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Wow... This place is still going


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Thats ok, I remember MIRC! :D  In fact, I think I still have some moments pasted somewhere...



<Ladria> But Shoar?

<Ladria> You're kicking BenT's ass to post, you know this, yes?

<Shoar> *laughs* Yeah, yeah.

* Be`lal looks at Shoar

<Be`lal> Your busting someone's arse to post?

<Ladria> Oh, I'm busting Shoar's ass..

<Be`lal> is he busting ben's though?

<Ladria> I'm busting Shoar's, Shoar is busting BenT's, and um..BenT can bust mine.

* Be`lal laughs hysterically at Shoar

<Be`lal> oh lord that is rich

<Shoar> Bah.

* Be`lal rolls on the floor shuddering with laughter

<Shoar> I didn't ask for your smartarse comments, you prick! :P



<Malek`> he voids lots of questions

<Elayne> He should be Aes Sedai

* Malek` laughs at the irony of that

<Malek`> hahaha

<Shoar> Bah



<James> At anyrate, what would I be reborn...

<James> Historian doesn't have enough flair

* Shoar laughs

<Shoar> You?

<Shoar> Kill Me?

* James grins

*** Shoar has joined #Dragonmount

<James> hahaha

<Shoar> Bloody hell.



Ah, memories :D

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*clicks heels together* Shoar Gaidin! Mentee to Radzynne, mentor to Con, Eos, ummmm... Probably a million other oldbies were taught by me. Former Chief Of Security, former Incarnation, former Sword Commander and Captain (bonus points to anyone who can remember the old SCom and SCap titles :P), bondholder to Ryell and Reile (both long gone) Ummmmmmm.... I think that's it? *scratches head* Oh, I was Grand Master of Daisho'al'Dracon for a while but I think they scrapped the individual disciplines...


Yeesh... It's been tooooo long.

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There was only one true discipline and Thunder on the Ocean was its name.  Daisho al'Dracon was just a place for people who wanted to use two of the same weapon simultaneously to hang out.  :o  On the otherhand, at least it wasn't Ren'shai whose central tenet was "Stab me and watch me become twice as powerful.  Go on, do it!  Huuurk!  Ugh, uh, ow, aaaah, need to lie down. Ow." :D

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Guest Arie Ronshor

My God... anouther Oldie....


I doubt you would remember me, but I remember you. Those MIRC chats were fun and messed all at the same time.. :p



*Smacks James* And stop mocking the Ren'Shai! *Smack*  Gimp..





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I remember you Shoar :)


Wasn't there also some kind of bonding thing going on between Nimue Stormsong of  tye Yellows and yourself and you forgot to mention Shoarsie's affair with Mia *smacks* It might be over long since but on behalf of Arette's sister-in-law *thwaps again*

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Heya hun, welcome back... and I remember all the positions :P since I created most of them...


But Matalina is no longer in the yards, she's off being evil lol.  Bryon current MaA and Sasha are my current ppl here in the yards.



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welcome back always fun to see oldbies back even if i have no clue who they are


and james *smacks..nothing wrong with daisho*


(btw still somewhat around as the renamed Path of Dual Weapons)


hm maybe Corwin was old enough to been around at your time, (he left on his mission thing for church) if so could be a fun way to learn more of his char

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Welcome back :) I remember you, but probably from an earlier return a few years back? ;)


And Ren'Shai is actually a Path I almost chose, before Lyv found Path of Water. What happened to all the old Paths! I want the ToTo Masters back!!! *big grin*

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