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Who were the Aes Sedai at the meeting with the man called Bors?


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Does anyone know for sure who they were?


If so, do you know what their instructions were?


Perhaps one or both of them were told to steal the terangreals from the white tower (or that could have been Messana's doing)?  Force Masrim Taim to serve the shadow?  What did Ishy tell those women to do?  I recognized some of what he told Bors to do (in later books).  What happened in later books that resulted from the orders given to the Aes Sedai at that meeting?  Must have been pretty high ranking Black Ajah to be at that meeting, right?  Galina?  I used to wonder if one was Moraine because she was "away" from Fal Dara at the same time as Lord Ingtar was on an extended "hunting trip" that I assumed made him the nervous Shienarian at the meeting but I think the Moraine thought was disposed of in another thread a long time ago.


So, if you do know for sure please let me know.  Thanks.

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I think the two aes sedai were Liandrin, and Alviarin.  No proof just a theory.  I think Liandrin was told to get Egwene, Nyneave, and Elayne out of the tower to be handed over to the Seanchan, and then take 12 other black sisters out of the tower with dream ter'angreal.  I think Alviarin was told to remain in the tower and watch for opportunities....

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Yes one of them is definetly Liandrin, (Liandrin calls him Bors later) and I too always assumed that the other was Alviarin. If not her, Galina would be my next guess. If the other is not one of them I have no clue then. :) Seems like it would have to be a high ranking black for sure.

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Yup...Lelaine, Leane, Sheriam...who knows?  ;)

Hey, welcome back, Grandpa G! Did you get Internet at home?


Thanks, GB!


I've had the Internet at home all along...it's just miserable to use.  I really got spoiled using the system at work.  What took me seconds there takes a lot longer (seems like minutes) here.  Where I used to surf casually without a care, I now have to think about how long something will take to download before I do anything.  Kind of like riding a bicycle compared to riding a motorcycle?  So, now I will probably be even more long-winded than I was before on each post to avoid reposting. >:(

But, it is good to "hear" from you all again.  I'm afraid I got addicted to Dragonmount before.  I'll have to exercise more control.  Maybe the slower equipment will help?  Still working on the wife to get her to buy herself a hot new machine that I can run a faster internet on so she can process her photographs quicker. ;D


As far as the replies to this post goes (here I go again...saving posts):


I was leaning toward Liandrin but thought she might not be high enough in the Black Ajah to be a significant player.  She ends up being important to the story line in Falme and later with the foresaken woman (Moghedian?).  I also have something in the back of my mind about Galina after Dumai Wells but haven't dug back to find it.  With Alviarin being so high up the ladder of the Black Ajah, she would be a likely choice, too.  Personally, I wouldn't rule out Gentle Ben's candidates.  Or any of the sisters who have been exposed as being Black Ajah.  Truth is, I don't know for sure who was at the meeting and I'm real curious about what they were told to do during their personal encounter with who I assume was Ishy (theatrics match his style with the boys' dreams with fire in the eyes and mouth).  Just starting my fifth re-read of The Great Hunt...each time through presents new questions...Dragonmount provides alot of answers to those questions.  Thank you one and all.  Happy Holidays!

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lol None of my "candidates" have been exposed as Black Ajah;. I was just being a bit ornery. They are all quite possibly Black, though. I personally believe that Lelaine is, but I don't have anything to back it up except a hunch. Well, that and the fact that it fits with her personality. I had not considered Leane as a DF until I read some recent threads here. Now, I kind of like the idea, except I'm troubled by the fact that Alviarin was present at her stilling. I can't really see her allowing that, but meh...

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It cropped up (for me, at least) recently in a couple of threads. Here's one that I found. I saw it discussed in another one too, in a little more detail, but I couldn't find that one, as it was probably a situation where the conversation wandered off-topic. I am not championing the theory, mind you, I just thought it was interesting, but like I said, this is only one snippet of it.  :-\



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If everyone who at some point behaved a bit odd was a darkfriend, the DO would win TG on walk over...


I agree.


The possibility that any character could turn out to be a darkfriend adds to the story.  Until the book tells me that a character is definitely a darkfriend, I suspect all of them rather than trust all of them.  That way I'm not so shocked by the revelation.  For example, I was quite comfortable with Dashiva talking to himself and acting peculiar.  I was totally caught off balance to learn that he was one of the "Gar" forsaken.  Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me.  I'm leary of taking any of the characters for granted as being non-darkfriend.  Yes, even Min and Moraine.  Go ahead.  Punch me some more for thinking outside the box.  I've had chastizement before for suspecting those two...and Siuan Sanche.  The one that will really break my heart to learn that he works for the devil is Lan.  :(

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