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Reactions to the negotiations with the Black Tower


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Choosing your Sitters' opinion of how the negotiations with the BT went is a bit whacky as the deal happened ICly before Annais was Raised to the Amyrlin but due to issues with the Watchers outline, it is only RPed out afterwards.


I will outline the main points of the treaty and you can think on what your character would think of it. If your characters is totally upset about the concessions made, she can try to make things difficult for Annais later and she could have demanded alot of feet washing rounds. But because of OOC need, eventually she would have had to stand for Annais as an Amyrlin.


But the outline:


- The Black Tower demands a formal apology which Annais delivered in front of all Asha'man.


(after the apology the Sisters are returned to the Tower but with their Bonds still intact)


- The Black Tower wants that the White Tower acknowledges them fully to the world and thus subtly acknowledges them as another channeling organization equal to the White Tower and as a potential ally.


Now, as for the acknowledgement, Annais does not have the authority to make a decision on that. The Hall would need to ratify that and again we need 11 Sitters to stand for it. 10 can stand against so what would be your Sitter's stance?


(after the Hall decides about the acknowledgement and Raises Annais to Amyrlin Seat, the BTers will come to the WT and release the Bonds on the Sisters. They will stay for few days to allow interactions between WT & BT characters)


So basically what I need your feedback on is this:


- How does your character react to WT having to acknowledge the BT?


- How does your character view the relations of the WT & BT? What should they be like in the future?


- How does the end result of the negotiations affect the Sitter's opinion of Annais who made the deal (remembering that the Hall made the final decision)?

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I have a question:  How would have Annais' competitor for the staff and stole reacted to this?  For or against the will affect opinions of Annais in turn, whether they were both in accord or were diametrically opposed, etc.

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Hmm... likely Kirsta would have been Aes Sedaisly disapproving of the fact that the Tower was given ultimatums but as a Blue she would also understand the realities of politics.


The White Tower cannot afford to loose 10 more Sisters and the only way to make them fully functional is to get them out of the Bond. Also no matter how the Aes Sedai dislike the fact, the Asha'man are not as small and scattered force as the Tower thought so acknowledging them could be seen as a big sister giving a little brother a pat if it is presented in the right way. And as the Amyrlin Kirsta likely would have done exactly so.


What kind of impacts continuation of Tower's imperialistic politics would have had... likely some Sitters would have supported the status quo of Tower's power but more realistic ones would admit that the world has changed around them and chosen an Amyrlin who reflects that.


Those were just my thoughts. How would such opinions affect one way or another?

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Guest nephitess

What do you say Shan....Sada will sit or stand as the HoA directs. But i think Sada would see the logic of the treaty. WIth a treaty...there would be peace and a relation (and a hook) with the BT. THe tower is trying to connect everyone and be ready for the last battle.

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What do you say Shan....Sada will sit or stand as the HoA directs. But i think Sada would see the logic of the treaty. WIth a treaty...there would be peace and a relation (and a hook) with the BT. THe tower is trying to connect everyone and be ready for the last battle.


Heh, Shan was bonded by one of those crazy channelers and that should turn out rather interesting. Shhhh.  She'll probably see the benefit in it and stand with Annie on the proposition, but she'll not be really thrilled with the idea or maybe she will.  It all remains to be seen. Cryptic enough for you?


No really, she'll tell her Sitters to stand for the proposal. 

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Can't actually answer that just yet. :) I will sort out my Reds.. but with Muir gone it's just me and Lily again. :( And lil isn't/doesn't want to be a sitter

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Adrai will be strongly against acquiescing, but she will follow the direction she is given by Mordea and Ismine will follow with her, they will agree to it.  They will, however, not be particularly partial to recognising the Black Tower as an equal.  Recognise it, yes, but not in a way that conveys the Black Tower equal legitimacy.  So, as to the three points:


1: Adrai will disapprove strongly to acknowledging the BT, Ismine will approve, and Mordea will sit in the middle.  All three will be against giving the acknowledgement 'too much' weight.


2: All three will see the need to break with the isolationist policies.  Adrai believes that open force won't prevail in bringing the Black Tower to heel or destroying it, so she would prefer greater contact in order to better control it.  Ismine believes that the Black Tower relations must improve because she see's the Black Tower as a necessary tool of the Dragon's and that co-operation will help even the odds against the Shadow.  Mordea will see value in both of these views and embrace both.


3: Adrai will resent Annais somewhat, because she wasn't able to secure a better outcome, but will see it was necessary.  Ismine will be fairly happy about it, because it marks a clear break in other WT policies such as isolationism, and Mordea will have mixed feelings about it but will support Annais over Kirsta.

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- How does your character react to WT having to acknowledge the BT?

Aramina will be personally against the WT acknowledging the BT, but in the current political realm will understand the need for the WT to do something about them. She would not want to give them equal billing, but would like to make it look more like they were watching over the BT (as the Tower has always done with men who could channel) and give the impression to the world that all of the good things the BT does, are a direct correlation to the influence of the WT.


- How does your character view the relations of the WT & BT? What should they be like in the future?

Control them.  Her views will change on this rather drastically in the weeks following her return from Kandor and her raising to Keeper, but she will always feel that they need to make sure they have the upper hand. 


- How does the end result of the negotiations affect the Sitter's opinion of Annais who made the deal (remembering that the Hall made the final decision)?

