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Logains glory


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heres my theory on this:



Since Taim has baicily broken the Black Tower my theory is that Logain kills Taim and then becomes the M'hael


so any comments on this theory?


I think it's a slam dunk that Logain takes the BT. However it will be interesting to see how it happens. Isn't there a viewing/foretelling that Logain steps over the body of Rand to climb up the black rock at the BT, but then Rand's body crumbles as if it were a fake? I can't figure what that means.


More specifically, I see Rand ordering Logain to fetch the Asha'man for Tarmon Gai'don. He will attend the Black Tower and have to fight Taim and his shadow-souled Asha'man. Some of the pure Asha'man will side with Logain and in the fighting, the Black Tower will be destroyed.


Harbouring heavy losses, Logain will emerge victorious and bring the Asha'man to the battlefield just in time to launch a much needed counter offensive that will turn the tide in the battle.


"gives Leafburner a standing ovation" I agree compeletely with that theory plus it would make the last battle more entertaining with the forces of light slowly losing then the Asha'man come.


Logain will have more glory than any man has ever dreamed.


I think Logain will take the glory for defeating the Dark One because Rand will be "dead" - he will switch bodies with Moridin and the Rand body will be killed.

he will switch bodies with Moridin and the Rand body will be killed.
Huh? Rand goes into Moridin's body? I'm totally lost now. Is that just wild speculation on your part, or is there something in the books that actually hints at such a thing?
  \ said:
he will switch bodies with Moridin and the Rand body will be killed.
Huh? Rand goes into Moridin's body? I'm totally lost now. Is that just wild speculation on your part' date=' or is there something in the books that actually hints at such a thing?[/quote']


It is a much disputed prediction here on these internet forums having to do with the balefire crossing incident.


the whole theory of Ranidin or Mory al' thor (about how the switch bodies) would have its advantages but i hope that it nevers tathe most likely.




Perhaps, Logain fights Taim and is getting ruined when rand pops-up and balefires taim. Logain (eager for his glory) battles RAND for control of the tower and somehow succeeds in knocking him unconcious.sounds nigh impossible does'nt it?


Perhaps, Logain, places an illusion around Taim's body to make it look like rand and thus amplify Logain as a powerful asha'man. He who defeated the Dragon.?


I think Logain is no dummy. He understands Rand is the key to defeating the Dark One. He's no darkfriend either so he wants Rand to win. For this I reason I think he is loyal to Rand.


I like the idea of someone disguising the dead Taim as Rand. That could be used in a lot of ways. Rand has been rumored dead many times but he could gain time if the Shadow thought he actually was dead because witnesses actually saw the body.


Maybe Logain takes over the Asha'man and everyone believes Rand is dead. Logain leads the charge against the new dreadlords and the Dark One's army and wins. Rand goes to fight the Dark One at the same time. Of course he wins. Dead or alive the world will only know that Logain fought the battle against shadowspawn and won. So Logain gains glory untold.


News of Rand's death would be a major blow to the forces of light. Even if he were alive, and the rest of the world thought him dead, morale would plummet and armies might fall apart. Not a good thing to have happen right before Tarmon Gaidon.


Remember how Cadsuane mentioned it takes a man linked with two women to use Callandor successfully? One woman to guide the flows, the other to control the weaves (or something similar - please fill me in if you know specifically what the rules were, I don't have my books at work.)


In KOD we learn that Logain has two Aes Sedai warders. I think he will wield Callandor at Tarmon Gaidon.


wouldnt the DO know the instant rand died!?!?

so we plunge the forces of the Light into despair while fooling nobody on the darkside.

just doesnt make any sense to me....

  \ said:
Remember how Cadsuane mentioned it takes a man linked with two women to use Callandor successfully? One woman to guide the flows' date=' the other to control the weaves (or something similar - please fill me in if you know specifically what the rules were, I don't have my books at work.)


In KOD we learn that Logain has two Aes Sedai warders. I think he will wield Callandor at Tarmon Gaidon.[/quote']

The reason men needed to link to use Callandor is because Callandor had an inbuilt error that it magnified the taint. No more taint means no more worry about needing to link to use it.




Where did you get that. All I recall that Cadsuane mentions is that Callandor was built without a buffer to prevent drawing too much saidin.


The danger is burnout, not the taint.


No, the Taint was a problem with Callandor, but the lack of a buffer was also one. Without the Taint a man using Callandor wouldn't suffer Rand's craziness when he tried to use it, but they would still be at danger of overusing the power.


wouldnt the DO know the instant rand died!?!?

so we plunge the forces of the Light into despair while fooling nobody on the darkside.

just doesnt make any sense to me....


We have evidence that the DO isn't connected that strongly with Rand. If he died it's likely the DO wouldn't know one way or another. Specifically the fact that the Shadow didn't know which between Rand, Perrin and Mat was the Dragon in the early books, and Graendals comments. In anycase the theories about rand's death has to do with it occuring at the very end of the battles. In which case rand will likely like the annonimity better. It won't be a ploy in the fighting of the last battle.


There wasn't any "craziness" when Rand used Callandor. Just a very normal feeling of godlike power. A highly normal reaction to having so much Power at his fingertips.


In a sense, Rand is like a chocoholic. If you keep the fudge out of sight, you're less likely to binge on it. So, he avoids Callandor as much as possible. He doesn't go "mad" when using it, he just becomes overly euphoric, thus lacking in normal critical discrimination.


