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It's that time of year again where I'm cleaning things up.


The WT website has received NO new information no new bios no new anything.


I'm in the process of exporting all the information.  Zipping up the theme and information.


I can set up a free wordpress.com site for the white tower.  But with no one using the site, and keeping it updated it's a security risk.


Let me know if you want me to set up the free site.  Character bios might not transfer over but if someone wants to host it they should import just fine.


Also tell me who to email everything to.


Sorry for the inconvenience.  


Just wanted to say  that I read your post but I'm checking with Kathleen what is the best course of action ^^


Thanks for letting us know, though


So I have looked at this I just haven't really had time to give it a super amount of thought.


I certainly don't want to lose anything on the site it's very detailed history and very useful tips that we don't have stored anywhere on DM.
























That said I personally have no ability two be doing anything to update thus the year of not touching it. And there are so few members around it's hard to find somebody who can take it over properly.




























I suggest the only thing I can say is go ahead and do what you got to do to keep it up and going and hopefully we can find someone to deal with it?


I'm moving servers.  And I'd rather not transfer it if you aren't using it.  I get it's historical archives and all that.  But it's been untouched for more than a year.  The last character added was in 2013.  If you were using it that's fine, but you aren't.


I'm currently have a problem exporting the wordpress stuff to move it to a free site.  Characters won't tranfer but I will give you all the files, theme, plugins everything including the database file as well as the export for wordpress.

Posted (edited)

Okies, so I'm really bad with all these things lol :tongue:

But i'll help as much as I can.


So if you need to transfer something to someone, you can transfer it all to me (what do you need? A gmail account would be enough ? or? )



Either I'll manage to find some time to do something with it, either I'll keep it until we find someone to take care of this.


Just so you know, the only web thing I have done so far is updating the website of the Red Ajah lol

Edited by Chaelca

Can I ask what the difficulty was or is with the character database? Just out of curiousity. And if you could transfer it to me, please, Mat, that'd be great. (Thanks for offering, Chae.) It's about time it came under central control like everything else. Appreciate you hosting it for as long as you have.  :smile: If you need an email, you can use the one in my profile.


The character database can't be added to a free site at wordpress.com because it limits you on plugins.  I have all the files databases and data if someone wants to transfer it.  But wordpress.com is not your solution unless you want a business plan.


Tay I will invite you to wordpress and email you all the files.  


My own site isn't free. It's a paid for hosting. I'd need to do a separate wordpress install in another folder but I think I have sufficient hosting space and thanks, Mat. I'll check that email today.


No worries, Kat. Ongoing problem isn't it? We'll sort it out. Once it is, I may give you a shout, Nyn and Chae, to help with stuff.... ta for offering.


I will email all the files to you when I get to work Tay.  I saved all the plugins, themes and content in the wp-content folder.  And I have the database saved completely.  If you create a wp-config.php file with your database information and import the database into it you shouldn't have to do anything other than move files.


IF you have to use wordpress to install everything.  You can drop in the theme an plugins and files and use the .xml file to import the data into the database.  The tends to have image problems but I'm pretty sure you don't have too many images in posts.


Alright emails are off to dmpswaa@gmail.com


One hiccup... gmail won't let me send zip files so I'm uploading the files to my google drive...and sending you that link.


And second hiccup, the wordpress.xml file for all content is at my house so you'l get that from home when I get back there.


Got all the emails, downloaded all files/folders etc. to my computer and will keep an eye out for the .xml file, thank you.


Please bear with me, folks. It might take me a while to get this all organised as I'm in the middle of dealing with a family bereavement but I'll let you know when it's accessible. 


the free url does have all the basic info... only thing it doesn't have is all the custom entries like characters and talents and stuff.


Hit a problem that I'd completely forgotten about. My hosting only has one database. So doing a second wordpress install wasn't a problem, it's just on its own table. It means I can't import the database though.


So the site exists. The plugins, themes and images are all transferred. I imported the .xml file from the free site. Activated the child theme. We at least still have the database so it's not like the information is lost. I'll have to think about this a bit.


lol you're fine. I don't usually mind pottering around with this stuff, it's just bad timing. If any of you want to take a look and give me any pointers, (in as much as you might notice any problems or if something is in the wrong place where I might not), you can find the site here: http://www.thistledubhewe.com/TheWhiteTowerRP


Got it, ta. Looks to be the same file name as the one I imported from the free site already, is that right? If so it's all up on the website.  :smile:

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