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Informal Roll Call... Jan 2024

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  • 2 months later...

I never heard of that until I came onto DM, and I would normally rate my knowledge of all things unpleasant and childish fairly high. 


It does certainly give a new angle to the Dark One's taint, something I am quite glad I was spared during reading the book. May have spoiled the mood slightly.

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*attempts to twist around a bit and gets a few scratches*

So, is anyone going to let me out of this trap before I go as mad as the rest of you? Or at least, whatever happened to that drink I was promised? Perhaps I won't mind so much then... 🤔

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On 5/4/2024 at 4:28 PM, Delenn said:

*attempts to twist around a bit and gets a few scratches*

So, is anyone going to let me out of this trap before I go as mad as the rest of you? Or at least, whatever happened to that drink I was promised? Perhaps I won't mind so much then... 🤔

It depends if your Taint is feeling well. Scratch at it if it smells funky.

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12 hours ago, Delenn said:

 Boopsy! :huh: I’m completely capable of shifting around like a lady if it comes to that. 🫣🤣

Arent you stuck though? The DO's Taint has a strong hold on this place. Logistically it's complicated.

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On 5/8/2024 at 1:21 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

*looks wide-eyed at what's going on*


What are you doing? I'm not sure an Accepted should be watching this. Black Tower ruffians. 


*sniffs disapprovingly*

Don't think I don't see the parchment and quill hiding behind your... behind and is scratching away with the Power of the Saidar thing. Also, you drew THAT part wrong. It's usually a lot... wider and squiggly.

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21 hours ago, Wayward_fool said:

Don't think I don't see the parchment and quill hiding behind your... behind and is scratching away with the Power of the Saidar thing. Also, you drew THAT part wrong. It's usually a lot... wider and squiggly.

I am not making any sort of record of the Mistress of Novices in an unbecoming situation. The very thought! What would I do with such incriminating material? Probably would be illegal just to have such images in your possession. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a similar experience as a Soldier as well. The interior decorator here seems to have a perchant to padded walls though. I never really understood the appeal. But to each his own.


Also, don't mind the smell, it's mostly because we are covered by the Dark One's Taint and sometimes it can get musty from lack of cleaning.

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That's OK, I share a dorm with @EirikDaude.


I'm sure he can confirm how bad my room smells. Not a lot of taint but I think my socks have started to develop a rudimentary language and society based on proximity to the holy and fabled sock drawer where they all hope to reach some fine day. 

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