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Name that Movie from the Picture....


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Thats either an episode of the twilight zone, or a twilight zone movie, that involves the gremlins, on the air plane, tearing the engine apart, and the guy freaks out and they lock him in the bathroom.

(Btw,  the actor is the guy who plays Fraisure, He was also in that one sitcom, that involved a bar, where he played basically the same 'fraisure' character. ;) )

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  • Community Administrator

No, I think that's John Lithgow?? You're talking about Kelsey Grammar, who played Frasier Crane on Cheers and then on the spinoff Frasier.


Yea your right.




They both have 'very' similar looks to them, but John's head is a bit smaller. ;)


Lithgow was approached about playing Dr. Frasier Crane on Cheers, but turned it down. Lithgow starred with Jeffrey Tambor in the NBC sitcom Twenty Good Years.


Hey, I told you they looked similar. ;)

Anyways, after using wiki to search that characters name, Its most definately the Twilight Zone Movie, which had a remake of the twilight zone episode, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Short curcuit (or through some devil's trickery you'll answer 'NO! Short Curcuit 2 dumbass!')


In any case stop posting on this thread, I surf DM through the new replies to your posts option up top and this is cluttering up my life.  You all know how much I hate coming to this place *eyes the seanchan main board warily*


Bah, BT boys!



/end post

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Nah, you're right, it's #1.


In the second one they swapped out his laser gun for a family-friendly red magic multi-toolbox housing such things as a hang glider. Because, you know, you never know when you'll have to jump through the window of a 50-story building and glide down into Central Park, amirite?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe I'm just older than you all but I remember this movie from when it came out (I was like six or something I think) and it was my favorite movie for like two years.  I used to own the DvD, but it ended up somewhere during my travels, so thanks for reminding me to go buy this again.


Howard the duck...


something something something


That was an awesome song.




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Oh, I guess that's me. Um, I'll get around to it in a minute. I have somehting further to say on Howard the Duck, first.


I have a personal attachment to Howard the Duck (despite having only seen it once and not really remembering much of it other than it was strange and suited to the substance consumed before viewing). In high school, I had the hugest crush on my best friend's brother, and he liked me back but was a punk amature womanizer (do we see a pattern here? it's probably not healthy ^_^), so he never did anything but flirt... well, except this one time, but that's another story and not really appropriate to our PG-13 rule.


Anyway, I was also a serious dancer back then, and as such, my feet were sort of permanently turned out, and he would tease me for it to no end. At one point he said the license plate of my car should be DUCKRUN because I walked (ran) like a duck, and for whatever reason, that has stuck with me for years. Friends and family give me things with ducks on them (I'm staring at a small collection of little rubber ducks on the top of my monitor at work as we speak), and one even calling me duckY.


So that's my duck story. Yay Howard.



Um, photo.


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