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A Friendly Hello

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I am so glad I found this site. I read the series years ago. And now that I am a bit older, and hopefully wiser, I am rereading it, and discovering a world that I had not managed to see the first time though (I had seen it, but know I see it more vividly, and am so glad that I returned). I have completed the first two books, and have begun the third, and am eager to continue the journey. I am learning. And so I decided, I might as well join a group such as this as I proceed along my journey. I hope you do not mind me joining you all.


And so, this is my first post. (Looks about, trying to decide where to venture next.)


Not sure what all to reveal about myself, but I will say that I am an avid fantasy fan, and have been most of my life. I enjoy reading (obviously), and writing (though my muse has been lacking as of late). Whenever I am able, I am walking, though I prefer hiking in the woods. There are a great many things I would like the opportunity to do, and perhaps this is the start of venturing more out into the world.


Thank you for taking the time to read my friendly hello.



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Hello and welcome!!!!!  We are happy you found us!!  Have you had time to look around a bit?  Please check out the social groups. There are all sorts of activities there and groups to join. Just a note, that you won't be able to see all of the boards until you choose to become a member.


I believe the Brown Ajah (White Tower and Warder Group) is going to have a re-read soon. If you have any questions, Please ask.

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Your welcome is most appreciated.


I have done a little wandering and have submitted my application for The White Tower and Warders. I suppose one question would be, can I join more than one community within the Social Groups? I would gather yes, but figure there is no harm in asking.


I am slowly getting used to the lay of the land, and look forward to meeting other members of the community.


The artwork in the signatures, and scattered among the posts, amazes me. Talents folks have developed never fail to amaze me.


And so, while I wait for my coffee to finish brewing, I shall wander some more.

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Welcome to DM !


Is coffee your favourite warm drink ?

See you in the White Tower !


*hurries to take care of your application*

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I used to drink a great deal more tea. Then a few years ago, I discovered coffee. And I liked it. And perhaps now I drink a bit too much of it at my current job, but they offer it free, and it does help me to get through the day. However, on the weekends, I get to take time and truly enjoy my coffee.


Oh, and thank you for seeing to my application. I know an adventure lays before me, and I am ready to see where the road leads.

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I am still at the tea stage lol


I only drink coffee if it is mixed with milk/cream/chocolate/... :laugh:

I don't even think that it can still be called coffee with that all in it

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I still like tea. And there are certain blends I use at certain times to achieve certain goals. Teas can do wanders for sore throats, stomach aches, and other ailments. But it can also be simply enjoyed.


Oh, I seldom drink coffee black. I need sugar, at least, though usually creamer as well. And I still consider it coffee. Yum!

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Sounds like you have an extensive collection of tea indeed. Enjoy them.


It is good to know that I can join more than one group. I don't want to take on too much at once, but it would probably be good to have more than one place to explore.

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It's really what you're comfortable with. The groups have their own tone and personality, so go window shopping to see what fits you the best :)


Good luck!

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Thank you to you both for your insight. I am off to review the choices again, and see what comes.


As I have mentioned before, everyone here seems so friendly. It is rewarding to find. I am glad that I wandered in to Dragonmount and decided to register. There seems to be a great deal of potential here, and I am hoping to find a place to belong. I am involved with very little, besides family and work, and this may be a wonderful outlet for me.

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Lol, I think if it's someone's art work you have to get permission. Check here:




There are places that will shrink your avatar for free.



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Oh, I definitely like them. My son liked the one I picked.


So, in general, how long does it usually take for social board applications to be reviewed? Just curious. I'm eager to get started within those communities, and I know there are things I cannot access until whoever does whatever is necessary.


In the meantime, I am enjoying wandering around, sharing food, and listening to great conversations. There have been some odd conversations too, but that's fine too.


(Sits down and listens to a bird singing outside the window. Contemplates where to post next.)

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Oh, I definitely like them. My son liked the one I picked.


So, in general, how long does it usually take for social board applications to be reviewed? Just curious. I'm eager to get started within those communities, and I know there are things I cannot access until whoever does whatever is necessary.


In the meantime, I am enjoying wandering around, sharing food, and listening to great conversations. There have been some odd conversations too, but that's fine too.


(Sits down and listens to a bird singing outside the window. Contemplates where to post next.)

Difficult to say. Less than a week? Sorry I can't be more specific.

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