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1,2...Fready's Coming for You... again!


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This could be good... or VERY bad!  Why not leave the first one alone and start like you are making a sequal... except less corny.


Platinum Dunes, the company behind the "Amityville Horror" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remakes, are planning to bring back the two biggest icons of 80's cinematic horror.


As previously announced, producers Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form have been working on a re-launch of the "Friday the 13th" franchise for New Line. Shooting on that project begins this April with Marcus Nispel ("Pathfinder") directing.


Now, New Line has also hired the trio to re-launch the cornerstone franchise that established the mini-major - "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Both series will be given a "complete overhaul" according to the trades.


New Line won't hire a writer on "Nightmare" until the writers strike ends. The original Wes Craven-directed 1984 original centered on Freddy Krueger, a serial child killer murdered by angry parents who returns with a burned face and razor glove to terrorize teens in their dreams.


Friday's Jason Voorhees and Elm Street's Krueger last appeared in 2002's successful but generally panned "Freddy vs. Jason". Scribes Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, who penned that film, are writing the new 'Friday'.


Platinum Dunes is still on course to remake "Near Dark" for Rogue Pictures and "The Birds" for Universal Pictures.

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Perhaps jason will be less of a supernatural demon, and more of back to its origins, aka, Jason orginally was his mother, the 2nd one 'jason' came back from the dead (miracoulously aged 20 years after he died at the age of 6!!) and killed people, which makes no sense. ;)


Now freddy, unless they go do a 'prequil' as to how he was 'made' (which was done to death in the orginal), its going to fail.

And if its not the orginal freddy, it'll fail. Cause no one, except the orginal freddy, can do a freddy.

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Freddy fell by the way side with the advents of cocaine, caffeine and lunesta.  ;)


I'm not impressed but I generally love horror films so I will be compelled to see it at some point.  And yeah they'll have to do some kind of back story, but either way it'll be iffy.


Robert England was/is a genius.

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  • Community Administrator

Well you mean Robert England.... and I would agree...


But I know a person that would be perfect for it...


Ben Foster



Its Robert Englund. ;) (I was checking his name up to do a photo comparison)

Ben Foster, may be able to pull a young - Freddy, but the question is, can he still pull off the classic Freddy Insanity?

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Robert Englund feels he is too old to reprise the role of Freddy. He would enjoy making a cameo appearance, however.




Here's a Surprise: Robert Englund Turns Down a Job




This almost sounds like the setup to a bad joke, and in a way, I guess, it is: So Robert Englund was in Rome recently scouting locations for his new directorial opus, The Vij...


Ready for the punchline: He won't play Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake.


The actor best known...OK, the actor known exclusively for playing Freddy Krueger told the Italian horror site Bad Taste that, while he'd like to make a cameo ("It would be a lot of fun. I'm a great fan of (producer) Michael Bay..."), he considers himself too old for the project.


I believe we've gone on record before on this subject. Here's our take: Make the Nightmare prequel with Englund as Krueger before the townspeople burn him alive. That is the one true option for the franchise at this point.


As for a remake of the original, it's hard to deny that the cheese on the 1984 classic has grown some mold. In fact, at the 2006 International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival in Tempe, Arizona, I hosted a Q & A with Heather Langenkamp from the original film, and she couldn't avoid laughing at some of the campier elements of the movie, from the synth score to some of Freddy's "effects." So a remake has its place. But the prequel is a lot more necessary to the franchise and frankly to genre audiences at this point.


The only redeeming part of the Rob Zombie Halloween was the backstory we had never had, and I think you can create an even more sinister Krueger by giving him a human form. The prequel lets you do that and you can get away from the clowning villain he became by the third movie.

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