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Now the Thread for Late Appreciation of Squirrels!!


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Well, back when I was rising through the ranks of the White Tower many, many years ago (when the site was mainly RP, blah blah), one of my novice/Accepted friends had a pet squirrel.  I started calling him Slappy McNutty.  He eventually went on to mate and have baby squirrels in which I was given one. 


True story.



Just thought I'd share in the squirrel love...



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In honor of the Squirrel, may I submit my favorite squirrel picture? This fellow visited my bird feeder last spring and summer. I figured with the effort he put forth, he deserved his birdseed!



Also, could someone tell me what photobucket is, and how does it work?

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Also, could someone tell me what photobucket is, and how does it work?


http://photobucket.com/ go there and make an account! you can add pics from your comp or random places on the internet! very clever *nods*


and when you wanna post a picture from your bucket you just press the symbol just above the  ;) and  :D smiley, and shove the link between the two codethingys *nodnod* this is the codes[*/img] (without the *)


I love squirrels too! *nods*

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Hey Shendare!!  good to see you!!  *lol and pokes* 


Mmeesh my dear..I am sooo sorry I missed Squirrel appreciation day!!  It wasn't on my list of Holidays!!!


...and actually though...I am not a squirrel appreciator!!  LOL  little buggers invaded my yard, steal all my nuts and annoy my dogs!!!  In actual fact they are a nuisance here and a problem!  There have been several rabid ones found..and the population is so big..they are a problem destroying wires for the phone and cable!


Pecan tree's are very numerous around here..and they tend to ruin the nuts!  i wouldn't mind if they ate some and stored them..but they also rip them from the trees and diminish the crops a lot!


My father in law calls them furry tailed rats..which, sorry to say, they are!


But I must also say...they can be really cute and fun to watch playing and chasing each other up and down the trees! ;D

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*smiles and gives mmeesh a huggle*


i know hon!  ;)  That's why I don't get to upset about them...and always yell  "DOG" really loud when my labs head out the door and they are in the yard!  LOL  Over the years it's become a code they understand...dog and squirrel!!  And it works too!  In 13 years..they have never caught a squirrel!!!

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LOL  well I must admit mine is really selfish motivation...there is absolutly no way I want them to bring me a dead little animal!!!  Especially since my hubby is usually not here..and I would have to deal with it!  Blech!!!


I don't do small and little creatures...*shudders*

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Well, my previous Lab (Lived to be 16) used to have free run in the woods that permeated my old neighborhood.  Her and her daughter would bring me all manner of dead animals.  I swear one time they brought me a groundhog that wasn't quite dead.  Also a racoon, several birds, squirrels, and other small woodland creatures.  :o

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well that is thier nature...labs are hunters!!  LOL


Actually Svarta, my 13 year old was the pup of a National Champion Sire and Dame.  Both of them two time winners.  He should have been trained..he was a natural in temperment and skill..but we didn't hunt him..just adored him!


Now sven..*sighs*  his parents were both hunters as well..but he is to hyper!  He would have done well doing the ohh..what's it called..where they go through obstacle courses!  Although..he has a very soft  mouth for being such a rowdy dog!

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