Maybe drugs is a better analogy. He's afraid that if he uses Callandor repeatedly he'll become addicted to how he feels while wielding that much Power. That grandiose euphoria is not the taint at work, it's just normal human nature.


I think Egwnes paper puppet dream already happened. Taim was issueing a lot of orders saying it was what Rand told him to do, like bonding the Aes Sedai attackers, they could have just been captured and maybe sent back.


but when Logain and Rand met face to face for the first time Logain learned that Rand hadn't been giving these orders. So he returned to the BT with a letter from Rand. As far as the Dragonsworn, Aiel, and Asha'man are concerned Logain is the real head of the BT, behind Rand of course, but nobody else knows this so that was why Taim could make that deal with the Red Ajah. The reds didn't know they were talking to the wrong person.



the DO's realm is death, if rand were to die, it stands to reason the DO would know.

also, as early as halfway through the EoTW, baalzamon could distinguish between the boys from their dreams, even if he didnt know which one was which. mat identified himself by picking up his figurine, and perrin has been identified by his connection to the wolves. that only leaves one.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest cwestervelt
  \ said:
There wasn't any "craziness" when Rand used Callandor. Just a very normal feeling of godlike power. A highly normal reaction to having so much Power at his fingertips.


In a sense' date=' Rand is like a chocoholic. If you keep the fudge out of sight, you're less likely to binge on it. So, he avoids Callandor as much as possible. He doesn't go "mad" when using it, he just becomes overly euphoric, thus lacking in normal critical discrimination.


Maybe drugs is a better analogy. He's afraid that if he uses Callandor repeatedly he'll become addicted to how he feels while wielding that much Power. That grandiose euphoria is not the taint at work, it's just normal human nature.[/quote']


He does not stop using Callandor because he is is afraid he will become adicted to that much of the Power. He stops using Callandor because he found out that he can't do so safely, and that he has already lost control twice without realizing it.


When Rand attempted to heal the dead girl, and when he started blasting his own army to pieces, the god-like euphoria he was experiencing was a result of the Taint being magified by the lack of buffer. This side effect of the missing buffer is clearly stated right in the books.


The Path of Daggers Chapter 27, "The Bargain" Page 539


"I do hope you haven't tried to use Callandor," she [Cadsuane] said complacently behind him. "I have heard it's vanished from the Stone. You managed to escape once, but you might not twice."


He [Rand] stopped short, looking over his shoulder. The woman was pushing that bloody needle through the cloth stretched on her hoop! The wind gusted, swirling snow around her, and she did not even lift her head. "What do you mean, escape?"


"What?" She did not look up. "Oh. Very few even in the Tower knew what Callandor is before you drew it, but there are surprising things hidden in musty corners of the Tower Library. I went rummaging some years ago, when I first had the suspicion you might be suckling at your mother's breast. Just before I decided to go back into retirement. Babes are messy things, and I could not see how to find you before you stopped dripping at one end or the other."


"What do you mean?" he demanded roughly.


Cadsuane looked up then, and with her hair flung about and snow settling on her dress, she looked a queen. "I told you I cannot abide incivility. If you ask for my help again, I expect you to ask politely. And I will expect an apology for your behavior today!"


"What do you mean about Callandor?"


"It is flawed," she replied curtly, "lacking the buffer that makes other sa'angreal safe to use. And it apparently magnifies the taint, inducing wildness of the mind. So long as a man is using it, anyway. The only safe way for you to use The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the only way to use it without the risk of killing yourself, or trying to do the Light alone knows what insanity, is linked with two women, and one of them guiding the flows."


Trying not to hunch his shoulders, he strode away from her. So it had been not just the wildness of Saidin around Ebou Dar that had killed Adley. He had murdered the man the moment he sent Narishma for the thing.


Cadsuane's voice persued him. "Remember, boy. You must ask very nicely, and apologize. I might even agree, if your apology sounds truly sincere.


Rand barely heard her. He had hoped to use Callandor again, hoped it would be strong enough. Now only one chance remained, and it terrified him. He seemed to hear another woman's voice, a dead woman's voice. You could challenge the Creator.


the DO's realm is death' date=' if rand were to die, it stands to reason the DO would know.

also, as early as halfway through the EoTW, baalzamon could distinguish between the boys from their dreams, even if he didnt know which one was which. mat identified himself by picking up his figurine, and perrin has been identified by his connection to the wolves. that only leaves one.[/quote']


Good point about the death thing. However, concider this, Rand is very probably a bound soul, and by all indication the Dark One has no control or power over the souls bound to the wheel. As for the rest... that just proves the fact that the Dark One could not detect Rand specifically--i.e. there is not special connections between Rand and the Dark One.

Guest Majsju

Good point about the death thing. However' date=' concider this, Rand is very probably a bound soul, and by all indication the Dark One has no control or power over the souls bound to the wheel. As for the rest... that just proves the fact that the Dark One could not detect Rand specifically--i.e. there is not special connections between Rand and the Dark One.[/quote']


Which could be the reason why the DO wants Rand turned, not killed. Perhaps turning Rand would compromise his soul so that the DO could seize control over it, and thus ending that conflict forever. While if Rand just dies, he will come back again and again and again...


That has the ring of truth to it. And ishamael would likely understand that which is why he tried so hard to turn him. My guess is that if Rand ever does turn the dark One will destroy him out of hand. Everyone elses worries of Rand becoming nae'blis are silly... why would the Dark One bother. Especially given the pain Rand's soul has caused him throughout the centuries.


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