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Look at what has happened today - nothing has been done by anyone to build on the killing Mills to make Heavy look better. But killing Mills to clear the way for the attack on Heavy through Zander is 95% of the posting in D2. Which is more likely? Or are there any other ideas? Is every other player really going to just agree with Turin and move on? No discussion? No other possibilities? Why have you given Turin this much control of the narrative?



Day 2 will end at 10pm Friday 7 March.


TURIN - 2 (Zander, Heavy)

HEAVY - 2 (Gudrean, Turin)

ANDY - 1 (Dice)


Not voting: Andy, Donchadh, Sooh


5 to Lynch


This is a Hammer Game. Majority Lynch will end the day. If no Majority is achieved there will be No Lynch.


End of Day 2 Timer




Update: currently at page 49. Trying my best to catch up. Made a few notes to give fuller thoughts, but haven't finished catching up yet. 


I saw a few calls to clarify my comment on Turin, but haven't had time to go dig out the original post, as I am trying to catch up. My memory is that someone was calling 1 wolf on Turin. I said 2 wolves on him because I added my own strike (so 2 strikes against Turin). Is that what you are asking about? 


Gotta do some work now. Will circle back probably later tonight.

  On 3/6/2025 at 8:11 PM, Andy MacLeod said:

Update: currently at page 49. Trying my best to catch up. Made a few notes to give fuller thoughts, but haven't finished catching up yet. 


I saw a few calls to clarify my comment on Turin, but haven't had time to go dig out the original post, as I am trying to catch up. My memory is that someone was calling 1 wolf on Turin. I said 2 wolves on him because I added my own strike (so 2 strikes against Turin). Is that what you are asking about? 


Gotta do some work now. Will circle back probably later tonight.


Yes that would appear to be it. But what people meant was they thought that at least one wolf was voting for Turin. So you appeared to say two wolves are for Turin, meaning you and me were both wolves in your opinion, which did not make a lot of sense.

  On 3/6/2025 at 7:11 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Also Turin, it is pretty insulting that your theory is not just that I am wolf - but a rather dim one. Mills is an unexpected victim, so surely in trying figure out why people would look at the last action of a known mafia. I just don't buy it. Mills was a likely lynch target and I cannot get away from the fact that this is why he was NKd and the only person making use of this is Turin, especially with all the efforts of Turin to derail the whole D2 into a Zander-Heavy-Turin mudwrestling match where you are only allowed to wear really small underpants.


Re: Gudrean, no I'm not taking it personally, especially not from whoever turns out to be wolves - that is the point of the game after all. I'm getting frustrated that the narrative is being completely controlled by Turin and Zander. People doing catch ups seem to be spending all their time reacting to them and discussing the agenda that they have set and not things like why was Mills killed. or ideas that come from the other players. And yes, I can admit I am egotistical enough that it does smart a bit when I ask for thoughts and someone replies, yeah Turin does seem right. I guess so should just be resigned to being lynched. No one is listening to me, or at least, no one is agreeing. Either we townies are going to defeat ourselves and the silent wolves will win by default or the wolves have the narrative and no one is challenging them. 





Hey ....... yall better put something more on than some tighty whities if y'all wanna wrassle with the Canadian Destroyer!!!!!!


The Mills kill as I stated I truly believe was purely for WIFOM.  Maybe they had 0 idea who the cop was as that's typically who the Wolves would target would be from a PR hunt.   But I tend to believe there was some experience in the Mills decision along with a fair but of guts and why I'm almost convinced min of 1 Wolf in Turin Sooh Dice.


That all said obviously grain of salt as it's just my opinion on it if I was a new player again I'd not focus too much on the NK and just focus on trying to find Townies and Wolves.  Both almost equally important as then you have the ability to trust a bit more at least.



Day 2 will end at 10pm Friday 7 March.


TURIN - 2 (Zander, Heavy)

HEAVY - 1 (Turin)

ANDY - 1 (Dice)


Not voting: Andy, Donchadh, Sooh, Gudrean 


5 to Lynch


This is a Hammer Game. Majority Lynch will end the day. If no Majority is achieved there will be No Lynch.


End of Day 2 Timer



  On 3/6/2025 at 6:45 PM, Gudrean said:

 3. Being mafia he(Cairos) knew his team and wanting us to think he's calling out Turin so we would think he's(cairos) town? feels like a lot of early WIFOM


I've corrected my post to read better so as to see where my deductions were going.

  On 3/6/2025 at 7:28 PM, Turin Turambar said:

I don't think I ever implied anyone was dim. Except maybe Zander, lol. If it came across that way,  I  apologise. 

I have to go to work now, so people have some space from my volume.


Good night for now.



