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Everything you need to know about joining the WT Org (the split stuff)


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*goes to fix*



I've been messing around on the back end today. I may have done a wrong thing. =)


Yeah I want to be an algai/novice (idk what the difference is) and I sent an email to the MoN. What else do I have to do?


I read somewhere that she updates every sunday, so I guess I just wait, huh?


And how come that forum link on the MoN site brings up a forum where every post is porn?



Algai is a warder aspirants.


Novice is an Aes Sedai aspirant.


Lor is out of town this weekend (Baby Shower) so her update will be late! And I have no idea about the Boards ;) She'll have to explain herself when she gets back!


And whilst you wait feel free to hang around on this board! :)


My apologies, I have registered lately to be an algai but I encountered a few connection issues.


That should be settled soon, though.


Please forgive me! :p


OK, Ealdur, I've added you to the usergroup and pray RL will allow me to get to my update tonight. If not, I'll have it done this Sunday (or I'll shoot whoever keeps me from it!). Please don't wait on me to start meeting people and enjoying yourself, though. I have no problem catching up with people! :D And it's always terribly interesting to see what kind of trouble you can get into before I do. *grins*


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