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1 minute ago, AwholeLoafaBread said:


I agree almost 100%... but lay off the Nut, they're just an innocent child, and I agree with the concept that has been discussed that @Darthe would mod-messup? I forget the term, he would be cheating us to state someone is innocent when they're not. I'm gonna locktown on @VooDooNut after reading the discussion on the role we've been provided for them.



That's interesting to know @SinisterDeath. Still not sure though. If he always play wolf then how can we ever know... Verbal did say he was town and he shot anyway.



I appreciate the pass @Zander?, I see that from a few of the players so far. My sentiment remains the same, I may be new but I want to be treated the same. If I suck at playing and get voted anyway, well then the scum prob gonna win. 




I see your point, that's fair to think. I hope you change your mind, but I'll not push. That would feel like a scum move to me, what's what I would vote for. 'Though doth protest too much' and all that jazz.



No read?.. I'm confused @_@


The pass is only for d1 lolololol


If I don't start reading you town after that then well all bets are off lolololol

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3 hours ago, Cass said:


I mean, I could be wrong, but if I was in the wolf seat, I wouldn't just be leaving all the townies alive and hoping they killed each other for me during the day when they're all likely armed 🤣


@Cass you make a good point. I'll keep that very in mind. BTW, you are so nice just always that I can't read you, that scares me a little lol


2 hours ago, Zander? said:


To me thrres certain players esp like myself who can mimic their town game pretty well at 1st but can't sustain it.  I think sustainability is a big thing some players struggle with as a Wolf.  Like I'm a pretty great Hallia reader for example but she's usually pretty much always the same d1 so I usuallyvread her with a Town lean D1 but if she's wilting by d2 or d3 I'm.there because some people can only fake it for so long.


@Zander? I'll also keep this in mind and keep an eye out for how everyone's personalities unfold as we go. I'm unsure what to look for for scum or wolf, but I feel like us villagers are just all around relaxed and feeling the waters in this early game. This makes me paranoid that you seasoned players are just so good at faking it, and they don't have to fake it long with how few of us there are. scum could get us all or we'll shoot ourselves in the foot, ergo I'm paranoid.


2 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

Green = Safe
Yellow = Caution
Red = Danger







Giving you a list based on my current impressions. Mind, these aren't written in stone, or even that strong. 
If we used a number system to rate truthiness to scuminess, the difference between everyone would be in the decimals...cause we know nothing Jon snow.

My thoughts (cause last game) are to not trust Verbal. He's a dirty rotten lying liar never to be trusted. 😛 

What I got out of Verbal & Your sparring is that he's trying to goad you into falsely incriminating yourself. That could be his town play, but that reminds me of last game.

I don't really have any kind of meta on Sooh, but I wonder if that early vote was some kind of signal.
Maybe it's a way to draw sus off Sooh's accomplice. 

Similar for LoafofBread. No meta. Seems nicer than Darthe's gameplay. (lol)

But the earlier ribbing that I read as basically "I'm town but I could totally be a wolf lol" felt way to cautious for town. I'm Cautious towards Loaf's sus. Waiting for her to catch up and not have to deal with toddlers.

I put Cass near the bottom of "safe" close to "cautious" cause I still don't really know Cass is town, but it's seems like Cass is. Though I can't help but wonder if Cass's defense of me being Town isn't a wolf play to make Cass off as Town when I get NK'd.

Zander, is zander? I feel like I'll get a better idea of Zander as the crud passes & he gets more time to play this game.


VooDoo. As has been pointed out to me, is 100% mod confirmed town innocent. Everyone assures me Darthe isn't Bastard Modding this.
I still have sus over VooDoo/Darthe but I'll ignore that for the rest of the game.
@VooDooNut Confirm or deny that you're hiding in my closet right now, trying to jump scare me?



Fair, and I am nicer than @Darthe online, he's kind of a..brash man. But, he is good at what he does, or so he tells me.


2 hours ago, Zander? said:


Ok I see a few people have expressed some suss towards Loaf.  If you're a Villager whose doing this male sure to ask yourself.  Is she really suss or am I sussing her ONLY because I have no real other suspect.  I find her to just be a new player she mostly null for me atp.  But if she gets lynchrd today and flips Villa this is a super easy push for Wolves to make and if shes Villa best believe I will focus the hunt on her train.  


@Zander? lol what do you mean on my train? hunting though, could that be....wolfy?

