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Places not seen....... so far

Guest leebarr

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Guest leebarr

There is a few cities and nations in the books that has been talked about but not visted. Will they be in AMOL.


Except for parts of the Blight yet unvisited, most likely not. RJ talked about thinking about placing an event in Shara, but that he might just as well place it somewhere else, which means the location was not important per se. And unless he has very good notes about that, I doubt Brandon would dare to place an event in Shara since he would not know enough about it.


Oh, and obviously we will get to see quite a bit more of Finnland.


I hope we'll see more of the Blight. Then we can ascertain who was more correct - aevogt and others with their tens of millins of fighting Trollocs, or me with the 4 (range 2-8) million fighting Trollocs. Besides I like post-apocalyptic wastelands, they have a visceral appealing to my sense of aesthetics.


I think next book will spend some time at the begining in Arad Domain and its capital whick I do not think we have seen.  Where Rand is sending the Sea folk to feed the starving masses, and the Borderlands following Lan's March.


We might see a short glmpse of the Seafolk landing in bandar Eban, but I doubt anything of importance will happen there. Rand goes to Arad Doman in order toprepare for an attack on the Seanchan if the negotiations with Tuon fails, and the kind of army he has gathered doesn't really fit in a city. And if Tuon agrees to see him in Arad Doman, which is unlikely, it would definitly not be in a city.



We are also likely to see a lot more of the blasted lands and the area surroung the Do's prison, as lann and the others will have to get to TG. And while some may "travel" there the largest portion of the armies that will fight the battle will have to get there the old fashioned way (on foot or horseback).


I'm interested to see what will come of the Ogier meetings, maybe an Elder Haman PoV? (crosses fingers) I hope we get a least one chapter on the stedding debates as to whether they should fight in TG. Loial addressing the stump would be a great scene.


I hope we'll see more of the Blight. Then we can ascertain who was more correct - aevogt and others with their tens of millins of fighting Trollocs, or me with the 4 (range 2-8) million fighting Trollocs. Besides I like post-apocalyptic wastelands, they have a visceral appealing to my sense of aesthetics.



HORDES HORDES, we want hordes of Trollocs.


When it comes to the Blight, while it's always nice with some trollocs running around doing trollocy stuff, I'm more interested in what other nasty critters that miight dwell there.


I'm more interested in what other nasty critters that miight dwell there.


Same here :) those worms and whatever lives in those dreaded "high passes" of the mountains of dhoom need to come out and play.


We should see some of the Borderlands, with Lan travelling through them.

We'll see Shayol Ghul.

We'll get clips in, like, pretty much everywhere, of the armies preparing to go to Tarmon'Gaidon.

However, I don't think we'll see much of the Blight - because if the Last Battle takes place at Shayol Ghul, they'll all Travel there. And Lan's group/any other latecomers to the Battle will get there unexpectedly, and we won't see them on their way there, to add an element of surprise, and in true fantasy fashion to have people riding in when all seems lost, to save the day :P


Yeah, why fight your way through the Blight when you could just Travel to the other side of the Mountains of Dhoom.  Egwene's people make a gateway large enough for an army to march through and they didn't even have men to even out their circles.  Not too close to SG to attract too much attention but close nough that you won't diminish your fighting strength too badly.


I want a description, and a map dammit, of Bandar Eban.  We've got a fairly good idea of what the major cities look like Ebou Dar = Whitewash but not word one about this particular city.  Not surprising since Greandal set up shop in Arad Doman.  There is probably something about the city that would point to her.  People walking around half naked (more so than usual) in the streets and no one commenting because the entire city is under G's hooker influences.

Same here  those worms and whatever lives in those dreaded "high passes" of the mountains of dhoom need to come out and play.


Oh and that of course. It's always fascinating to read about the local flora and fauna.


Yeah, why fight your way through the Blight when you could just Travel to the other side of the Mountains of Dhoom. 

Keep in mind that we (might) learn about gateway blocking in AMoL. (Week 14 question) So it's possible that the forsaken will prevent gateways to Shayol Ghul. 



I doubt Tuon will order the attack on the WT. The order has been given, and as long as she does not say otherwise, it will just be carried out.


And it will take some time before she can meet Rand, reach an agreement, and then go out and spread the new orders to the entire army. She does have a few things to concern herself with first with her own people.


The Rebel army was relatively small by TG standards 10-15 thousand. The TG armies are likely to be in the hundred of thousands range. its going to be a blood bath of Epic proportions. It would be quite impoosible to move that many soldiers close to SG all at once and without being discovered in the middleof the attempt.


The Rebel army numbers 50,000 in total spread between two camps. They got through the gateways with relative ease... and moreover, male/female circles create much larger gateways than single gender circles.


The Rebel army numbers 50,000 in total spread between two camps. They got through the gateways with relative ease... and moreover, male/female circles create much larger gateways than single gender circles.


Do you have a quote where there numbers are given at the time of their arrival in the White Tower.  It should also be noted that the reason they were transported so closely to Tar Valon was their understanding that tthe The Tower A.S. would hesitate in attacking a Rebel army at the beginning wanting to end the rebellion without the use of much greater bloodshed. The DO's forces would not be under any such constraints.


Yes, Gawyn cites the numbers of the two camps on each side of the river, with one being at 25,000 and the other 'equaling it'.


To quote:


At least twenty-five thousand soldiers on this side of the River Erinin and, he had to believe, as many on the west bank.  They had to be supporting the Aes Sedai whom Elaida called rebels.  Who else would dare besiege Tar Valon itself?  The way that army had appeared, though, seeming to materialize out of nowhere in the middle of a snowstorm, was enoug hto raise prickles on his back still.


Gawyn's POV, CoT Prologue


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