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Saw Madagascar 2 and Zak and Miri.


Mad 2:  Funny, cute, touching, sad, and funny again.  Not the make all, end all that I had heard it was, but it will wind up in my library.  3/5


Z&M:  Nasty, raunchy, sappy, and HOLY CRAP I'll stick to exlax.  o_O

Overall I laughed my ass off at some of the quick puns that are so easy to miss.  4/5 Must see-The extended version of the cold read screening, lots of innapropriate lines spoken by your grandma.  :D

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Made of Honor - Sucked, but not as bad as other movies I saw this weekend.  This is like every other romance out there.  2/5



What Happesn in Vegas - Camerian Diaz' joker smile got to me about 30 minutes in and I gave up on the  movie.  1/5



Transporter 3 - I don't even know what to say about this movie.  Statham beats up alot of guys with his shirt off in crazy ways.  It is basically the other movies with little to no plot... or even less plot than the first two movies.  I mean... he signs up to wear an explosive device that keeps him near his car at all times.  HOW DUMB IS THAT?!  1/5


Happy Go Lucky - This movie's rating may be tainted in a good way after watching other crap this weekend but I found this movie quite pleasant.  Sally Hawkins, the main character, was excellent.  The movie offers a great character study but not much more.  Still after a crappy movie weekend I am giving this one a 3.5 out of 5.

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Saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas again this friday, and I love it like I always have


It just gets better with each new see-through, I find. 9/10!


Then, saturday, The Insider, a film I found quite enjoyable. Michael Mann is awesome directing, as I thought he'd be, Crowe and Pacino act wonderfully. 8,5/10 says I.

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I've been watching The Tudors, and I like it fine. I'm not in love with it, I find I enjoy it more for the pretty people, pretty costumes, and more than occasional sex than for the plot (I think I'm tired of his repetitive "I love you! But we can't make a son, so you must not be my real wife, you whore. Oh, now I like YOU, so how do I get rid of my previous wife?"). Then again, it's following a bout of 30 Rock, so I may just need a better transition from sitcom to complex drama.

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We're about halfway thru "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", starring Jeremy Brett. It's the 1980s BBC version and is worth at least checking out. Only 13 1-hour episodes so it won't take you very long to get thru it.


We're also working our way thru "Angel", since apparently Chris and I are complete latecomers to the Joss Whedon fandom. What can I say? We're bad at being nerds or something.


The plan is to watch the old classic "Adventures in Babysitting" sometime this week...

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So I was watching Lost/Life on Mars/Better Off Tedd.

After finishing those, I picked out one of my netflix movies I got in the mail...


Watched Twilight...


Uggh, on the one hand, I don't mind how the vampires are different then most others.

On another...

MY GOD the acting was horrible and filled with emo actors!


The main character, looked like she was doing the horrizontal mombo everytime the main vamp was near her. (Hell when she was sleeping in that once scene I was going 'wths goin on there!' :P


The other movies I got to watch are Transporter 3 and Boondock Saints.

I'm thinking of watching the worst first, so the best is better. ;)

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I have Twilight at home too. 


I just watched the Dead Like Me movie (it is available to watch instantly btw).  I am torn... I love the show and really liked seeing.. well.. some of the characters return.  But the plot was dumb.  I mean... it was all over the place.  It dealt with issues the show already addressed.  I didn't believe that these were the same characters I remember from the show.  Roxy would never act the way she did in the movie.  George being in Reggies life was already addressed and dealt with.  Not doing a Reap was already dealt with. 


I am giving it a 3 out of 5 mainly because I loved the series and liked watching something more from it. 

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I've been watching The Tudors, and I like it fine. I'm not in love with it, I find I enjoy it more for the pretty people, pretty costumes, and more than occasional sex than for the plot (I think I'm tired of his repetitive "I love you! But we can't make a son, so you must not be my real wife, you whore. Oh, now I like YOU, so how do I get rid of my previous wife?"). Then again, it's following a bout of 30 Rock, so I may just need a better transition from sitcom to complex drama.


