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Guest silver89

Just started watching Underbelly, a new aussie show based on the 10yr gangland war in Melbourne, Australia. Great show brutal, addictive and based entirely on true events. The courts here even went so far as banning it in Vic. (my home state). The reason being so that it wouldn't influence public opinion against the defendants facing charges about the events in the show.

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I have not noticed a problem with my netflixes.  For a little while a few months ago, things were really moving real slow getting to the house, now I am back to usually 3 day turn around. 


So last night I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  Where do I start?  The movie made me laugh.  I mean it isn't non stop laughter but more the catch you off guard laughing.  It was actually a pretty decent comedy.  I mean, it had a little more penis in it than works for me... but hey... the ladies (and some guys) need something to look at as well.  What really makes this movie a must rent is the special features.  It includes much of the sporatic lines that were left out of the film that just make you laugh.  While the movie was just about average for me, the special features really made me love this movie.  Oh and how can you go wrong with song lyrics like this.  Keep in mind this singer doesn't realize how suggestive his lyrics are which makes it that much funnier.


Oh these ancient skies

I've had these wandering eyes

but you took me by surprise

when you let me inside of you


Inside of you

Inside of you

There's got to be

Some part of me

Inside of you


Inside of you, I could cross this desert plane

Inside of you, I can hear you scream my name

Inside of you, while the stars unfold

I've crossed me heart and I've crossed the world

And I need you here and I need to be

Inside of you


Mila Kunis (that girl from the 70's show for Sin) was great.  I mean it is a little early for her to move into my top 5, but a few more good performances could really win me over. 


So if you saw it in theatres... or just need something to make you laugh, check it out.  The special features are well worth the rewatch.

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Of course there is a counter petition that wants him to keep making movies... http://www.petitiononline.com/RRH53888/  It has 7,000 signatures.


I am watching Leatherheads.  This movie is not that good.  Mainly you can tell this that as I watch it I am checking things online.  It just feels... cornball to me.  Like three stooges cornball.  I would really give it a pass if you are tempted by it.

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I watched a little bit of HIMYM for the first time this weekend, and it was funny! I actually laughed out loud quite a bit, definitely more often than I expected. I'd suggest this for anyone looking for a new sitcom to explore. It's surprisingly good.

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If you trust my taste in movies, I highly suggest watching The Brave One (its on HBO on Demand right now).  I watched it tonight and was blown away.  I mean, it could be because I had low expectations.  But I really felt that Jodi Foster did a wonderful job and that her Golden Globe nod was well deserved.

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If you trust my taste in movies, I highly suggest watching The Brave One (its on HBO on Demand right now).  I watched it tonight and was blown away.  I mean, it could be because I had low expectations.  But I really felt that Jodi Foster did a wonderful job and that her Golden Globe nod was well deserved.


Yea, you'd like it! Its a chick flick! :P

JK, its not that bad of a movie, definately better then the shite i've seen in the past month. ;)



Okay then, the movies I've watched recently?


American Zombie[/i]

A mockumentary where they follow the lives of a few zombies.

It has an awesome premise imo, but it failed. A mockumentary is supposed to be funny! Its not supposed to be a serious attempt at something that isn't serious! Near the end it tries to go all blair witch on your ass. ;)


The Guru

Okay, this is not the mike myers the Love Guru, this is the Guru, came out several years prior to the mike myers one. And its not actually a bad movie at all. The reason I got it, is I saw about 45 minutes of it before I had to leave (to class <3 hour long lunches) so I 'had' to finish it. The ending is definately a classic. ;)


The Love Guru

IT seems to make nods at the above, while being a totally different movie, containing, Jessica Alba (She's not a horrible actor! She just gets bad roles/dialogue! Can't make shit look like strawberries!) Anyways its got its funny moments, and its dull moments, it seems to swing back and forth like a pendulum, all the while making penis jokes. Btw! HE stole a penis joke from the movie Baseketball!


Funny Games

This movie you love it and hate it. Its not a Love or Hate, its a Love AND Hate kinda movie! This movie won an award for 'best new director' or some such thing, and I saw the previews.

Basically the movie is about a couple & child being held captive in there home by a bunch of psychotic killers. Basically your normal torture & kill type of movie.

What makes this movie a love & hate relationship isn't so much it being a bad movie or having bad dialogue (its not bad in that department) It basically has to deal with the events that go down within the movie! When you watch these types of movies, they ussually follow certain rules.

Like the black guy always gets killed first, or the cheff, or the woman who lost her virginity, and the lady who survives last always gets revenge on the killers!

This is not the case. Infact, the movie goes so far as to actually give you a taste of that revenge giveing you a YES SHE KILLED THAT MOTHA-F***ER, and then it takes it away, it takes it away in a method so that it never happened to begin with! It is a Pyschological Thriller in everysense of the word, and they repeatidly break the 4th wall. Infact, you could say that the psychotic killers, are messing not with the victims heads, but with yours! You want to hate the movie because it doesn't follow psychotic thriller rules, but you love it, because it breaks the rules! Its not Cliche! Its not predictable! But we have become so ingrained with certain concepts in movies like this & others, that you EXPECT it to happen, you WILL it to happen, and they know this very well. I'd watch the movie if I were you, You are going to hate it, and you might just find a little love, Its the movie you love to hate to love & hate it!

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Why don't you tell us how you really feel, SD? ;)


So I'll be checking out the Eleventh Hour, even if it looks like a Fringe rip-off, or vice versa.  I just re-watched AI and while the movie was kind of "Eh" I remember the ARG that came out before it was freaking awesome, and let me put my email address in the movie poster too, which rocked.


Iron Man is out on DVD and looking great on my TV.  I soooooo want one now though, can you feel the geek envy?

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Good Luck Chuck.


So the wife was busy this weekend which means I had to get something that she didn't want to watch.  So I lowered my standards and went with this flick.  I mean... how could I pass up a Dane Cook movie.  Well Jessica Alba helps.  Or so I would have thought.  Let me save you the time and run this movie down for you.


Dane Cook continues to think he is funny but really someone should put him out of his misery.

Jessica Alba continues to think that he good looks will keep scoring her roles... because she certainly can't act.

In the middle of the movie there is a sexual position montage.  And wow, there were breasts like every 10 minutes.  So much so that I got bored and started posting my review online. 


However the best friend is funny for a being that guy that has no charm but thinks he is God's gift to women.  His best line trying to pick up a girl... "I'm here, what are your other three wishes".  That went into my rotation.  I mean... if I still had a rotation.

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