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The Tainted Times - June 2017


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Two months in a row!  What!?  The Tainted Times, baby... We've got the taint if you've got the time... wait... :unsure:


Let's start with the new faces!





The voices in their head brought us THREE new members this month... if you haven't stopped in to welcome them yet, please do!


Cawstrife was the first to follow the lure of Saidin to our midst.


FrozenLake obliged us with writing a song about his favorite things, although he refused to dance.  :mad:


Dar'Jen Ab Owain slipped in just before month ended, and has no idea how insane we all are just yet.  Oh, she'll see.





We haz them!  Come congratulate them in the Farmhouse!


Leyrann was officially announced as the new Logain, Faction Leader of the Light.  Since he was pretty much doing all the work anyway, this was no surprise.


Cairos has now been promoted to Dedicated.  (And it's about time!)


Will there be more to come in July?  STAY TUNED!





Don't forget the Points Page is now conveniently located in the Farmhouse here to see your points total!


Then you can go here to spend your points.  Earn points.  Use points.  Level up....


And the restoration of the offsite rollers is still in the works, with Nikon and TMD collaborating to return our ability to battle one another into submission. :baalzamon:





The Light vs. Shadow event actually took place!  What!  If you missed it, the theme was Cliches, because good vs. evil is such a cliche as it is.


The Shadow claimed the victory in Cindy's Hangman game, which was extremely fun.


The Mafia team claimed a somewhat rapid victory in RTE and Leyrann's Cliche Mafia.  Congratulations to Dawn, Darthe and Nyn/Oscar for the win!


The one and only player *cough*me*cough* led the Light to victory in Niniel's Scavenger Hunt.  ALL YOUR HIDDEN IMAGES ARE BELONG TO US.


Panchi's Cliche'd Hunger Games is still ongoing, with three combatants left alive at this time.  Stay tuned for the final result!


And if you have thoughts to share, Time's Cliches and Tropes discussion thread is available for your pleasure.  If you're feeling particularly evil, you may want to link to TVTropes.org and see how many rabbit holes you can get people to fall through...


Up next, BFG will be posting signups soon for another mafia game.  Keep your eyes peeled!





*trumpets flourish*  The 300,000 post thread has now reached 234,848 replies, which is up 994 posts from last month.


We can do better.


In response to Oscar's question from last month's Tainted Times...

Could someone break down DM domination?  What can be done to help that?


We used to track the post count of the Black Tower forums against the total post count of the General Discussion forum, with a goal of surpassing General Discussion someday to prove the spammy might of the Black Tower is greater than that of the Mafia forum, Fiddlesticks and D&D combined.  


When last compared in the August 2015 Tainted Times, General Discussion had 827,835 posts, versus the Black Tower's 666,586.


As of today, we have the following:


General Discussion - 965,211 (up 137,376)

Black Tower - 695,305 (up 28,719)


Are we up to the challenge to close this gap?  CAN YOU DO IT, MY TAINTED BRETHREN?






And that is all for this edition of The Tainted Times.


Please leave your comments and questions, as well as donations of brownies and obsequious flattery below.


~ Tress, Storm Leader of the Light


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About the Points Page: TMD (and I believe Nikon too) are actually busy trying to get the off-site Points Page working properly again, as it's much easier to update (once you know how updating it works). Which reminds me I should update the on-site Points Page again because it's now July.


Also, YES we're spammier than General Discussion as a whole. We've had a bit of a slump, but we're back now in full force.


@Cindy: General Discussion is actually not Wheel of Time-related, it's actually everything that's not Wheel of Time related. It also includes Fiddlesticks and the Mafia Game board, by the way, which are two boards that (as far as I am aware) attract quite a few posts.


When we were active though, we were closing the gap a little bit every month, so 

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Yes, I did "Slip in" at the last moment, didn't I. Hope that is acceptable.


Ready to serve. Eager to learn. Apparently there are "threads" I do not have access to yet, so if there is anything I need to do to ensure that happens, please let me know.


And thank you for producing the monthly news letter. It is very nice.

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Haha that's totally acceptable.


Every month's a new month, there's no rule you're only allowed to join at the start of the month.


You'll get access to the hidden boards in a matter of time. There's also a bunch of information in some of those threads, but as long as you don't have access to those boards yet you won't need it because it's all about stuff that only becomes important once you've been a member for a while (for example how to rank up).

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Yes, I did "Slip in" at the last moment, didn't I. Hope that is acceptable.


Ready to serve. Eager to learn. Apparently there are "threads" I do not have access to yet, so if there is anything I need to do to ensure that happens, please let me know.


And thank you for producing the monthly news letter. It is very nice.

It is laudable! There's precious little to learn here except to be silly or spammy or serious or whatever you feel whenever you like.


Eventually they'll fix some game rollers and I guess you could learn the game, but eh. And you will learn to spend the points you earn to gain levels of power so instead of just twapping someone you might could balefire them, but you can always hit them with a cream pie while you're waiting.

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I've singed up for some other social groups around here, but none ever stick... It's been ages since I regularly posted outside the Black Tower (the last time was probably a mafia game somewhere else). I would estimate that close to 17000 of my posts have been made here.

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