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So I guess it will definitly be "A Memory of Light."

Leopoled Boothe

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This is just a random thought but do you remember how RJ always said that "A Memory of Light" was a working title for book 12?  Given all that has happend in the past year concerning the fate of the final book I suposed it would now be inappropriate to call it anything other than AMoL.  I mean, that is the title by which everone has come to know the final book.  Still I can't help but wonder if RJ had completed it if it would have ended up with a differnt title.


I remember him saying it was a working title at one point, but for some reason I thought it had been finalized already. He gave us the title for KoD early and it stayed that way. Regardless, I think aMoL is a great title. It seems like one of those multi-meanings titles too.


Light is a common metaphor for GOOD, HOPE, and GOD.  Because of that metaphor... I always think of it as meaning A Memory of Good/Hope/God (like good/hope/God is gone)... which could be bad... because I want a happy ending.  However, that is always how I first perceive the title (even though I do not like it).


I'm still having trouble figuring out what the flaming Knife of Dreams was. The title suggests Slayer, but I don't think Slayer had an important role, if any, in that book.


In short, until somebody enlightens me as to the meaning of "Knife of Dreams", "A Memory of Light" might be nothing more than an obscure reference to some poem.


"Knife of Dreams" comes from the quote found at the beginning of the book, just after the table of contents, from Fog and Steel by Madoc Comadrin.  Quoth he:


The sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat are alike a knife of dreams.


In other words, in war, whether you win or lose, its still hell.  The Light had some victories in the course of Knife of Dreams ... both Mat and Perrin won important victories, Rand captured Semirhage, Elayne got her throne ... but I don't think any of them will be remembering those days fondly ... they got alot of people killed on both sides.


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