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Welcome Jelly!


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So Jelly saw that the cool people all seemed to be members of the Seanchan org.


Jelly wanted to be cool.


Jelly diagrammed it all out and connected this org with a great level of coolness.


Jelly also saw that the Org Leader is going slowly insane and saw opportunity.


Welcome Jelly to the Seanchan Org. 


Like other orgs, we have a new mentor program.... well.... sort of. 


Here is how it works.  Choose someone that is an active member of the org.


Stalk them around the boards. 


Ok it is more of a stalker program than a mentor program. 

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*waggles his bear trap ridden leg* 

Not always the nice kind of traps either. 


Spyro the Dragon?  Sure do, but I haven't played any but the first. 


Here's a trick question then...  You live in a parallel universe where Lost, Chuck, Big Bang Theory, and  are all on at the same time, which do you watch?

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I forgot the fourth one, it was supposed to be the good show that airs against lost IRL.  The real answer was to watch lost, tivo chuck, and download the Big Bang Theory through marketplace(as a legal alternative to torrenting it).  ;D


Lost was the second choice, so Jelly's in the clear. ;) 

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