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yeah, my bio was a bit long so I don't blame you. I'm not in a rush right now, but I was trying to come up with ideas for an essay I'm working on in RL, but the ideas for my warder kept intruding, so i had to get the character written up to get the thoughts out of my head. :P

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Hi, I'm very interested in joining as a trainee warder but before I get too carried away writing the Bio and using a name I have in mind, I would like to ask a few things first.


I have a character in mind which I have used on other Sites and am known by this character, Name: Jac al'caar. Now, I have read the Bio info thread and have noticed that you don't want people to be born in the two rivers, for obvious reasons. Would there be any problem with keeping this name but writing into the Bio that his father or grandfather was born there but went a-wanderin'? I'm quite fond of this name  :'(


Secondly, is there a problem with inventing a NPC Aes Sedai to use in the back story? I have one worked out and the only time this character would be seen is in my bio and maybe mentioned in the opening thread.

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There is no problem using an NPC Aes Sedai in your backstory.  :)  Though I'd recommend flipping through the wiki and taking care to not name a Sister already existing, I guess:




This isn't fully completed yet; I still have a couple of other Ajahs to move over (like the Greens).


Allowing people to use Al' is somewhat at each division's bio-checker's discretion.  We currently have an established family line that uses Al' (being the Al'Thorins) as initially established by me here in 2001/2002~, but otherwise, I cannot say. :)


And ironic to see you here; Elgee mentioned something about you and siggy-making to me earlier today. *grins*

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The al' names that I have seen all came from Andor, usually fairly close to Two Rivers so that the origin of the name was left kind of vague.  Two of my characters are related to Raeyn's al'Thorin and my Accepted's roommate was an al'Tara from Baerlon.  Didn't have any problem getting Jasine al'Thorin approved for the Warders Div when I did it, but I didn't mention Two Rivers at all.


Good luck!

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They're the secret no one talks about... secret.gif




Kidding aside though, i think they mean the (DR Div) section under here. If not... then it's one of the Staff boards, most likely.


Back off topic though, i have a half-Andoran CotL named Val'Danath. Not really Al', but i figured i'd mention it anyway ^^;

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What additional boards?  you mean the Warders?  Once you are a part of the Warders div boards here you should see two additional boards:


The Trainee Barracks and the Battlements.


They are listed as subforums in the Warders (DR Div) Board.



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Ok this is very odd...I have been here for months and knew nothing about the Trainee Barracks or Battlements subforums as I never had access to them.  I was about to ask Mat what she was talking about since I had never seen them before.  I sign in this morning and voila, now I can see them.  So who is reading my mind?  I warn whoever it is to not linger too long....reminds me of snakes and foxes.  :o

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Yes, turn and run very quick, as fast as your legs will take you...and don't except any cookies if they are offered!



Sent a bio in last night, just waiting for approval.  Newish and all.


Well then, look forward to seeing your bio posted and cc'd.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!  We don't bite, but we do grumble and whip people quite a bit.  Ooh no worries, the participants are always willing.  ;D

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