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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Ok here goes....


Heroes was always a little boring.  I got bored during the first season.  The difference between this season and first season... well the first season was new and shiny.  I think the show is about the same (maybe a tiny bit worse) than season 1.  I still watch it and still find it mildly entertaining.  Hell Season 1 I would half watch it for the good parts. 


Here are my thoughts so far...


The Dad is a great bad guy.  Will he really kill any of his sons to get to his goal?


Sylar becoming more like Peter makes sense.  We see how he gets to be like Future Sylar and you can bet his kid is from a Elle/Sylar Union.  Makes me also think Elle dies down the line.


Save the world, save the cheerleader makes more sense now that she is the missing link in the formula.  Well except if she had died in season 1 the dad would never perfect the formula and therefore never destroy the world.  So that doesn't make much sense actually.  I mean NY may have blown up... but not the world.


Suresh is still a weak character.


Hiro reverting back to his 10 year old self gives the world 'cute' Hiro back.  I just wish he would graduate to the badass from the future. 



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Yeah that was pretty awesome. Too bad you knew that he'd be up and about again once the eclipse ended. Which, by the way, served what purpose other than to take all the powers away for two episodes?


Also, what they're doing with Nathan by the end of the episode makes sense for his character, but him reaching that decision seems awfully abrupt. Kind of like Matt and Daphne being all I Wuvs You out of the blue. Substituting predestination for actual interaction and romantic development, perhaps. And was there really any point in holding onto Ali Larter for this season? Her character started out interesting but ended up even less relevant than Niki. I wonder how much they paid Dania Ramirez to come back for five seconds of screen time. Pointless cameo, especially considering they had a great cameo in Seth Green.

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Well, on the upside they are finally starting to run out of 9th wonder's. I was beginning to think that they'd introduce somebody to replace Mendez as the 9th wonder writer...


The comic book store guys were awesome, and it was fun to see cameo's from those two in there.


I'm glad to see some real progress going in the episode, even if it was blindingly obvious that they'd get their powers back by the end of the episode.

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Fuller's Return to Heroes Confirmed

Source:The Hollywood Reporter December 3, 2008



"Pushing Daisies" creator/executive producer Bryan Fuller is close to a two-year overall deal with Universal Media Studios, says The Hollywood Reporter.


Fuller will rejoin the UMS-produced drama "Heroes," which he left after the first season to launch ABC/WBTV's "Daisies," and will develop new projects for the studio.


Fuller, who is wrapping post-production on the final episodes of "Daisies'" 13-episode second-season order, is expected to officially come on board "Heroes" starting with Episode 20.


His exact role on the sci-fi drama has not been determined, but he is expected to play a key role in the writers room alongside "Heroes" creator/executive producer/showrunner Tim Kring.


Hey Emps, isn't this what you were hoping to hear?

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Good info reyler... this show is about to lose my DVR interest.


This week's episode was... bad. 


Okay... since when is a total solar eclipse seen from every viewpoint on earth?  Total eclipes last minutes (like 7 minutes) not a full day. 


The whole lets-go-get-the-hatian thing was lost on me and a dumb side plot.


Sylar is even getting on my nerves now.  Claire gets on my nerves.  Kid Hiro makes me want to reach into the TV and smack him around.  Nathan is dumb and likes being used. 


I think I may have just talked myself out of watching this show anymore....

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i like the hiro stuff (his scene poping in and teleportign people at the end was funny)


but i agree that all the characters are getting annoying.


check this- season 1: sylar bad. grrrr.

season 3: sylar's trying to be good now, he's trying to be gabriel again. I hated this (though it was funny at times). finally- last night when Noah called him a killer and he said- no not a killer, not anymore. Somethign more like you.


I loved it- Gabriel/Sylar Gray's character development for season 3 had peaked! I would get to look forward to seeing an interesting side of sylar. not just the murderign power whore or the annoying emo wanna be good boy.


and then he's on a beach with Elle and regresses back to what he was season 1.


what the hell

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A few things confused me, possibly due to not paying enough attention:


1) Was that 16-years-ago Arthur or present-day Arthur that ate Hiro's power? If it was present-day Arthur, how the heck did he go back in time? If it was 16-years-ago Arthur, how did he know who Hiro and Claire were and where to find them?


