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DMPSW WT Usergroup Signup & Updates

Guest Arie Ronshor

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  • 6 months later...

First you need to make a bio and have it approved. Once that is done, you're an official member and get added to this usergroup  :D


You can find quite a bit of information at this sticky I just made: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,51410.0.html


If you have any further questions, please feel free to post them there  :D

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  • 2 months later...

Ok weird. Could everyone who has been sent the email stating they can now start RPing, but who can't see the childboards, please post here. I'll get you all sorted in one go.


So far:




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No way?? I received an email from Tay AGES ago that you guys were added!


I'll check with Owen, hon, but that might only be tonight - really REALLY sorry about that!

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I've just submitted my quiz and OP breakdown, so hopefully I'll get this next. *bounces*


Sooooooo exciting!


Also, I've found my roomate and pillow friend. THE WHITE TOWER WILL NEVER GET CLEAN SHEETS AGAIN!!



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Yah, as of this moment, I still can't see the child boards and stuff, and I am saddened.


More so by the fact that I've been around longer and still don't have a pillow friend OR a roommate, and I can't see the boards... no one loves me!! :(

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Awww... I love you!! We can still RP together! I'm planning on at least causing some mayhem while I'm a Novice. Possibly setting someone's hair on fire... accidentally. Yes. Accidents DO happen you know.


Also, I think we may adopt a pet snake when my roomie and I are Accepted. *bounces* It'll come in handy when we're pillow friending.



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Annoucement with some child board.. and then a WT board with the secret whisper child board.


And I sorry Elgee, I didn't mean to.. the wayward person made me do it, I swears!


Should I be able to see any more boards than those?

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*pouts and blinks prettily at Elgee Sedai* I ith wanthing thweeetie...


Alstho, I can thee all kindth of boardth. Ith that good? I pwomithe to be as pwettty as pothible. Alstho, I pwomise to be good. Unleth you want to thpank me. I'm good for thpanking. *bounces*

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Yay problem sorted! Those are the ones you should see, yes  :D


*Eyes Boopsie sternly* ... you can haz a sweetie, if you remind me later to put up a new thread instead of this one. *nods*


*gives Pookie and Knytiri sweeties*

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