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5 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


Agree.  I'd really like to hit the hero shot I thought I was taking on Zander and actually hit scum this time....




Do you think it's likely that NONE of the scum team stayed on Hallia?  Super risky as Zander could have gone either way, but on D1 I feel like scum could potentially risk that.

I honestly don't know. It's a little less likely than pure random that a wolf team would all stay on one wagon.  I think Hally herself couldn't move her vote once the wagon built, and then you're only talking about 1 person moving to avoid the bus.  Rereading that EOD to see how the votes moved might be really beneficial.

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For the new folks, that above quote from Hally?  That's a very bad reason to vote a confirmed townsperson. There are actually no good reasons to, but this in particular is an attempt to get people who are playing the game emotionally (mostly newer folks who go on what they "feel" instead of what they "think") to jump before they weigh it out.  

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It's basically an open admission of being a wolf. A townsperson would've made an argument for how I've got it wrong and it's urgent that I remove my vote at LYLO so the wolves don't pop in and hammer, and they'd have been frustrated with me for not seeing their towniness.  

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AJ's town btw.  I'm past my frustration, I need to stick with that read.


I'd say that, barring Verb shenanigans, Tripped should be the lynch tomorrow.  Shoot one of Voodoo or Sinister (no offense to either of you, just trying to get a clearer picture) and then win the game by lynching the other after Tripped falls.  

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57 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:

I agree you'd be likely to jump in there as scum, but you're basically WIFOMing with this.

That’s not my intent. The purpose is to get people to really *think* about ny moves in this game and consider whether I’d do them as either alignment. I hate the “aj good” argument because it gets old. I have made AI moves in this game and I think that one is probably the strongest

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Ngl this exchange between Hally/Darthe I could see going either way.


Darthe is a high-WIM wolf that would absolutely carry Hally into lylo here knowing he could push her pretty easily


then again I don’t feel great on her and the cross voting is going to make things even more murky because you BOTH know that’s a dumb move for this point in the game 

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1 minute ago, whiskey delta said:

Ngl this exchange between Hally/Darthe I could see going either way.


Darthe is a high-WIM wolf that would absolutely carry Hally into lylo here knowing he could push her pretty easily


then again I don’t feel great on her and the cross voting is going to make things even more murky because you BOTH know that’s a dumb move for this point in the game 

I don't actually think anyone will follow me, but being talked down to by someone when we're all supposed to be, well I consider you all friends but maybe that's presumptuous, bothers me.

In combination with clov self hammering and SD self voting I'm having a hard time wanting to participate


I'll still engage but I'm not engaging with darthe 

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1 minute ago, Hallia said:

I don't actually think anyone will follow me, but being talked down to by someone when we're all supposed to be, well I consider you all friends but maybe that's presumptuous, bothers me.

In combination with clov self hammering and SD self voting I'm having a hard time wanting to participate


I'll still engage but I'm not engaging with darthe 

Is there a world where you see Darthe being town here besides the mechanical stuff? That’s a pretty good point in his favor but I know better than to internalize it completely.


Who else could be scum? Who do you have as Town?



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8 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

Ngl this exchange between Hally/Darthe I could see going either way.


Darthe is a high-WIM wolf that would absolutely carry Hally into lylo here knowing he could push her pretty easily


then again I don’t feel great on her and the cross voting is going to make things even more murky because you BOTH know that’s a dumb move for this point in the game 

You don't think i'm confirmed town?

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4 minutes ago, Hallia said:

I don't actually think anyone will follow me, but being talked down to by someone when we're all supposed to be, well I consider you all friends but maybe that's presumptuous, bothers me.

In combination with clov self hammering and SD self voting I'm having a hard time wanting to participate


I'll still engage but I'm not engaging with darthe 

If that's real let me know post-game.  Absolutely not how that post was written, that's a "I'm very frustrated with this game" post from me.  Until post-game, I'm gonna assume this is gameplay from you.

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1 minute ago, whiskey delta said:

Is there a world where you see Darthe being town here besides the mechanical stuff? That’s a pretty good point in his favor but I know better than to internalize it completely.


Who else could be scum? Who do you have as Town?



Initially?  Yes, he was like my strongest town - could I see him doing this as a wolf, maybe?  But Cory did say he protected him the night Zander died didn't he?

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No I really don’t lol


maybe that just falls into my S-tier reads this game but like I said there’s a non-zero chance Zander was double tapped N1 regardless of Cory’s claim and flip. It’s not like wolves haven’t been covered by protections before 

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Just now, whiskey delta said:

No I really don’t lol


maybe that just falls into my S-tier reads this game but like I said there’s a non-zero chance Zander was double tapped N1 regardless of Cory’s claim and flip. It’s not like wolves haven’t been covered by protections before 

OH. Oh my god. That didn't enter my mind at all.

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2 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

No I really don’t lol


maybe that just falls into my S-tier reads this game but like I said there’s a non-zero chance Zander was double tapped N1 regardless of Cory’s claim and flip. It’s not like wolves haven’t been covered by protections before 

Legitimately that makes you either a wolf or is so bad that I wanna discuss it post-game. If you had said you thought Verb and I set up this fake vig play and we got lucky in about 100 ways I'd follow, but suggesting that the confirmed townie lied about his protections when he was role claiming to avoid getting lynched... And on top of it, I'm the top poster with the most consensus town-read in the game.  Yeah, I'll wanna talk about that post game if you're town.

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3 minutes ago, Hallia said:

OH. Oh my god. That didn't enter my mind at all.

See now this is really at odds with that post you got mad about where I fussed at this town not having their crap together at all.  You see where I'm at here?  AJ thinks I may not be town despite the dead doc claiming to have saved me, and you forgot.


Yet I'm the a-hole for fussing about you guys, once, in a moment of frustration.

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