TBf I am dim lolololol

  On 3/6/2025 at 9:04 PM, Zander? said:


I'm a fan and have dabbled.  Im also a big fella, Canadian, a Lumberjack and crazy AF lolololol


I bet I look better in incredibly small underpants though. In my mind at least, lol.


I'm off to bed, and a closing thought. Do we think that the wolves are passive, doing nothing, hoping to go undiscovered, or do we think they have a game plan? Who was involved in Cairos being lynched? I based my first suspicions on who was casting shade on Turin. But don't worry, Turin helpfully told us he likes to go for a clean sweep, so he cannot be a wolf. He said so himself. Who is pushing a narrative on D2? I'm just defending myself and trying to work out why the wolves have done what they have done. 


But it is clear, if we think that the wolves have a game plan there is only one person that is implementing that game plan. Who is the only person that has had the opportunity to manipulate the narrative? It isn't just about who said what, but the bigger picture of what is happening. Please think about it. And think about why Mills was NKd.


And with that, I bid you all a fair night.

  On 3/6/2025 at 7:45 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Gaah - just lost a long post as my internet hiccuped, I pressed submit and DM took me to a you are not connected to the internet page and ate the post.


Thank you for the hug, @Gudrean, my apologies if I seemed unappreciative. 


Head is so full I don't even know what I said. It was however, heart moving and almost impossibly eloquent. Please just accept the gist of it: I'm town, lol 😎


I think I said Andy is plausible as Town. Wouldn't go further than that, but don't have much else to go on. Her comment just seems like a mistake, I don't think much can be read into it because of that, but perhaps she can clear up what she meant by it.


I feel like a voice in the wilderness and no one is listening, or at least, not being convinced. Mislynching me is a big step towards the wolves winning and I don't see that there are many good arguments being made against me but if Zander changes his vote I'm as good as pushing up daisies in the town cemetery and not a single person seems in the slightest bothered by that. Why is no one even entertaining my reasoning at all? Because I don't have the I'm an old player hat? Why has Turin spent so much time and effort to implicate Zander but is voting me? Why are so many people saying well I'm suspicious of Heavy and x so that everyone can coalesce on me? Only two of you are wolves. I guess I just done lost the argument, but I cannot help feel that this was due to the volume of my opponents rather than the skill of their arguments.


Please try to think of why Mills was killed. To give me town cred is a terribly bad reason. That would be totally a double edged sword. it would just as likely be a ploy by the wolves - heck more likely, we are talking about the choices of the wolves and the actions of a known wolf. How on earth would I ever think that would give me town cred? It doesn't make sense. Please think about it rather than just listening to Turin. It is bad logic.


If you lynch me, I will flip town and then you will have to think about what that means about Turin. You might as well start now, might save some time on D3. Are his arguments really that convincing? How will you react when he says "oopsie!"? 


I've explained multiple times why even tho I do find you suss I find Turin moreso ATM and like I've also says multiple times I'm not convinced you guys are W/W so I'm either super duper wrong and you both are town.  In right on one but wrong on the other or you guys are bussing the bussing busses out of each other.  I'm going with likely wrong on one and I think Turin more likely than you atp.

  On 3/6/2025 at 10:20 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I bet I look better in incredibly small underpants though. In my mind at least, lol.


I'm off to bed, and a closing thought. Do we think that the wolves are passive, doing nothing, hoping to go undiscovered, or do we think they have a game plan? Who was involved in Cairos being lynched? I based my first suspicions on who was casting shade on Turin. But don't worry, Turin helpfully told us he likes to go for a clean sweep, so he cannot be a wolf. He said so himself. Who is pushing a narrative on D2? I'm just defending myself and trying to work out why the wolves have done what they have done. 


But it is clear, if we think that the wolves have a game plan there is only one person that is implementing that game plan. Who is the only person that has had the opportunity to manipulate the narrative? It isn't just about who said what, but the bigger picture of what is happening. Please think about it. And think about why Mills was NKd.


And with that, I bid you all a fair night.



There's a decent enough chance one or both Wolves in the low posters pile of Andy, Gud, Don and Sooh tho I think it's one at most.  Which sucks and is super Wolfy cowardly lololololol.  Like Turin you and I seem to be the biggest focal point like almost to the point that unless there's a red peak on a different player I need one of you 2 solved today to either continue or reevaluate.  And Turin is more Wolfy based both on gameplay and maybe something silly but Cairo's play/posts actions as well

  On 3/6/2025 at 7:52 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Look at what has happened today - nothing has been done by anyone to build on the killing Mills to make Heavy look better. But killing Mills to clear the way for the attack on Heavy through Zander is 95% of the posting in D2. Which is more likely? Or are there any other ideas? Is every other player really going to just agree with Turin and move on? No discussion? No other possibilities? Why have you given Turin this much control of the narrative?



