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[Light vs Shadow]: Scavenger hunt


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Welcome to the Black Tower scavenger hunt! This is another opportunity to have fun with fantasy clichés. 


This is how it works:


I will post three pics every day for five days. Each day will have a new theme.  I will only post pics on this board, so that people that are (not yet) members of the BT can play. I will not post in threads that are more than a year old. 


Two of the three pics will stay until the game ends but one will disappear after 24 hours. So if you want to find them all you have to check in each day. If you feel a bit lazy (who doesn´t?) or have rl battles to fight you can just go search for them the last day. The game will end 24 hours after I have posted the last pics. 




1. Sign up in this thread

2. Go find the pics 

3. Let me know in a PM where they are.



Oh, and points. There will be points. 1 point/pic and the three that have found the most pics will get additional points - 15, 10 and 5. 







Tress - 12



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Okay, the game is on. Three pics have been hidden deep in the tainted tower. 


Todays theme is: The Mentor





(Maybe I should calm you down a bit - I won´t post in the 300.000 post thread. I might be evil some time, but not that evil.)

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There are now three new pics* but sadly one of the others have disappeared. That means that there are currently five pics to find. 


Today´s theme is The evil laugh!






* it´s actually YT clips this time

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One evil laugh has disappeared but three more pics are now hidden somewhere in the BT. That means that there are seven pics to find right now. 


Todays theme is: The portal to the other world.

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One of the portals are now closed but we have three new pics today.


Today´s theme is: The Sword





So in total there are nine pics to find right now. Tomorrow I will post the last three. Good luck with your hunt!

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Last day to find them! One sword has gone missing but we have three new pics.


Todays theme is: Good or bad? 




There are now eleven pics to find. The game will end tomorrow. Right now Tress is the only one with points. Do something about that! 

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