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Heroes Discussion Redux


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You all have been complaining about this season starting out slowly, but if I remember right there were quite a few "build up" episodes last year that felt the same way. I suppose things could be moving a little quicker, but I think everyone's wishing they could keep up the level of excitement we saw with the last three or four episodes from last season. Is that a reasonable expectation?


As for the episode, I think that Matt's ability seems to be strengthening into something that may approach what his father can do. And did anyone else love Nathan's "I'm not a cargo jet" line?


I wish NBC.com would show the preview of next week's episode...I feel like I'm missing out not being able to watch it during the regular TV broadcast.

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It's not the building up that I have a problem with.  It's that there are too many storylines going on right now.  I think I counted 9, and while many overlap and those will hopefully start consolidating soon it makes each week seem a bit disjointed.  Half the characters are missing every week and the two characters I want to see what happens to most (Hiro and Sylar) were pretty much MIA this episode.  OK Hiro had like 5 minutes on screen this week, but considering he wasn't in last week's at all that pretty much sucks.


I agree that Nathan's line to Parkman was great.  The Petrelli's are having a bunch of memorable one liners this season.  All seem to be directed at Matt.

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ELLE. Fried Caitlin’s brother to find Peter. Called Bob (or someone) “Daddy.”


PETER. Opened his box and discovered a ticket to Montreal.


MONICA. Continued to figure out her superpowers much more slowly than the audience.


MICAH. Laughed as Monica jumped rope.


MATT & NATHAN. Tracked down Matt’s father, who imprisoned Matt and Nathan in (boring) nightmares.


ANDO. Kept reading Hiro’s diary.


HIRO. Kept watching Kensei make history.


NOAH. Advised Mohinder to keep comatose Molly away from PrimaTech.


MOHINDER. Brought Molly to Primatech anyway, then paid Monica a visit in New Orleans.


JESSIKI. Got tasered.


THE HAITIAN. Walked around the Ukraine.


SYLAR, MAYA, ALAJANDRO, CLAIRE & WEST. Sat the episode out.


Oct. 29


AT SCHOOL, WEST CONVINCES CLAIRE TO TEACH A BULLYING CHEERLEADER A LESSON -- West convinces Claire to teach head cheerleader Debbie a lesson after she deems Claire too ordinary to join the squad. While Suresh faces a serious moral dilemma with the Company, H.R.G. pays his Russian mentor a visit in an effort to locate Isaac's last prophetic paintings. Meanwhile, nearing the U.S. border, Alejandro becomes increasingly uneasy about Sylar's intentions, especially towards Maya. Peter and Caitlin's search for a mysterious doorway he painted ultimately leads them to a surprising place. In feudal Japan, while attempting to repair history, Hiro struggles with his feelings for Kensei's "princess" Yaeko.



Nov. 5


WHILE SEVERAL HEROES FACE OFF AGAINST THE "NIGHTMARE MAN," PETER LEARNS JUST HOW DEADLY THE VIRUS CAN BE -- When one of his forgotten abilities suddenly manifests, Peter and Caitlin get thrown into a crisis situation, and learn first-hand just how deadly the mysterious virus striking people with abilities can be. Suresh, Matt, Nathan, Niki and Bob band together to fend off the "nightmare man's" attack. Despite Claire's best efforts to keep them apart, West learns that the man who kidnapped him as a child is her father. Meanwhile, in feudal Japan, Hiro and Kensei's legendary journey takes a dramatic, final turn.



Nov. 12


THE CLOCK TURNS BACK FOUR MONTHS AS THIS SEASON'S SECRETS ARE REVEALED -- LEONARD ROBERTS ("D.L. HAWKINS") RETURNS -- When the clock turns back four months for all of the Heroes, Nathan pays a terrible cost for his heroic actions. While Peter survives his detonation over New York City, the Company "bags" him as a threat to the world, eventually leading to violent confrontation with Elle (Kristen Bell) and the Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis). D.L. (Leonard Roberts) makes the ultimate sacrifice for Niki (Ali Larter) and Micah (Noah Gray-Cabey). Maya (Dania Ramirez) horrifically manifests her dark powers for the first time, driving her and Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) to America for help. A mysterious, yet familiar face is introduced. David Anders, Jack Coleman, Dana Davis, Greg Grunberg, James Kyson Lee, Zachary Quinto, Sendhil Ramamurthy also star. Carlon Jeffery, Nichelle Nichols and Stephen Tobolowsky guest star.




