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BT/WT - 2017 Edition


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LOL no

Damn. I thought I'd found another Critter and got all excited. Ah well. hmmmmm. . . . . maybe I can make a convert though. . . . do you watch many streaming programs? Or have an interest/are a fan of Dungeons & Dragons? And if your answer to either is yes, and even better if yes to BOTH, then, my friend, you need to check out the majesty that is. . . Critical Roll. Where a bunch of nerdy ass voice actors sit around and play dungeons and dragons. It. Is. AMAZEBALLS. Yes! I said AMAZEBALLS. It airs live on Twitch every Thursday night. I have yet to watch a live stream though because I've not caught up yet in the episodes. Slowly makin head way though. These folks are the reason I've been tryin to get back into playin D&D and gettin my creative self movin again. I've not been so emotionally moved like this by a program I think. . . ever. It's hysterical and warming. The community behind it is amazing too. The DM is Matthew Mercer. He's recently just created a whole new campaign setting with Wizards of the Coast that is set in the setting of their game called, Tal'Dorei. 

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