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2 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

Green = Safe
Yellow = Caution
Red = Danger







Giving you a list based on my current impressions. Mind, these aren't written in stone, or even that strong. 
If we used a number system to rate truthiness to scuminess, the difference between everyone would be in the decimals...cause we know nothing Jon snow.

My thoughts (cause last game) are to not trust Verbal. He's a dirty rotten lying liar never to be trusted. 😛 

What I got out of Verbal & Your sparring is that he's trying to goad you into falsely incriminating yourself. That could be his town play, but that reminds me of last game.

I don't really have any kind of meta on Sooh, but I wonder if that early vote was some kind of signal.
Maybe it's a way to draw sus off Sooh's accomplice. 

Similar for LoafofBread. No meta. Seems nicer than Darthe's gameplay. (lol)

But the earlier ribbing that I read as basically "I'm town but I could totally be a wolf lol" felt way to cautious for town. I'm Cautious towards Loaf's sus. Waiting for her to catch up and not have to deal with toddlers.

I put Cass near the bottom of "safe" close to "cautious" cause I still don't really know Cass is town, but it's seems like Cass is. Though I can't help but wonder if Cass's defense of me being Town isn't a wolf play to make Cass off as Town when I get NK'd.

Zander, is zander? I feel like I'll get a better idea of Zander as the crud passes & he gets more time to play this game.


VooDoo. As has been pointed out to me, is 100% mod confirmed town innocent. Everyone assures me Darthe isn't Bastard Modding this.
I still have sus over VooDoo/Darthe but I'll ignore that for the rest of the game.
@VooDooNut Confirm or deny that you're hiding in my closet right now, trying to jump scare me?


I love my toddler, as needy as he can be ❤️ 

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Just now, AwholeLoafaBread said:


@Cass you make a good point. I'll keep that very in mind. BTW, you are so nice just always that I can't read you, that scares me a little lol



@Zander? I'll also keep this in mind and keep an eye out for how everyone's personalities unfold as we go. I'm unsure what to look for for scum or wolf, but I feel like us villagers are just all around relaxed and feeling the waters in this early game. This makes me paranoid that you seasoned players are just so good at faking it, and they don't have to fake it long with how few of us there are. scum could get us all or we'll shoot ourselves in the foot, ergo I'm paranoid.




Fair, and I am nicer than @Darthe online, he's kind of a..brash man. But, he is good at what he does, or so he tells me.



@Zander? lol what do you mean on my train? hunting though, could that be....wolfy?


Train in Mafia means the people who are voting someone.


Like Soo h is voting me currently so she's on my train.


Studying trains typically entails when there's a lynch well see who got the most votes flip qnd know of they were town or Wolf and the people whose votes ended the day would be on that person's train.


So say you got lunched today and dlip Town and say Soo h  Cass and Verb were the ones on your train when I flip.  That's the train id look be base my hunt for Wolves off of.  Yes Villagees ml villagers all the time but there tends to be Wolves on those trains this is where we base the term Wagonomics from.



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Just now, Zander? said:


Train in Mafia means the people who are voting someone.


Like Soo h is voting me currently so she's on my train.


Studying trains typically entails when there's a lynch well see who got the most votes flip qnd know of they were town or Wolf and the people whose votes ended the day would be on that person's train.


So say you got lunched today and dlip Town and say Soo h  Cass and Verb were the ones on your train when U flip.  That's the train id look be base my hunt for Wolves off of.  Yes Villagees ml villagers all the time but there tends to be Wolves on those trains this is where we base the term Wagonomics from.




U not I flip lol

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Just now, Zander? said:


Train in Mafia means the people who are voting someone.


Like Soo h is voting me currently so she's on my train.


Studying trains typically entails when there's a lynch well see who got the most votes flip qnd know of they were town or Wolf and the people whose votes ended the day would be on that person's train.


So say you got lunched today and dlip Town and say Soo h  Cass and Verb were the ones on your train when I flip.  That's the train id look be base my hunt for Wolves off of.  Yes Villagees ml villagers all the time but there tends to be Wolves on those trains this is where we base the term Wagonomics from.




I'm not great at explaining things if you don't understand ask one of the other vets here to explain in a way that might make some sense lolololol

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2 hours ago, Zander? said:


I like your thought process here fwiw.  Allow me to answer and do with it what you will and ask others if ya want about my take.


