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February Chitter Chatter


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Well first DM went missing and then I when MIA. I've had bronchitis, asthma, and a sinus infection. I'm on the second round of antibiotics and prednisone. If anyone is up to it, I'd appreciate positive thoughts and wishes as I recover.

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Oh dear! That isn't good. Healing thoughts indeed!


Hi! I've been eyeing the Kin. It wasn't here when I was here. I like the idea of it, so I' thought I'd check it out. :) (Posting here is kinda like joining, right? >.>)

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22 hours ago, Arie said:

Oh dear! That isn't good. Healing thoughts indeed!


Hi! I've been eyeing the Kin. It wasn't here when I was here. I like the idea of it, so I' thought I'd check it out. :) (Posting here is kinda like joining, right? >.>)


Ya! Please sign in the roll call. We aren't rigorous. We are all about fun and connection. 

I thought the Kin was better placed here under the Tower and it was agreed!


Welcome to the Kin!

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17 hours ago, LilyElizabeth said:

Hi Arie!


Ryrin, I'm so glad you're feeling a little better. I've missed you. 


Oh, I've missed you so much. First DM goes down and when it comes back up, I'm down for the count.

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12 hours ago, Cross said:

indeed, its nice to see your name on the boards again. i've had  bronchitis a couple times, its definitely no fun


Cross, it's been so awful. Now it's in my sinuses but I'm feeling a bit better, so that's good.

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I'm glad it's getting better Ryrin! My house has been down with plague all week (I almost never get sick, but this virus has caused me to miss most of a week's work. It tested as not the flu, but it's been one constant mess of fever and congestion and crud all week). Thankfully my husband seems to be okay (because leaving the house to shop has not been on my list of things to do!) and my son was pretty much over it in less than two days. 

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That is even worse then the foxtail.... D:


(though at least now it just looks like a cute 'add-on' at renfairs. :3)



(So... do we have an org group forum? :3 and is retiring to the Kin a thing? XD (hahaha.... >.>))

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