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The two prequals


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Now that we know who is writing A memory of Light I am wondering about the two prequals.  We know RJ left extensive notes about A memory of light, but what about the two prequals.  I'm sure he had some notes on the prequals but would they be extensive enough for Brandon Sanderson to complete them.  I don't think signing Brandon on right now would be a good idea, I think we should take this one step at a time and see how he handles AMOL (I'm confident he will do fine).  Do you think the two other prequals should be finished?


to my knowledge, we have heard no indication that there are any extensive notes on the prequels, so if that is the case, then IMO I say no....not by Brandon or anyone else.


call me selfish, but unless there's a detailed plot summary with descriptive outlines tucked away hidden somewhere, I dont want anyone else to try and come up with the backdrop for this story. I feel that unless its coming straight from RJ that it will ultimately take away from the entire WoT series. Especially since these stories will be the foundation upon which everything was built leading up to birth and discovery of RA and Co.




Please see quote by BS, kindly responding to my querry as to possibility of other books after AMOL (on a forum in BS' webpage)


First, will I do more WoT books?  I don't know, honestly. On one hand, I would hate to see writings of me Jordan go unfinished, and I now know what the prequels and outriggers would have contained.


On the other hand, I don't think any of us want to simply exploit the master's legacy.  We don't need dozens of books being released in Mr. Jordan's name.


Let's see where we are in two years. There are too many factors involved to give a good guess now. It will depend on the state of the notes, the fan reception to book 12, and how Harriet feels.




Enough Said.


I do think there is a possibility of seeing some 4th age books, either by Brandon or another author. Maybe something about Mat and Tuon fixing the mess made by Semirhage.


Personally id not be interested in reading other Wheel books no matter the talent of the writer. aMoL will be guided by RJ's vision, in which case the talent of the writer definately makes it plausible, but any other books... they'd be the complete invention of whoever wrote them, and i dont care how talented or dedicated they are, thats pure plagarism.


Luckers I don't want any books that don't have the beggining middle and ending plotted out by RJ.  I in no way want any WOT books that are using material completely invented by a new author.  I was only suggesting that if their are notes that clearly detail what RJ wanted to happen in the two prequals or the outrigger novels I would like to see them finished.  I don't want anyone to just write what they think would happen.  If there are insufficient notes I don't want to see them published.


RJ gave his expressed permission for another arthor, who met the aproval of Harriet and Tom, to finish AMoL.  As far as we know he said nothing about the prequels or out-triggers.  Its impossible to know how RJ would feel about it, but I rather like Sanderson's attitiute toward this subject as expressed in the quote above so I guess I might be comfortable with him taking a shot at them.  However, under no circumstance should a third arthor be brought into the WOT franchise; its Sanderson or no one.  I would really hate the see the WOT brand get whored out the way Star Wars has been, and if they start bringing in a new writer every time one of RJ's stories need to be completed it will set a dangerous president and might just oven the door for that to happen. I know that RJ definitly would not be cool with that.  So whatever the case the WOT saga needs to end with Sanderson.


I've read somewhere (I've no idea where) that both prequels and all three sequals are documented as well (though not as good as AMoL). I wouldn't mind reading them if that's the case.


Nor the ENCYCLOPAEDIA (Harriet ?)


I've read somewhere (I've no idea where) that both prequels and all three sequals are documented as well (though not as good as AMoL). I wouldn't mind reading them if that's the case.


Nor the ENCYCLOPAEDIA (Harriet ?)


ive heard nothing of this, and i thought ive stayed on top of every scrap of news out there. if you can provide a link to this conversation, i'd appreciate it. thanks!


No, RJ never started developing the prequels in that sort of detail. He was going to begin it, but following the lacklustre response to the novelisation of New Spring he set it aside and wasn't even sure he'd go back to them. The Outrigger novels weren't even that fully realised.


it was sanderson that said it:


Okay, let's see if this phone will let me post here. I'm in the airport having just spent two days at Harriet's house. She, and mr. Jordan's staff, are awesome. It was wonderful. I will yet to do a longer description on my blog.


Two questions to answer. First, will I do more WoT books?  I don't know, honestly. On one hand, I would hate to see writings of me Jordan go unfinished, and I now know what the prequels and outriggers would have contained.


On the other hand, I don't think any of us want to simply exploit the master's legacy.  We don't need dozens of books being released in Mr. Jordan's name.


Let's see where we are in two years. There are too many factors involved to give a good guess now. It will depend on the state of the notes, the fan reception to book 12, and how Harriet feels.


(from the above-mentioned link)




Since Mr. Rigney left notes about prequels and "things to come", I would think it could be possible for someone to write more books in the WoT universe. But only with Harriet as editor, and with vetoright, of course. After all RJ himself wrote in the Conan universe (and possibly without notes or editor help from Howard).


We would have to wait and see until after AMoL, I think. That would certainly be for the best.


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