It would first and foremost depend on the playerlist and tgread/game state.  See alot of times as a Villa when I suss someone it's for "Zander reasons" that don't always make sense to anyone but me.  And as a Villa idgaf how the thread perceives me like I'm a dog with a new bone so to speak.  But it's my sustainability and paranoia levels alot of people who read me well will judge me by.  As a Wolf I just tend tontry to find anything I can pass off as "Zander reasoning" and go with it.  But in a smaller game as a Wolf imma just try to push the easiest mislynch on a player Im not known for readiing well illnuse Hallia again if I pishes her ML D1 people that know me would likely draw suss from me for it.  Short story long here I guess but in a 7er with game state as is it likely just push Town Loaf here if there was any traction at all fornit if I was a Wolf here.


I think it's easy to cite "Zander reasoning" instead of clearly explaining a thought process. I can't tell if they do this @Zander? because you are just super predictable and there is no need to explain, or if they're throwing you under the bus as a wolf and just gonna be like "oh well, he's wolfy" if you turn out townie. You would push me town maybe, if you wanted to gain some 'non-wolfy' good press, but since a few of them are saying I'm sus I can't see how it helps you either way.


My gosh you're a hard read for me.


2 hours ago, Zander? said:




yes @Sooh! Congrats! I saw this earlier and forgot to congratulate you, so I'm piggybacking off zanders post so I dont have to dig for the original. 🙂 


2 hours ago, Sooh said:

You said I voted Zander to signal something or to get suspicion off an accomplice. Do you think I'm an accomplice with Z then? Nobody was being sussed at the time, so I don't quite get how me voting Z would throw suspicion off somebody else.


@Sooh Yeah, I don't understand that either. You wouldn't lynch someone if you aligned with them, you'd be pushing to lose the game on your side. Which....I am still not sure of your side. I am beginning to lean townie 🙂 you make a lot of sense. I think you're on my list of no lynch, along with @VooDooNut


2 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

Lets say in an insane world, Loaf & Zander are a wolf.

Does either @Cass or @Sooh imagine Zander would threaten to lead a lynch train on anyone who jumped on a Loaf Wagon, as an attempt to protect Loaf from getting lynched?
Do we think he could pull of a "whoopsie, I was wrong, now lets lynch the two that didn't vote loaf?"



That's a good point, those two are both stating they're giving me a D1 pass. Are you two collaborating on something? Even though you state why, this is a small game. I feel some sus for these two now... but I can't figure out which one or if they're both out to mislead that I'm aligned with one or the other and just seriously doing a good job at it. I'm scared, paranoid, and impressed @Zander? @Cass

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1 hour ago, AwholeLoafaBread said:


@Verbal32 May I ask why you voted for me? Whatido?



Nothing, actually.  Part for fun, part saying hi to a new person, and part random D1 sillyness.




35 minutes ago, AwholeLoafaBread said:



I see your point, that's fair to think. I hope you change your mind, but I'll not push. That would feel like a scum move to me, what's what I would vote for. 'Though doth protest too much' and all that jazz.



No read?.. I'm confused @_@


That was me talking about Cass, not you.

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Just now, AwholeLoafaBread said:


I think it's easy to cite "Zander reasoning" instead of clearly explaining a thought process. I can't tell if they do this @Zander? because you are just super predictable and there is no need to explain, or if they're throwing you under the bus as a wolf and just gonna be like "oh well, he's wolfy" if you turn out townie. You would push me town maybe, if you wanted to gain some 'non-wolfy' good press, but since a few of them are saying I'm sus I can't see how it helps you either way.


My gosh you're a hard read for me.



yes @Sooh! Congrats! I saw this earlier and forgot to congratulate you, so I'm piggybacking off zanders post so I dont have to dig for the original. 🙂 



@Sooh Yeah, I don't understand that either. You wouldn't lynch someone if you aligned with them, you'd be pushing to lose the game on your side. Which....I am still not sure of your side. I am beginning to lean townie 🙂 you make a lot of sense. I think you're on my list of no lynch, along with @VooDooNut




That's a good point, those two are both stating they're giving me a D1 pass. Are you two collaborating on something? Even though you state why, this is a small game. I feel some sus for these two now... but I can't figure out which one or if they're both out to mislead that I'm aligned with one or the other and just seriously doing a good job at it. I'm scared, paranoid, and impressed @Zander? @Cass


I don't know to to answer this really but I don't get ML very often and I don't get lunched as A WOLF often tho more so then I get ML.  Not sure if that answers or helps.  Maybe others can elaborate it better.

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Just now, AwholeLoafaBread said:


Wut? Bro, I just met you XD you continue to confuse me. 


