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Slinky-slank mafia


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4 minutes ago, Darthe said:

Between SD and clov where do you want to go and why?

Lets say you all wagon me and I Flip villager (I will)

Maybe Verbal gets a good NK in and takes out a wolf. Maybe he hits a villager, maybe he holsters?
Maybe the wolf eats Verbal. Maybe cory saves Verbal and Cory gets punked.
We could see 3 dead before D3 starts.

That would leave us with 7 to 8 players, 2 to 3 of them being wolves, and that's if you don't kill a PR. 
You have no reason to trust me, I have no reason to trust you, cory, or Verbal. But from where I stand, if you Wagon me, you're helping the wolves.

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6 minutes ago, Darthe said:

So here's the thing.  I was 100% sure that you'd be locktown if you claimed vanilla and said that the vig was made up last night.  Not doing that means you're leaning into the vig shot, but that's troublesome because Zander was the clearest villager in this game and you either didn't read or you're lying.  You had a whole night to do anything you wanted to catch up, and I can't imagine a player as good as you making no evolution in your reads with 24 hours of completely free time.  Ergo, more likely you're a wolf and killed Zander than a townie who lost his mind.  I've zero interest in watching you get copped, if you couldn't put in the effort to read, seems like a good way for a wolf to last an extra day and then out a PR and waste a cop shot all in one.


Agree to disagree on Zander being the clearest town.  I admittedly skim his posts when I'm catching up, and only pay close attention when it's real time.


I'd also like to discuss what "24 hours of completely free time" means to different people.  To me, it means not come back to the the game until the next phase, and then catch up on whatever I missed if I'm a little late back to the thread.  This was advertised as a slank game - it's literally in the title.


In reality, I was hoping I'd be made scum this game so I could lolcat with spidey pics half the time and taunt the other half.  All lynching me does now is remove my ability to accidentally shoot another townie.....but it also removes my ability to shoot scum.

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6 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

Can you talk me through your PoE and who you have town reads on outside of cory/darthe and why?  Also, is your PoE ordered?


Anyone who has played with verbal know if this is how they would normally handle vig/claim?  If true, I'm pretty annoyed about shooting outside of counterwagons, but I have no idea if town!verbal is more likely to go for the hero shot or not.


POE not ordered, it's just a list of people I'm not leaning town on.  Not necessarily leaning scum, either, just not town....therefore my POE.


And I will *always* go for the hero shot.  Always.

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5 minutes ago, Leelou said:

He 100% will go for a hero shot. 


Verb, what exactly made you think Zander was scum to shoot at him? 


Yep, ninja'd me there.


As for the question, damn you because I can't remember what the posts were...and now I need to go look for it.  Thanks for that.

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4 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

Lets say you all wagon me and I Flip villager (I will)

Maybe Verbal gets a good NK in and takes out a wolf. Maybe he hits a villager, maybe he holsters?
Maybe the wolf eats Verbal. Maybe cory saves Verbal and Cory gets punked.
We could see 3 dead before D3 starts.

That would leave us with 7 to 8 players, 2 to 3 of them being wolves, and that's if you don't kill a PR. 
You have no reason to trust me, I have no reason to trust you, cory, or Verbal. But from where I stand, if you Wagon me, you're helping the wolves.


Did you just spew me town with this post?!

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1 minute ago, Verbal32 said:

Did you just spew me town with this post?!

I guess? I still haven't read anything from Hallia that makes or breaks her being town, and Hallia doesn't seem to care if I join her on wagoning with Darthe if they agree on who to vote with...

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Just now, SinisterDeath said:

I guess? I still haven't read anything from Hallia that makes or breaks her being town, and Hallia doesn't seem to care if I join her on wagoning with Darthe if they agree on who to vote with...


You guess?  There's no guarantee of any specific PR in this game, so you can't assume I'm town.  But you worded your posts as if you KNEW I was town and talked about a good shot from me hitting scum or the scum NK taking me out.  This makes it sound like you know my alignment.

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1 minute ago, Verbal32 said:

You guess?  There's no guarantee of any specific PR in this game, so you can't assume I'm town.  But you worded your posts as if you KNEW I was town and talked about a good shot from me hitting scum or the scum NK taking me out.  This makes it sound like you know my alignment.



3 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

IMO, the only implication that there is a doc or a vig, comes from Darthe & Cory's interaction. If they were both wolves, that interaction is to their benefit...  as a lot of us have cleared them as Villager/Doc.

I'm running these scenarios in my head.
A) Doc Cory saves Villager Darthe from wolf. Vig kills Zander.
B) Doc saves Villager Darthe from Vig, Wolf kills Zander.
C) Doc Cory saves Wolf Darth, Wolf Darth Kills Zander.
D) Wolf Cory claims to save Wolf Darthe, Wolves kill Zander.
E) Wolf Cory claims to save Villager Darthe. Doc saved someone else, Vig kills Zander. Wolf trying to find real doc.

No one's came out as a counter-Doc to refute Cory yet.
Obviously if there was a Doc that's not Cory, they'd want to hide it so they don't get NK'd, but I'd half expect some sly poking at Cory being a wolf. If doc can save each night, Cory's good every night if we don't lynch him.

So IMO, this basically clears Cory as a doc for me. I don't think an experienced wolf would fake doc with a bunch of other experienced players around that are better at reading them.

Darthe IMO, is more likely a villager then wolf.

I don't know where Hallia really stands, as I don't know if Hallia ever really replied to my post where I said that I'll vote for whoever Hallia and Darthe agree on. 

About the only thing I know, is that Ya'll sus.

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3 hours ago, Hallia said:

Thank you!

Because of precisely what's happening now, I think mine would've given more information - p much everyone was taking stances wrt me.  Dice hasn't contributed a whole lot and I think his flip didn't give a lot of information

I mean, I guess I get it, but I will never understand the mindset of a towny think they are a better yeet than literally anyone else who isn't also confirmed town.  And I have a really hard time with the part where you thought yeeting town!you over wolf!dice is ever better, but...eh.  I have an even harder time wrapping my mind around wolf!you saying that about town!dice so idk.

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3 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:

I'm calling that what it is, a scum slip.

And if you're wrong? What does that mean other than you can't read me at all? IMO, you lead a wagon on me and I flip villager, it'll make you look like scum... But hey, that's a game winning move right there for wolf...right?

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12 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

Lets say you all wagon me and I Flip villager (I will)

Maybe Verbal gets a good NK in and takes out a wolf. Maybe he hits a villager, maybe he holsters?
Maybe the wolf eats Verbal. Maybe cory saves Verbal and Cory gets punked.
We could see 3 dead before D3 starts.

That would leave us with 7 to 8 players, 2 to 3 of them being wolves, and that's if you don't kill a PR. 
You have no reason to trust me, I have no reason to trust you, cory, or Verbal. But from where I stand, if you Wagon me, you're helping the wolves.

Have you ever heard of the term fear mongering?

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2 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

And if you're wrong? What does that mean other than you can't read me at all? IMO, you lead a wagon on me and I flip villager, it'll make you look like scum... But hey, that's a game winning move right there for wolf...right?

or maybe OMGUS?

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2 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

I mean, I guess I get it, but I will never understand the mindset of a towny think they are a better yeet than literally anyone else who isn't also confirmed town.  And I have a really hard time with the part where you thought yeeting town!you over wolf!dice is ever better, but...eh.  I have an even harder time wrapping my mind around wolf!you saying that about town!dice so idk.

What post are you referring to in the bold?

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