Aramina will not be swayed one way or another by one negotiation in a career of so many.  She was in a hard situation and ends up walking out with all their Sisters and that's whats important.  The decree might make her cringe, but it is hardly Annais' fault that the BT was requiring it.


Aramina will want to meet some of the Asha'man when they arrive in the WT though and will want to take stock of the sort of men they are for herself.  Should be interesting... :P

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- How does your character react to WT having to acknowledge the BT?

Jaydena has always been in support of working with the male channelers so she would be supportive of us acknowledging that they exist, I don't know if she would like the formal applogy thing but can't have everything you want.


- How does your character view the relations of the WT & BT? What should they be like in the future?

That they need to be as good as possible, we will be fighting with these men in the last battle and this also allows us to have a pulse into what is going on with them. We need to respect them and them respect us.


- How does the end result of the negotiations affect the Sitter's opinion of Annais who made the deal (remembering that the Hall made the final decision)?

Annais will have earned some respect in Jade's eyes by doing what needed to be done.

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andrea why not offer lily to pick up a nsw only for doing the job ic pretty much


Kareja likely would stand seeing the nesecity to tie closer relations since its been proven they are big enough to stand their ground. And its the only way they can be kept an eye on, + the addition at the last battle helping as there is a dwindeling number of AS

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would, as a character, fully stand behind the apology to the Black Tower and all that razzamatazz.. and then proceed to mock all the idiot children who thought the idea to go there in the first place was a good one, starting with Shan ::grins::


As for acknowledging the Black Tower or working with them... Raeyn would be fairly ambivalent.  She doesn't see much to be learned from the Black Tower, and has no particular interest in studying male channelers.  She would have a preference that any working on studying being done with the male channelers be in an environment controlled by the White Tower for the meantime, or somewhere neutral where everyone feels equally ill at ease.


::goes back to caffeinating::

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I half wonder if it is past the point of 'studying' and it needs to simply be 'work together for the greater good'.



Just a thought I felt the need to throw out there.

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  • 1 month later...

(as you can tell I'm reading posts and 'catching up')


If my thoughts still matter on this one:




- How does your character react to WT having to acknowledge the BT?

"Sure, no problem, acknowledging them is fine... assuming the give us back our flaming sisters and agree not to force to submit/bow, incinerate, bury, or otherwise kill anyone else protected by the Tower anymore.  With that little detail clearly understood... I can stand for that, sure."


- How does your character view the relations of the WT & BT? What should they be like in the future?

"How should we deal with them... well, I say we deal with them like any other powerful political force that has the ability to shape our stone tower like a little ducky and then make it a river of molten ash it if we piss them off.  We bloody-well deal with them carefully and always remember Dumai's Wells.  We don't bow, but we flaming remember that its now on our heads to be the makers of peace."


- How does the end result of the negotiations affect the Sitter's opinion of Annais who made the deal (remembering that the Hall made the final decision)?

Annais is like anyone stuck in the position of mediation... as a woman who understands politics (in her own earthy way), she won't "blame" her for the raw deal we're stuck in.  After all...


"They want us to... what?  Say we're sorry?  I can count on my little fingers not one occasion, such as we committed, but TWO occasions where they've killed and enslaved our Sisters!  I think if anyone needs to be giving ground here, it's that arrogant and clearly deadly young man and his rabid dogs in black!"


However... we (the tower) did make our own bed and Annais is just stuck cleaning up the mess.  She can hardly be blamed for having to give so very much ground when the previous Amyrlin dug our hole so very deep.


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*laughs* Thanks for your reply, Dee. A shame that Annais can't be present yet for the rest of the Hall discussion after her hearing.


Otherwise she would say this:


"always remember Dumai's Wells."


Yes, lets remember Dumai's Well that was caused when WE tried to kidnap the Dragon Reborn. The Black Tower came to free him. We were the villains there, not them.


"They want us to... what?  Say we're sorry?"


Yes and it is perfectly justified after we waltzed into their grounds without a warning like we owned the place. After Dumai's Well, can we really blame them for thinking that we were attacking them? It was bloody unfortunate but when you are defending your home, you don't take any risks. We are lucky that only 3 Sisters got killed.


The apology was already given by me in front of the entire Black Tower and I could give it completely honestly.


"I can count on my little fingers not one occasion, such as we committed, but TWO occasions where they've killed and enslaved our Sisters!  I think if anyone needs to be giving ground here, it's that arrogant and clearly deadly young man and his rabid dogs in black!"


And we never did anything first? These two occasions were both initiated by us. We fucked up and rose their ire and then we cry when the poked dog bit. Sounds like a 9 letter word starting with hypocr... to me.


Ah for speeches never given :) Para and Annais definately should have this conversation ICly

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Just trying to keep in mind that Espara has like hundred+ years of Aes Sedai rhetroic pumped into ("we can do no wrong, we can do no wrong, we can do no...") even if I am smarter and more reasonable than that it would be rather unresponsible of me as a player not to play that important attitude up that most sisters have.


Years of brainwashing... er... life at the Tower, definately takes even the most down home and earthy of gals and can make them into a wholely different beast.


But yes, rp should happen with us eventually.




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Guest Arie Ronshor

True. :) Although, if you havn't read the Watcher Threads it may be a good idea to do so. Many of the members posted previous dealings and the idea behind the situation that will help round this all out. If you have, just ignore me. :D

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