What are you even talking about.  I've noticed a real defensiveness in some of your posts especially more recently and that is more often than not, tho no always, a Wolf ploy.  It can be TOWNIE Frustration but still something I've been noting.

  On 3/6/2025 at 8:34 PM, Gudrean said:

Not sure a wolf would defend themselves as such so for now i'm 





Lol sweet summer child....you know nothing of real fear...of the long winters...sorry went on a Game of Thrones tangent for a sec lolololol.  You've never seen me as Minority Villa will 99% of the time fight to the death to try and change the vote and perceptions lololololol 



  On 3/6/2025 at 12:28 PM, Sooh said:

Sidenote: From reading current I gather that Z and Heavy are sussing each other, but they also agree that Turin is scum? Am I getting that right?



Zanders backed off on heavy. Its more frustration with trying to understand him atp i think


  On 3/6/2025 at 2:41 PM, Turin Turambar said:

No. I may have got it on DVD for you. 

  Reveal hidden contents




its ok he has a multizone dvd player


  On 3/6/2025 at 2:49 PM, Zander? said:


How come you can see how Heavy things but after like 10 years you still can't understand how your Z Bro does?;?!?!





Dude after 40 years your FAMILY doesnt understand you! How can she be expected to? 😄 


  On 3/6/2025 at 2:50 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Sorry this is just low hanging fruit. Will resist. 



THIS!!!!!! THIS is why Zander and I are having problems with you. Your sposed to be a noob but you keep throwing around terms we see in mafia all the time!



  On 3/6/2025 at 4:32 PM, Sooh said:

Not willing to kill: Dice, Gudrean



interesting wording.


  On 3/6/2025 at 5:25 PM, Gudrean said:

If I was picking a lynch based on "pushing my buttons" sir it would be YOU, but since you asked so nicely, sarcasm, 

def not = Don

def do = heavy (since that's where my vote is currently)



Snark from the newbie and aimed at zander...


LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!1


  On 3/6/2025 at 5:47 PM, Donchadh said:

Apologies again for absences...I had no idea how intensive and involved this game would be...AND...ended up with an unexpected visitor that I am now hosting.  

I HATE MAKING EXCUSES...but I am so sorry.

I haven't even had a chance to completely catch up...but I will try to give my thoughts and perspectives.

Least sus (FOR ME): Sooh, Gud, Andy  (I don't know why, it's just my feelings.  Only real insight I can provide is that Andy posts the same here as they do everywhere (lite RP with WoT references and other references); similarly, Gud posts in what I say is a non-wolfy way...and I don't even know what that means...UGH!!).

Mild sus (FOR ME): Turin and Dice. For Turin, I'm a bit surprised but I read his posts less like a Wolf trying to cause chaos / confusion now and more like an experienced Townie trying to work through the scenario.  I acknowledge this is a significant shift in my perspective.  I'm still scratching my own head about this. Dice...I don't know...they haven't given me vibes to make them feel Townie...and so I remain mild Sus.


Most sus (FOR ME): Zander and Heavy.  I hate this..because these are my two favorite posters!! Like I enjoy all the banter (and more importantly the analysis)...and I'm struggling with myself for "sus'ing" people who are doing the MOST to help the game play...yet.....the repeated and vociferous "Wolfy" denials and / or "Townie" claims are what make me the most suspicious. 

Alright, I'm rolling a D20 between these 2 to decide on my current MUST LYNCH...


Rolled an 8...sorry HEAVY...




I'm not saying definitely, b/c I'm reserving the right to change my mind...UGH!!!

(I think I did that right...I will check in again throughout the day as I can...again, sorry, I had no idea how intense this game would be....can I just buy everyone beers and pretzels now?? Sigh). 



ok same question for you and @Gudrean   Taking out players names and things theyve said, what would you expect a townie to do/say/act like?



  On 3/6/2025 at 5:54 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Also, no one else has come back on the theory of why Mills was NKd when he did not seem to be much of a threat in solving who did what with the candlestick in the conservatory, and seemed a likely lynch target.


It still seems like a big brain move from Turin so he can target me and Zander (only pretend to Zander? time will tell). What does anyone else think? Why have we been all so derailed by Turin and Zander that no one else is posting but reacting to their constant bickering about nothing (No I said that the cop should not reveal themselves. No I did! No you didn't stop twisting my words, wolf! Fine let's agree to disagree).


So thoughts people please?


@Andy MacLeod





For some reason I don't thinking pinging the spammers is necessary.



I think the Mills kill is either trying to sow WIFOM and get som suspicion on people who were or were willing to vote him, the mafia cop hunting, or a case of kill the quiet ones for lack of info.  Its kinda useless for town to use to draw inferences from tbh



  On 3/6/2025 at 7:26 PM, Gudrean said:

This could be extremely interesting!



you havent seen Zander without a shirt on yet....