No, thats more or less my exact opinion of the show too, with no transition.

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Saw O' Horten last night, Norwegian film. Lovely cinematography, good acting, quirky humor and very, very memorable characters, many of which appear for no more than 3-5 minutes then disappear completely. just lovely! 8/10!

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Transporter 3 - I don't even know what to say about this movie. 


Statham beats up alot of guys with his shirt off in crazy ways.

Yea, he does seem to have an obsession of taking his shirt off in movies...

Does he do it in every single one?


On a side note, I didn't realize how ripped he is. >_>

Empy's bromance on JD must be rubbing off on me. O_o



It is basically the other movies with little to no plot... or even less plot than the first two movies.


I don't know about that, it seems to have the same plot as the others.

Guy hires the transporter to do a job.

Guy lies about what the job entails, and tries to kill the transporter. The transporter exacts revenge by blowing the guy up.


I mean, the first movie the package was a woman, the 2nd movie the package was a little boy, and the 3rd movie it was another but more slutty woman. (who looks alot like the nurse in the 2nd!)

Ultimately I believe it has the same ammount of plot as all the other Transporter movies, the exact same formula, ect.

I mean... he signs up to wear an explosive device that keeps him near his car at all times.  HOW DUMB IS THAT?!


You see the same movie I did? Go to the bathroom at several scenes cause you got a pea sized bladder? (Right Y?!)

Cause, I watched it, beginning to end. He didn't 'sign up', You know unless you call having a gun to your head as 'signing up'. :P


How do I rank this movie?


Its watchable.

IF you had a choice between this or any sci-fi made for tv movie, Watch this.

If your choice is This vs Lets say, Forest Gump, well I'd rather watch forest gump again for the 30th time. ;)

on a 5 star system I give it a 3/5.

on a 10 star system, I'd give it a 4/10. :P

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Dunbar... I wish we lived close to each other and could be movie buddies. 



I watched Twilight.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  But I had my expectations low.  Like it was going to blow like Transformers low.  Other than the hissing... stereotypical vampire hunch over moves... some of the acting... Edward.... the movie was pretty ok.  I am giving it a 3 out of 5 because it was watchable and entertained me while I worked. 

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Well, I will be sure to go into Twiglight with the same low expectations. I'm supposed to go watch it with girlfriends tomorrow night, and I'm not especially excited about the movie. Mostly going for the friends and snacks. ^_^ :P


WELL... it IS basically a chick flick...

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Saw Diary of the Dead. 


Kinda odd.  It's like Blair Witch meets Night of the Living Dead.  Supposed to be real time documentary style(Like that recent godzilla type camcorder movie), but the acting was not really all that realistic.  Not horrible, just bland.  Overall though it was a zombie flick so I don't know what should be expected.  I'd give it 3/5. 


Oh and tere is one brief(very brief) shot of boobies. 

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Dunbar... I wish we lived close to each other and could be movie buddies. 


It would be a dream come true!


In other news, rewatched The Blues Brothers yesterday with some friends, one of my all-time favourite films. It's just excellent in so many ways, the music is amazing, the humor is spot on, Jake and Elwood's dances are supreme and princess Leia wielding a rocket launcher is always awesome. Words can't express the awesomeness of this film, 10/10!

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Saw Lars and the real girl last night, which was something completely different from what I thought it'd be, but it surprised me in a good way! The story of a man, Lars, who has great troubles connecting socially with people due, perhaps, to abandonment as a child. He then acquires a "love doll" which he treats as a living, breathing person, something he fully believes she is (He calls her Bianca!). Anyhow, it had a pretty touching story with tons of moments that'll make you smile or laugh, and also some sad ones! Hurray! Ryan Gosling (lars) acted fenomenally, and in my opinion should've been nominated for an oscar. I really liked this movie! That's it for now. 9/10.

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