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SG Org Leader search.... An update


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I felt you all deserved an update as to how the search for your new Org Leader is progressing. I have received a record number of applications for this position. This is a testament to how many people truly care about this Org and its unique community.


Nynaeve, who is a long time SG member, has offered to help me screen the applications. This will ensure that SG's perspective is taken into account when I make my final decision. I expect that I will be able to announce my final decision in a matter of days.


Thank you very much for your patience. Please, eat me.


If you're taking long term member perspectives into account all of a sudden, don't you think you're ignoring someone crucial? Or do you think everyone here has as bad a memory as you seem to do when it comes to certain people?



And I shan't eat you, you smell foul to me.


I disagree Roka.


There are some people that applied that Kath does not know. Instead of her going ONLY by applications...I've offered to tell her a bit about each to give her a clearer picture. She is STILL the one making the choice. She could disregard my reference all together if she chooses to. Nothing has changed here.


The point is...I think people in SG trust me enough to know that I'll be truthful in whatever reference I give concerning people that applied. I'm doing this to help because believe it or not...I care.


This has not been Kath's initiative. I've PMed her offering to do this and she agreed. She could have easily told me to sod off... but she didn't. So please give credit when it's due.


I've only offered this to help. I don't think either me or Kath deserve a tongue lashing over this.






I think I'm more curious on to who is going to take up Kath's offer of food then to who PMed whom. Don't you think we should get a Trolloc or two in here and let them battle for her eyeballs or something?

Guest Far Dareis Mai

Thanks for the update!


It was not your place to offer something like that Nyn, you're 4th level, there's 2 levels of people higher ranked then you that should and will have more say in matters concerning SG. You're shadowspawn faction, you cannot speak for the entire ORG not even for Shadowspawn. While self initiative is something I value greatly, this time, it is more then just presumptuous. Only concern I have is, you might even succeed *sighs*


This has nothing to do with ranks. NOTHING.


It's about me being around long enough to know all the people that applied and verifying if what they say they're about is really true.


And it would be a bit hard for my so called 'higher ups' do the reference because as they clearly stated at the SG off boards...they've all applied themselves.


And honestly....I don't longer care what you think. Kath can choose to do whatever she wants. As she would have done if i haven't interfered in the first place.





Roka, if Kath is allowing her opinion it is not your place to disallow it. She isn't even saying "YEA CHILLIMOUS IS A HOTTIE HE CAN BE ORG LEADER", and from what I know of Nynaeve she will be unbiased, SS or not. If I had to choose one person in this ORG to trust, it would be Nyn.


So Squelch It.

Guest Far Dareis Mai

*begins tossing buckets of ice water on people*


What's done is done. Time to move on.


*starts hanging people by their ankles in the trees* :twisted:


5 points to the person who can find me some new torture supplies. My whip is getting a little worn. ;) I think I'm in the mood for something a little more...feathery and pink ribbony.... ;)


*agrees with Moir on all but the one person in the Org to trust bit*


*feeds Tess to the Trollocs*


*is not a Trolloc, but a Black Ajah*


*eats Kath anyhow*


*eats Rox as well*


*gives Far a stick with their teeth sticking out of it as a beating stick*

Guest Far Dareis Mai

Thanks darlin! 5 points to you! :)


*begins to beat people with her teeth stick* :twisted:



roka, i dont mean to intrude, but maybe this discussion is better to have either privately or in the bore, where we won't scare the young 'uns

Guest TheDemigod

*dies from weak heart*


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