  On 3/6/2025 at 8:34 PM, Gudrean said:

Not sure a wolf would defend themselves as such so for now i'm 





Wolves will defend themselves as much as townies do. It depends on the player



  On 3/6/2025 at 9:04 PM, Zander? said:


I'm a fan and have dabbled.  Im also a big fella, Canadian, a Lumberjack and crazy AF lolololol



never gonna hear the end of the red now are we???

  On 3/6/2025 at 10:44 PM, dicetosser1 said:


ok same question for you and @Gudrean   Taking out players names and things theyve said, what would you expect a townie to do/say/act like?


I think the Mills kill is either trying to sow WIFOM and get some suspicion on people who were or were willing to vote him, the mafia cop hunting, or a case of kill the quiet ones for lack of info.  Its kinda useless for town to use to draw inferences from tbh


you havent seen Zander without a shirt on yet....


Wolves will defend themselves as much as townies do. It depends on the player


never gonna hear the end of the red now are we???


1. As a first time player I would expect a townie to post about what they've observed and who acts like they are hiding stuff. I would think they would want to convince other towns they are town but not sound like their trying too hard to defend anything that hasn't been specifically hung on them. But this is prolly more about my style and not what better players would do. I thought I would see people using facts with deductions but I didn't know how much of the facts were going to be hidden from most of the players. Also I didn't realize the cop had to be careful to not get caught sharing info or they'd get NK'd. Really I didn't know what to expect and am just learning as i go. 


2. I've tried to think of how them taking out Mills would be helpful since he was next on the suspected to be lynched list but can't come up with a good answer.


3. no I have not but it sounds like you have 🤣


4. maybe I was being played by a master to unvote them but i just felt moved to rethink my vote lol


5. since we have a real life lumberjack AND an ultimate wrestling fan, should we have a lumberjack match to solve this game? Might work with all the original players back, 10 should be enough to make it interesting yes?

  On 3/6/2025 at 10:44 PM, dicetosser1 said:

Taking out players names and things theyve said, what would you expect a townie to do/say/act like?



This is a really good question...and honestly...I'm a bit stumped so I guess "I don't really know(?)" is the best answer I can come up with.  But that isn't fair, so I will try.  As I try to think through this, I have perhaps, maybe? two observations (but I have never played before...so they probably don't make any sense.).  

1) I wouldn't expect a Townie to make accusations or push for "naming wolves" without supporting analysis because if they were a Townie they would have no idea who the other Townies were and might run the risk of killing one of their own.  So I guess, Townies would accuse less or decide on wolves less??


2) I would also expect a Townie to be more reluctant to theorize(?), as again, they are operating with less information.


However, these 2 expectation are speculative because I really have no experience or knowledge to base them on. And mostly just reflective of my own personality. (Hopefully, one of the more experienced players can comment on these expectations.). 

But I have been very quiet, (thanks to RL), so I thought I'd try to at least answer the question.  If nothing else, it helps me try to understand how to play this game...which I am still struggling with.  

  On 3/6/2025 at 10:44 PM, dicetosser1 said:



Zanders backed off on heavy. Its more frustration with trying to understand him atp i think



its ok he has a multizone dvd player



Dude after 40 years your FAMILY doesnt understand you! How can she be expected to? 😄 



THIS!!!!!! THIS is why Zander and I are having problems with you. Your sposed to be a noob but you keep throwing around terms we see in mafia all the time!




interesting wording.



Snark from the newbie and aimed at zander...


LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!1



ok same question for you and @Gudrean   Taking out players names and things theyve said, what would you expect a townie to do/say/act like?




I think the Mills kill is either trying to sow WIFOM and get som suspicion on people who were or were willing to vote him, the mafia cop hunting, or a case of kill the quiet ones for lack of info.  Its kinda useless for town to use to draw inferences from tbh




you havent seen Zander without a shirt on yet....





Wolves will defend themselves as much as townies do. It depends on the player




never gonna hear the end of the red now are we???



Alright you Silverchair loving ....MAROON...*runs*. 








Ok you see if too with Heavy right?!??!!  It's not just me...it's like one post seems like exp player and other asking the Nirmala new player questions.  In trying to not focus on it but can't seem to let it go....FML lol


Honestly, maybe Dice will agree or maybe not but, as new players I don't think focusing too much on the NK is a great idea.  I'm not saying don't at all and ask some questions for sure if you're curious but first few games should be getting the hang of the game, how it works, how it's played, Mafia terms, asking questions,  learning to find both Townies and Wolves.  Each game played you'll learn a little more, understand a little more, feel a little more comfortable playing and interacting.  Just my 2 cents worth anyways.

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