some knowledge of weapons to even consider using one.



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I think a lot of people mistake WS for strength. I've always viewed WS as experience. Having a WS of 4 doesn't mean you're necessarily weaker than someone with a WS of 7. It just means you have less experience and knolwedge in how to wield a weapon. You can invest a giant's strength and still you'd lose. So basically, same thing Mat said.


That's my two cents anyhow.




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Do they have Gaidin to protect them?  Don't they train with swords as well?  It is also a good possibility they were fighting men before they knew about having the OP.  Capped at 5 seems logical as I could somewhat see a AS using a knife or something. 

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LOL see this is a huge debate and part of the reason we lost members. Some people believe that no one but the Greens and Reds would use a WS, some believe that no Aes Sedai should as she has the power and except for the reds, have warders. Some people believe that they should be allowed to train higher than 10, their feeling is that, why can't someone who has trained for 200 years in the art of swords or something, be higher ws than someone who joins the Warders and can barely hold a knife. Lots of different takes on the same issue, and it's hard to find a balance for everyone.

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Personally, i just stick to the reasoning that a Warder can afford to spend all day training on sword combat, whereas an AS would be training her OP skills.


In this case, i suppose you could say the OP Skill of an Aes Sedai is her WS of using her weapon of choice, Saidar (or Saidin for Asha'man)


Asha'man have a higher WS cap because they're men, and tomboyish female Warders are hard to find in Randland. Even in the Books, the times they Bonded it was either to an Aes Sedai (which isn't allowed here) or to their own wives, which had no benefit whatsoever save to know how they were doing. One of the Asha'men even confirmed this by saying "A man is supposed to know if his wife's okay" or something along those lines.


Dreadlords... make sense having 10 WS. I mean, what are they going to Bond, a Trolloc?

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