2) How did Sylar not get his powers switched off by the Haitian? Was he just too worn out by suppressing Arthur? And without the Haitian around, is Arthur still dead?


Still, good things. Hiro and his mom, despite you knowing how it would end, was still touching. Also, Sylar = badass. "Cake!"  :D

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1) It was present day, he has the ability to time travel, as stolen from Peter.


2) I always figured the Haitian had the ability to focus on one person or block everyone, and in this case he was focusing on Arthur.

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Ok, not only did I really like that episode (I'm glad Peter finally got his powers back...he was pretty lame w/o them), I'm suddenly SUPER psyched for the next chapter! I think they're finally getting back to the concept that made Heroes as good as it was in Season 1: telling the human story of some super-human people. What better way to focus on the very human emotions of fear, loss and betrayal than to bring in a Guantanamo-style rendition and detention?


The images they showed of people being rounded up were chilling. And I LOVED how they chose an Obama-like President for Nathan to speak to (although, I would hope that the real Obama would never condone such actions).


After nearly forcing myself to stick with it this entire season, I am actually really looking forward to seeing what happens this spring!

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Its damned good that Hiro finally attempted to fix the past, even though they basically showed that major alterations are nearly impossible. (notice how the paper's rip, is identicle to how it was split in the present, before Hiro ripped it?)


Now the question remains, if the formula is indeed destroyed (which it probably isn't) and the future is alterated (Which it probably isn't) how will Hiro get his powers back?

Is sylar actually dead? (Probably not, he's the only guy who's keeping the show together, and you know we have to know who his father is, and they can't have just introduced that plot line to drop it at the season finale... (didn't they show him in one of the previews?)


So, what I'm getting at is, I don't believe anything 'changed', Hiro's best pal got his powers that we saw in the future, Peter's obtained the 'scar', and has basically 'joined the bad guys', and Nathans still an idiot.

The only question is, how is Sylar going to come back from the dead? (the same way clair did perhaps?)

Is HRG going to be turned into a child and raised by Sylar as some kind of fake dad thing?


And, the obvious question is, if the world is still going to split into two, who or whats going to do it?

And I think I know how.


Hiro's friend, can amplify powers.

Hiro can slow time down, speed it up, go forward or backwards in time, he can effectively bend space and time.

What happens if you amplify his ability?


My answer?



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Sylar is most definitely not dead. His healing power was suppressed due to the injury to his brain stem, yes. But I am assuming that the object that got lodged there (I never did see what it was) has been removed by one of the Level 5 villians that Noah released.

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Good episode, interesting lead in for the new chapter. It was a piece of glass that Claire put into Sylar's head. I wonder if Claires biological mom survived, since we know she survived the fire from when Claire was a baby because of her power.

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even with meredith putting her all into it she couldnt melt that glass- no im thinking its very much stuck in his head, nor do i think that Angela removed it as she was leaving as some have.


I think that Sylar got toasted but will be in the morgue, like clair season 1, and they will remove the glass allowing him to heal.


I also think Flint and Meredith are dead- Meredith destroyed the building, was saw it collapsing in on her- she was in the basement level and he was on top of a very large building we saw burn to the ground.


+ they have been trying to remove characters from the cast lists because there are to many now.

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I have a few problems with the episode... well more than a few...


Did I miss Hiro getting his powers back?


If Papa Patrelli had Adam's super healing powers... how did one little old bullet kill him?


Again, I thought Level 5 dampened powers... cause otherwise Hiro should have transported out of there.


I would love an episode where someone repeatedly punches Claire in the face.  I know, that sounds harsh but she really gets on my nerves these days.  "Oh Daddy you dont love me... wait... you do love me... now you dont... pay attention to me daddy!  I can't feel pain, I am not human anymore.... but pay attention to me!  I can't die but I am SOOO scared of badguys!  I want to be bad ass too... mehhhha!" 


I will tentatively watch the next season. 

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