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Horatio Cane must die... Who do YOU hate??


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Guest Cadsuane

I was watching CSI Miami last night, and once again I am amazed at how much I dislike Horatio Cane. Somehow, I enjoy the show (perhaps all the pretty people and scenery), but everytime he speaks, I want to jab a fork in my eye. Or his. Either way, I wouldn't be listening to him anymore.



So, any characters that drive you up the wall??

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I havent been a David Caruso fan ever! From his days as a snotty, cowardly punk in an Officer and a Gentleman, to him getting bare-arsed in NYPD Blue. He has a head like a dropped pie, and his acting isnt any better. And Im sick of all these CSI franchises as well! I wanna see CSI: Anchorage. Now, Id watch that!

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Ugh, every bloody character has to have an interesting name.

I can't stand those horrible one liners. It's insane, cheesy and bloody annoying. Still love the original, New York is growing on me since whats her face from 24 left. Miami is good though, i've learned to ignore the one liners.

It's been so long since i've actually watched tv that i can't really think of anyone who bugs me. The entire cast of the OC? Or other american tv shows where EVERYONE looks perfect?

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Guest Barmacral

I've never had a problem with the one liners in the show... although they sound really bad on that video. The big thing about Caruso that I don't like is the fact that he never seems to show ANY emotion at all whatsoever. Its raining? meh, a nuke has just gone off and killed my parents? meh. Thats the impression that I get from him.

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Guest Stefania Sedai

Yeah, my husband and I had picked up on the whole "put your glasses on and say something clever" thing and we've been using it.


Dinner -putyourglasseson- is served

The van -putyourglasseson- is out of gas

The kids -putyourglasseson- need a bath


It's lots of fun. You should -putmyglasseson- try it.

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Guest Cadsuane

Lol, Stefania... I will, if I'm ever with someone who I know will realize I'm being Caruso and not just a jack*ss. :lol:

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Guest Barmacral

You know Lilliandra, you are probably the horniest person in the Seanchan Org, and considering who we have as members, thats pretty impressive.

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I love Horatio Caine, and I'm not afraid to admit it. LOL! Something about the way he rescues all hopeless damsels in distress gets me.


I'm all over the I'd let him frisk me thing. ;) Hehe


And now that I'm thinking about getting frisked, I can't think of a character who bugs me. I know there is one...

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Loreina al'Landragoran

My husband and I are old enough to remember the old Hawaii Five-O TV show with Jack Lord as the famous detective. Horatio talks and acts so much like him that we think Caruso must be channeling Jack Lord's spirit. It's insane sometimes. The other day he even said "Book 'em" and I could swear I heard the ghost of a "Dan-o" after it. And yeah, both characters are really controlled, serious, cold, etc, too much so, I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What?! I LOVE Horatio Cane... so much in fact, that I drew a picture of him in paint... with a giant axe... sticking out of his head... and blood splattered everywhere... it was the only way I could express my feelings for him... I just love him so much it hurts, you know?  :'(

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