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Highlights and Lowlights of the Past Year


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This has been a tumultuous year for women. There's been incredible highlights and pretty deep lows. 


From #metoo and the multiple women's marches all over the world to the fight for basic healthcare. 


Do you have a personal highlight from this year? Do you think the #metoo movement or the Time's Up movement by Hollywood stars was effective and will produce change?

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i dunno if either of those will produce any permanent change. i hope so. unfortunately i've seen the urge of some to push back against it. the claims of false accusations, the denial of how widespread it is, and the politicizing of it all. all of which have the potential to stagnate the awareness and the change. 


not to mention how fickle a movements reputation can be. how easily derailed a thing can get. and i hope that doesnt happen with either #metoo or times up. and that rather they continue to be a rallying cry to awareness and progress and a safe haven of solidarity for survivors. only time will tell. 


i'm not sure if the #metoo thing was a highlight or a lowlight for me personally. i think it was a bit of a mix of both. highlight in the shining of the light on the massive problem, of the wave of support and sisterhood that came with it and the emboldening it allows. low in the sense that it hit me sideways. i thought i was over and had addressed my own personal trauma, but when the hashtag showed up i, like many other, had been confronted with it all over again. and there was an emotional torn-ness about using the hashtag. of opening myself up in even such a simple manner. it literally took me 3-4 days to do it. but in the end i suppose that too is a highlight. finding new areas that need addressing, and taking even a small public step

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A highlight for me was that I could also say "me too". That might sound strange, but it was the courage of others which gave me the courage to speak out. It's also encouraged me to not just shut up and take things anymore, but to rather stand my ground no matter what. Hopefully it will be a tide that sweeps around the world, so that more and more women gain that courage. When such a thing gains momentum, it comes to a point where there is no longer any way to stop it.

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stop no, derail yes. thats what i fear



and i agree, it did embolden and give courage. having a whole community step up and say such and such happened is eye opening even for victims. because we're made to believe it happened in a vacuum. and that i think is part of why a lot of people dont understand the depths of couragr it takes to simply type AND post #metoo

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The things that concerns me greatly, are women in poverty stricken countries, women subjected to rape and other abuse, and women who lack opportunities for education and growth.



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