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Returning members, please read!


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  • 3 months later...


Oooh, always nice to see a returnee :)  The Amyrlin, Keeper, and Mistress of Novices are all off having a drunken orgy (aka - at D*Con), so I'm sure one or the other of the above will get you sorted out by tomorrow night :)


Unless Mystica beats them all and gets you sorted to a small degree... she might!


Welcome back!

  • Moderator

I've got a backlog of these requests to work through, so give me a day or two to recover and I'll handle it.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So, has Myrelle sent in the pm yet? Usually Kath sends me a pm informing me of a returning Red, but haven't received such pm yet, so figured it was not done yet. I'm afraid I don't have any power to add her to the WT usergroup.... Jagen is also around and might come home too at some point. We live in hope :D


*sends red snugglebite wishes to Myrelle and Jagen*

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Selene

I'm back and new to the White Tower. I was here a long time a ago but had to leave because of school stuff.


Selene, was that your handle in the past too? Or have you got a new one? :) I like to know who people used to be as well as who they are, what can I say *g*


Selene, your name sounds familiar (that is, if this is the same name you used before).  Were you ever a novice here?  If so, how far did you get?


I've e-mailed the appropriate person to get you added to the WT Org usergroup.

Guest Selene

Selene is my past, present, and future. And i would tell you my name but I don't trust easily in others....


Um..I was never a novice here. If anything I was one of the Kin.


Oh! Thank you.





Hehe, no I didn't mean your real name, I did mean your original DM handle ;) So now I know. Yay! :) Welcome back!

Guest Selene

Oh, okay. Thank you

  • 2 months later...

Erm, I use to be here long ago. But I was filtered out of the group cause I was inavtive (I think) and then when I came backI decided to delete my old account (same name) cause it buggered (insanely high post count I didn't post) and I think I re-applied once about a year ago, but not sure. I was a Novice, and I think (if memory is correct) I was an undeclared Accepted.


I'm Amavia's mentee. If that helps any. Looking to get back into the scene.  :)


Yep, that's correct!  I found your record in the MoNster's Lair, and you are indeed an undeclared Accepted who had Amavia as your mentor.  I'll contact the appropriate people to get you added back to the usergroup.

  • 5 months later...

Hey, all :) I've returned...finally. It's been years I think, I hope some people here still remember me :)


I pm-ed Elgee, I hope she's the right person (think) :)


OMG OMG OMG OMFG!!!!!! *tacklesnugglelickbites her near-sis* BOUT FLAMING TIME!!! welcome back, gorgeous one ;D ;D ;D


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