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Red Shawl Flying


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*steps out of a gateway behind Talya*


Oh, no need to remind me.


*Slams a shield in place on Talya*


I may be a Warder in training of at the WT Org, but here, I'm a Storm Leader... and now, you are on MY turf and here I can Channel.  8)


*strings Talya up by her ankles with threads of Air and looks her in the eyes*


Welcome to the Black Tower, sweetness. Enjoy your stay.


*Ties off his weave as he turns and walks away, talking to himself quietly and laughing*


*comes out of the little closet she's rigged up as an office, yawning and stretching*


hmmm my that was a good sleep I had!

Oh, morning, Sis ... *eyes Talya* ... what's the matter?


Did he now ??? hmmmm ... *eyes her Sis* ... he shielded you, didn't he?


Hang on - he's not here ... don't tell me he tied the weave off and left! ... rofl .... silly man  ;D


And probably didn't know that there's a Red in the house, did he ? *rubs hands and grins*


So lets see ... *channels Spirit and feels around Talya with it* ... hmmmm ... he did a really good job, but let's see what I can do ... aha ! *slips the flows in between the knots, loosens them, and unravels*


There ya go !


I'd hide if I was you, btw  ;D


*slips in as Vanion sneaks off, throwing a shield around Elgee and Tal, tying them both up by their ankles with air*



Going somewhere, my sweets?


bugger  :(


Should have followed my own advice, I suppose  ::)


*folds arms and eyes Hero, head cocked*


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