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  • 2 weeks later...

The WT was founded and built after the Breaking. According to the BWB (the Big White Book with the long name if you're not familiar with the acronym) the construction of Tar Valon and the Tower began in 98 AB and was completed around 202 AB.

  • 3 weeks later...

i might be missing a very obvious answer and feel free to tell me what an idiotic question this is. Here goes anyway.


How come when the Forsaken are reborn after being killed they are automatically in adult bodies? Are they not literally reborn?


I don't know if it ever gives a reason for the adult body reincarnation, but it's the Dark One bringing them back I don't think he wants a Nursery of Forsaken that he has to raise before they're any good.


In response to my own last post, I now kow why all the forsaken are adults when they are brought back. The BWB(big white book) says that people are captured from the border lands and the personalities/memories whatever are put into that body making them adults right away instead of going through Forsaken School again.

  • 2 weeks later...
"people are captured from the border lands and the personalities/memories whatever are put into that body making them adults right away instead of going through Forsaken School again."
yeah, you can see this when aran'gar is reborn in the womens body, they talk about taking the women captive. i think its in LoC.

Hmmh... I always thought that the Forsaken weren't actually killed at the end of the SA, just sealed away with the Dark Lord. Then, in tEotW, when the seals started breaking, the first Forsaken were freed. I could be wrong though.

  • 3 weeks later...

ok i was wondering, if there are only 2 ways to become a blademaster (the whole test, trial thing or kill one), when if ever did rand become one, i know when someone answers this i will feel really dumb but i can't remember if he ever kills a blademaster.

  • 4 weeks later...

Really, really weird that I can sort of, kind of answer this question. If you go to google, image search, and search Rand Al'Thor, you'll get a picture on the first page of some dude who made a tat for some halloween thing, of that.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

ok i was readin the start of this and cpac i realy think that if u dotn like how RJ writes then y are u hear learn to deal or dont read them ..simple i for one love the depth he putes into the books i mean when i want something to read i want something as thik as my head lol u no atleast 800 pages or els its not as enjoyable cuz u cant read it over days i like to enjoy my reading and i intend to defend RJ with the last ounce of my will lol bad talk RJs wrighting u can get out..nuf sed..


from keith

Guest Barmacral

cpac was here something like 7 months ago, I doubt he's been back in ages, and I doubt that he'll ever read your comment.


What I'm curious about though (I suppose this isn't such a frequent question) but could we get a sticky for all of the cast lists... that way everyone can use the same thread to show the list of who they'd cast in a movie, rather than starting a new thread and getting 3 or 4 responses every second day.

  \ said:
ok i was wondering' date=' if there are only 2 ways to become a blademaster (the whole test, trial thing or kill one), when if ever did rand become one, i know when someone answers this i will feel really dumb but i can't remember if he ever kills a blademaster.[/quote']


I think it's a fairly subjective thing. More or less your teacher decides you are, then you are. Rand has never been labeled a blademaster though he suspects he qualifies. There's a PoV of his somewhere where he's thinking about Lan saying he is almost good enough to deserve that blade. Rand thinks that, given how sparing Lan is with praise, maybe he is good enough.

  • 2 weeks later...

Rand took out that out Torak (Seachan) or whatever his name was VERY early on in the series whom was a blademaster ... And he simply got better from there.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have two questions.


First: In order for the Dark One to put someones soul and stuff in another body dose the person have to die? Like with Lanfear did she have to die to order to get a new body?


Secant: Was there a Red Ajah in the age of legends? And if so what was there Ajah for? In fact what was all the Ajah's in the age of legends for?

Guest Barmacral

First: Yes, the person has to die first, the DO has control over the dead, not the living, otherwise randland wouldn't have a chance


Second: Maybe, you'd best create your own thread to ask why.

  \ said:
First: Yes' date=' the person has to die first, the DO has control over the dead, not the living, otherwise randland wouldn't have a chance


Second: Maybe, you'd best create your own thread to ask why.[/quote']


Rj said that they had to die first in order to get a new body right? if so can you give me the link so I can show to the person I am debating with. This is what they insist


"A correction: the DO doesnt actually "Resurrect" a person per se. He intervenes in the moments between moments before one dies. So he can leap in RIGHT BEFORE the person's physical body dies and removes the soul from the body and holds it until he can find a container for it. This is why he cant ressurrect those killed by balefire: the person's thread is burned out in a very complex manner, one that prevents his intervention, since the thread is burnt before the weave touches it....."


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