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Murderer's Game--GAME THREAD


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WHy'shh... WHyyy'sss yoush votin' for me!? :(


I'm jushht a poooooor Demigod... Out to... to.... cow...




I vote fooooor.... THEEEEEEEEECLIPSE! *hic*


To those who are voting for TheMasterDude... a few things:


1. You never attempt to lynch a healer claim.

2. You never attempt to lynch a healer claim.

3. You never attempt to lynch a healer claim.

4. Anyone who needs me to repeat that again is too stupid to play mafia and needs to vote for themselves RIGHT NOW. They should also go die in a fire.


Only after disaster can we be resurrected.


Until there is a counter-claim, you do NOT risk killing your healer. Ever. The healer is the only thing that stands between the Mafia and a Night Kill. The healer is the only player that can keep your cop alive once they reveal, and you want your cop to survive as long as is humanly possible, as once they reveal, they tend to be your biggest asset.


Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya?


Cause I don't care how lucky you feel. Never Ever lynch the healer claim. Particularly if its the only healer claim.


As for TMD, his claiming so early was incredibly stupid, but probably a case of he panicked at the sight of votes by his name.


But he's trying so hard to prove his innocence!


ZOMG!!! a penny!!! *runs and picks it up, worshipping it in all it's shiny glory*


huh? oh, uhhh... I mean, he just randomly bursts out that he is the Asha'man and who he protected, but you could really pick any name at random like that


*gasps!* BIRD! *chases bird*


so he just gave away his position to the murder(s) by saying that. No true Asha'man would risk announcing that unless - he is a murder! DUN DUN DUN!!!




ooooohhhh... shiny, bright, glowy letters! *is mesmerized*


Holy Shnike's I'm so confused...


I [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] again and re-vote for [glow=red,2,300]TMD[/glow].


I think Desi has the right of it.



*Shakes head*

*Points at the rules, noting that Asha'man is Protector in this game, Healer is the dude that brings someone back to life*

*Stares at Eclipse and Des*

*Smacks hand on chest, signifying that they are retarded*

*Holds vote*



TMD: 3(Eclipse, Ed, Des)

Demi: 3(TMD, Tharen, Tayol)

Tharengore: 1(Barm)

Eclipse: 1(Demi)

I don't want to modkill every day...can you all agree on a victim by say...30 hours or so from now?

(Approximately 4 on Tuesday EST)


Not voting: Twitch


Alrighty, seems like I need to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] again to get somewhere.  I'm voting for [glow=red,2,300]Demi[/glow], final answer.


I know the Asha'man is guardian, but I also know that if I were the Ahsa'man, I wouldn't give away my position to the murderer(s)


oooo, a cloud! it's so fluffy! *squees*


huh? oh... well, it seems things aren't moving very fast


ZOMG! that dragonfly is! *chases it*


I think I will still keep my vote for TMD a little while longer


Ugh, we have a tie again, I guess the only way for me to break it is to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] yet again and vote once more for [glow=red,2,300]TMD[/glow].


*chit chats iwth a squirrel*


yay! not a tie! *hates ties*


*takes the tie from around her neck and throws it away*




oh, we're tlaking about the murderer game aren't we? I hold my vote


Alright, so sorry I'm late, FINAL VOTE COUNT AT THIS TIME:

TMD: 4(Eclipse, Ed, Des, Demi)

Demi: 4(TMD, Tharen, Tayol, Twitch)

Tharengore: 1(Barm)


I can't modkill off of a tie

10 hours max

(happens to be when I check it in the morning)


*Shakes head*

*Looks at who is voting for TMD*

*Notes with his fingers*

*Eclipse, never played mafia before*

*Ed, never played mafia before*

*Des, has played BT mafia, not real mafia*

*Demi, trying to save himself*




I do not think Demi is evil, so I won't vote for him, and I won't vote for TMD based on the criteria I pointed out earlier. My vote stays.


I don't think he is, either.


*pokes Barmy's top hat* so dark! *giggles*


but then again, for the sake of getting rid of hte tie I might as well do something about this


I [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] for TMD and vote for [glow=green,2,300]Demi[/glow]


*stares at the glowy letter in awe*


Sorry, dear. *hugs*


I don't think he's evil either, time to [glow=red,2,300]unvote[/glow] and change it to [glow=red,2,300]Tharengore[/glow].  Barmy had it right I think now.


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