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wait...so was Bob genuine about being nicer to people now? Suresh's partner is Niki! And shes there to keep him under control! We have the 8 paintings! Kensei has betrayed Hiro! And the future! the virus! 93% of the worlds population is dead!


oh...and clair got on the cheer leading team...meh


over all I really liked the episode! and the theory about Peter being the killer of the "12" might be true after all!


imo they need to drop the clair story line and focus on the Suresh/Peter (come on...you know those 2 are gonna combine later) and Mat/Nathan sotry lines. With Kensei/Hiro thrown in a bit here and there!

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I like the fact that they saved NY (.07%) of the population and now 93% will die. 


Something is up with Bob... I don't trust him for a minute.


The paintings:


Painting 1 is Kaito lying in a pool of blood.


Painting 2 (below) is the only one we can't see that well. It seems to detail someone lying down on a staricase, perhaps dead.





Test tube having to do with the virus.




Nikki or Jessica below.  Maybe it is Jessica trying to get out....




It seems to detail a man with a scar in a jail cell, with another man behind him - there is also a symbol in the bottom left corner.




Hiro and Kensai fighting




It seems to detail Mohinder with a nose injury - with a pistol he has just fired. Is he shooting Bennett?




For the first time I noticed the two in the back.  Is that Claire and the boy kissing over her dead father?







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The symbol in the painting with scarred Peter is the biohazard symbol.




I'm thinking Barm is correct that Peter will be involved with the Company's plan to create a virus that wipes powers. It's pretty clear that it will go horribly wrong, and Mohinder's statements about what might happen will come true, and within the next year.


Empy - the two in the background are the reason HRG was so concerned about Claire having a boyfriend last ep or the one before. He's seen this painting, and knows that her finding a boy may be the only cue he has to when his death may occur.

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I'd really like to see him grow as a character, and I think writing him to get his powers back and then continue to visciously rob others of their lives and powers will get really old, really fast.



Also, Hiro is SO last season, if you take my meaning. ^_^

His storyline is completely pointless, and he's not even doing anything cool with his powers. They need to show why it's relevant REALLY soon.


*hides from Buttercup*



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He is too last season! He has no real relevance to the major plotlines of this season (yet). I assume he will in the future, otherwise it is a COMPLETE waste of time, but until they show the connection, it's just a boring little love story that means nothing.


This may all change in future episodes (I hope that it will), but for the moment, I'm totally meh about Hiro, and Ando's quest to read his diary.  :P

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What I was trying to get at cads, is even though Hiro's story is pointless, meaningless, and almost has no bearing on the future, but what is sad imo, is the fact that Hiro's story is the most interesting of all the other story arcs. Thats whats sad.


Though, I am Baised, Time Travel > All...

Thank god he hasn't had sex while time traveling. >_>

That would just blow your mind. :P

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See, I think almost all the other storylines are more interesting than what's happening with Hiro. I don't really care what happens in Hiro's timeline (except wanting it to hurry up and get relevant), but I'm already curious about how the rest of them  play out.


Monica < Hiro < Claire < Mohinder/Nikki < Sylar/twins < Nathan/Parkman/Sr < Peter


The four of highest order are really all about the same interest level for me right now. I just put Peter at the top because he's so damn cute. ^_^

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I think peters story line is rather bland, its not doing anything right now. And the only 'interesting' part about it, is the fact that we don't know the 'how' as to why he ended up where he did, and that is probably going to be revealed in the next 2 episodes.

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One of the things to keep in mind is that this entire season started out in the middle of the story. The first episode was called "Four Months Later". The episode airing on Nov. 12 "Four Months Ago" is supposed to clear up quite a few things.  Personally, I'm looking forward to that one, as i think the flashback eps are the strongest, i.e. "Six Months Earlier" and "Company Man" from last season.  In fact, now that I think on it, the story last season didn't really ramp up until after the reveals of "Six Months Earlier".

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I'm with Whitestar on Kensei living into the present day. I thought that idea was being bandied about before this season even started, when people were still pissy about White Boy David Anders playing him.


That's not a scar on Peter's face, that's just Tim Sale's style. You guys should see some of his comic work. But doesn't that look like Sylar with him in the painting? Or maybe it's this Adam fellow.


The only thing that bugged me about this episode that I hope will be rectified next time we get back to Feudal Japan: how do you cast Cary Hiroyuki-Freaking-Tagawa in anything and not have him act badass?

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Hey I was happy to see Cary Tagawa in the episode.  His character may not be a badass, but man he made guns before they were supposed to exist.  That's pretty badass to me.  Plus his usual intensity showed through nicely.


BTW I was one of those screaming the loadest when I found out David Anders would be Kensei.  I'm happy to say I was wrong and I like how they portrayed his character.  Though I think it helped that he was a drunken theif to begin with so I could laugh at his flaws.

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