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Easter Plans


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Anyone have something special planned?


I know some have family dinners/BBQ's and for others it's more religious. You can post here before or after to share.

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There will be a spiral ham, sweet taters, charoseth. And applesauce cake. Idk what else, if anything.


Tonight we'll either have fake crab cakes and fish stew or we call in sushi.


We've learned that not having people over is a lot better than having people over.

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I don't either but that sounds lovely, Cindy.


I went to the Seder last night, family and friends, ritual foods, and forever till the fantastic dinner.

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We generally do two suppers one with my parents and one with my husband's parents. This year my parents have decided they are not going to do a supper so we are just going to go over to their house for an hour or so tomorrow. We're going to go from there to my sister-in-law's house and have a meal there.


The Easter Bunny will be coming to our house Sunday night and leaving chocolate eggs inside plastic colorful eggs all over the house. The Easter Bunny leave certain colored Easter eggs for my son to find and certain colored Easter eggs for my daughter to find. Saves on one child finding more than the other end causing problems since their age difference is enough that one child would be significantly more able to find them then the other.


My children are most excited that they get YouTube back on Easter. We are Christian but we don't go to church. My children haven't had any real formal religious training period I went to church only till the age of about five or six and then took separate Catechism classes still above grade nine. I tried to incorporate our beliefs and everyday life as much as I can and answer any questions they have. This year was their first year that they decided they were going to give something up for Lent. And they gave up watching YouTube.

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Well I guess when I think about it, almost did something for Easter - yesterday I went to an Irish Republican march commemorating the Easter Uprising. Didn't really think of it as having anything to do with Easter because it doesn't other than falls on the same time.



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Easter fell this year on marathon weekend, so i convinced my family to post-pone it to next weekend.


This weekend i dressed up like a dinosaur and ran around my city, to remind tourists that not all the runners in the city are actually marathoners, some just like dressing up in costumes and running through public areas ;)

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I'm a little nervous to say it say it went well today. From the outside looking in and to this point (mid afternoon) it has been a great success.


We were late to dad's yesterday so put us behind a bit , but made it time for food at sister-in-laws. That was a success with good food and cookies we got to decorate for dessert.


Today the kids found all the eggs. They decided that they wouldn't do the colour separation for the first time (youngest is 8 now and can find them better). I was nervous it would cause a fight but they found almost equal amounts and were both content.


Now it's just waiting out the day to see how tummies and bodies are feeling to see if we over did it. But so far so good.

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