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America... are you ready to vote?

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This link not only has most of the issue of change at hand, but has all your current Candidates.


Click this link below and choose your issues on a level of importance, and support or not support. You do not need to even say who you are voting for. This generator calculates the best candidate for your choices. I was a bit surprised to see who it was I had gotten. *lol*





Well, I may not be American but I am sooooooooo excited to see what happens in this election. And I may check out the site anyway as I would like to know more about the candidates. :)


all of you should know that it's not just about you this election - the whole world is watching and waiting with great anticipation, and hope.


I'm not american but I still took the test!


I ended up with former Ohio representative Dennis Kucinich. I have no idea who that is. lol.. but he's a democrat.


I got Kucinich as well. When I looked him up, he seemed like a decent enough bloke. Unfortunatly, in a nation where Maggie Thatcher would look leftwing, he would never have a chance.


Hey, I got Ron Paul...who is exactly who I would've voted for if I was old enough.  I'm not gonna be 18 till 2009......  But my mom supports Ron Paul, and I like what he stands for.  My dad supports Mitt Romney.....


I like this site!


Ya Ron Paul is my choice too, but he is getting largely ignored in the media, it's almost like he isn't running and I think that's seriously hurting his chances.


I got Kucinich as well. When I looked him up, he seemed like a decent enough bloke. Unfortunatly, in a nation where Maggie Thatcher would look leftwing, he would never have a chance.


ah I know. Its a sadness  :-\


I definately agree with Taya. we're all eagerly awaiting the election. I'm crossing my fingers for Obama cause he looks like a decent guy, with an actual chance as well.


Thanks for the link. It was interesting. I got Biden who I actually liked from the beginning. However he was never really taken as serious canidate and so now I'm undecided. Living in Iowa, we were bombarded w/political messages for almost a year and I am glad to see that's passed. Now I'm looking forward to see who gets each party's nomination.


You're welcome, I hope that it sorta helps at least in reading the issues. I ended up with Hiliary. I really am looking at Obama but I am still open to finding out more information about them.


I've heard it said that if you vote for Hiliary you are really voting for Bill Clinton. What do you think of that statement?


My feeling is that she's had it up to her eyeballs with him and she's not about to let him horn in on her 'possible' Presidency. She may love him in her own way... a way many of us may not understand or put up with but, its her life. But I really think she won't let him in the sandbox when its time to play.






I got a 94.94% match with Dennis Kucinich too - must be a cool guy :)


That fair tax thing sounds good!! I like the idea that the really rich people would no longer pay LESS tax than the poor ones, the way they do over here.

Guest Far Dareis Mai

My highest match was Dennis Kucinich as well. My second highest was Hilary. I'm still on the fence though.


Cleo, Obama supporters say so many evil things about Hillary Clinton its almost sickening. 

Furthermore I think its wrong to say that Bill will be rulling if Hillary is President because that isn't democracy.


Ok im not from the us but I have been folling the election race.and no surprises here I got obama,who If I was in the us I whould of voted for.


I like hilary but then again I also liked bill,and to be honest I woulden be supprised if it was her who was actually the driveing force when bill was in power! Just my opinion tho!


Yeah, I can't see Hillary Clinton letting her husband take charge. Not to say she wouldn't use him as a resource but I think she would be calling the shots. LOL not to say though that he wouldn't try. Someone who is used to being in charge often have a hard time playing second string. I think Bill Clinton might have some frustrating years coming up.


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