Alot of my posts are jokes I joke ALOT.  Look at the posts I quoted I made jokes from ideas or images that you amd Cass said weren't the case Cass with voive thing and you with pic I called Derf and I called you both ruiners.  Just a joke I dont actually think you 2 are the wolves lololololol

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31 minutes ago, Zander? said:


The pass is only for d1 lolololol


If I don't start reading you town after that then well all bets are off lolololol


@Zander? gotcha 🙂 


22 minutes ago, Zander? said:


Train in Mafia means the people who are voting someone.


Like Soo h is voting me currently so she's on my train.


Studying trains typically entails when there's a lynch well see who got the most votes flip qnd know of they were town or Wolf and the people whose votes ended the day would be on that person's train.


So say you got lunched today and dlip Town and say Soo h  Cass and Verb were the ones on your train when I flip.  That's the train id look be base my hunt for Wolves off of.  Yes Villagees ml villagers all the time but there tends to be Wolves on those trains this is where we base the term Wagonomics from.




@Zander? thank you for the post below. You had me in the first half...then I quickly got confused lol


20 minutes ago, Zander? said:


I'm not great at explaining things if you don't understand ask one of the other vets here to explain in a way that might make some sense lolololol



will do lol


5 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


Nothing, actually.  Part for fun, part saying hi to a new person, and part random D1 sillyness.





That was me talking about Cass, not you.


Gosh, I keep doing this. I'm sorry, I will try to keep things straight. I really do catch up when I say I am, and read several pages. I'm very slow...like slow slow at reading. My ADHD betrays me.


and @Verbal32 I can't be mad at that 🙂

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3 minutes ago, Zander? said:


Alot of my posts are jokes I joke ALOT.  Look at the posts I quoted I made jokes from ideas or images that you amd Cass said weren't the case Cass with voive thing and you with pic I called Derf and I called you both ruiners.  Just a joke I dont actually think you 2 are the wolves lololololol



I try to joke back lol but, as my husband continues to remind me... robots aren't funny

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Just now, Zander? said:

I know Derfs asking himself why the F did I put my wife in my game with Zander in it...the answer Derf my friend is were both Mafia addicts and suckers for punishment lololololol


And I know eventually I'll drag Verb down to my level and into this lolololol

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I hope I replied to everyone, please let me know if I missed you.


I've replied a lot, so I am going to post my reads and make sure I am giving ya'll more than cheeky replies.


I am struggling to get a pure 100% certainty on anyone. But, I'll vote, I agree with not having a no lynch. We learn nothing if we do that, am I right?


So, if I'm town and I feel like Sooh is town and VooDooNut is confirmed town then I am afraid I have to look at ya'll:







I'm leaning toward Cass just because she's so good at being good. I can't really sus based on what I've seen so far, but I wouldn't surprise me that someone would use that to an advantage. Too nice, so nice, sorry @Cass 😞  Gosh I'm gonna get totally cancelled for this. 


The rest of you, I am still considering. I will see how things go the next couple hours, and I apologize if wanting more info is looked down on. I just want to be as safe as possible, while still playing a good game.

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Just now, AwholeLoafaBread said:

I hope I replied to everyone, please let me know if I missed you.


I've replied a lot, so I am going to post my reads and make sure I am giving ya'll more than cheeky replies.


I am struggling to get a pure 100% certainty on anyone. But, I'll vote, I agree with not having a no lynch. We learn nothing if we do that, am I right?


So, if I'm town and I feel like Sooh is town and VooDooNut is confirmed town then I am afraid I have to look at ya'll:







I'm leaning toward Cass just because she's so good at being good. I can't really sus based on what I've seen so far, but I wouldn't surprise me that someone would use that to an advantage. Too nice, so nice, sorry @Cass 😞  Gosh I'm gonna get totally cancelled for this. 


The rest of you, I am still considering. I will see how things go the next couple hours, and I apologize if wanting more info is looked down on. I just want to be as safe as possible, while still playing a good game.


Just assume I'm a Villager and you can trust me you'll be right this game and right like I don't know #themaths but like say 85% of the time.



Also don't ever fing trust anyone in a Mafia game unless they are Mod Confirmed


Hope this helps lolololol

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1 minute ago, Zander? said:

I know Derfs asking himself why the F did I put my wife in my game with Zander in it...the answer Derf my friend is were both Mafia addicts and suckers for punishment lololololol


Side note I'm pretty sure everybody whose ever modded or played a game asked themselves why the F did we let or join Zander in the game.....lolololol

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