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fresh off the carridge...


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Looking forward to joining in on some roleplay at DM I'm a rper from way back. Been RPing since 99. Mostly on chatbased RP.


Really looking forward to cracking into this as soon as my bio gets approved by the powers at be. I've set up my character with the purpose to becoming a warder down the track... question.. how does one actually become a warder. I know in WOT it was mostly if a sister liked the cut of your gib she'd ask you etc. Just wondering how it works around here. Or do i just roll on up to the WT and fill out an application form, name, address, pidgeon carrier number, previous employer, personal refrences and the like? :P



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If you are interested in becoming a Warder our bonding process is simple.  You and an Aes Sedai agree to bond ICly.  You send your application to the warders dl as per their site:


http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders - check out the Warders site. 


BTW, you need to be part of the Warders division to be bonded by an Aes Sedai you cannot at this time be part of anything but the Warders.  If you are you must transfer to the Warders division and follow our guidelines from then on out.



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Hehe. Thankyou for your welcome. I just hope my bio gets approved quickly so I can jump on it :P I've been checking about three times a day (which is a little sad in itself) :P I've even written out my post and edited it twice after all ready for my first post on my entrance to the city but I understand approval processes take time and for good reasons.

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*glares at Alyssa* She stole my line!


See what kind of underlings I have to live with :P There is just not class and respect anymore. Sheesh, they can't even come up with their own witticisms anymore.


Hey hussy, give me the line back! *tackles Alyssa and tickles her* ;)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*glances at her two daughters and shakes her head*


Children, when you can best me for time spent online (about 13 days and 10 hours, btw) than you may argue over such a line. *takes away the line*



*winks and Viathan*

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Mine hates it when i'm on at work. After hours are all mine. ^_^


And we have not been on these boards all that long. :P I dont want to know what my combined post count would be with my online time. *shutters*.. especially if i count back the years.. *double shutters*

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