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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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  On 7/10/2015 at 5:41 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 7:37 AM, alannalynn said:

Reading this game is taking forever and a half. I can't wait to be caught up. Ugh.


Hoping you've caught up before I finish...



thats what he said???  lolololololol

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  On 7/10/2015 at 11:21 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 11:12 AM, Pralaya said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:11 PM, Eldrick4221 said:


First of all, not jumping on the latest train. JS's play was bad, and he wasn't defending himself well, so I voted him. I accepted his answer for what he did, but I'm still skeptical. I voted you for pressure because you didn't respond in over a day. I don't like that you waited until after JS explained what he was doing. I also don't like that you're soft claiming JOAT, but that's a bias I'm carrying from another game where I got burned for it. Trying not to let that cloud my judgement.


As for my first post, I started reading the thread on my phone, when I woke up. By the time I got to JS's claim, I decided I wanted to transfer to the computer, and I posted my thoughts on it when I got here, then continued reading. As I mentioned before, it was a bad place to stop, but it is what it is.


In regards to the vig clearing themselves idea, if you were in our shoes (two people hard claiming vig and not ccing each other), how would you have handled it? I think my way was a good way of going about it. That's why I was pushing it. And it's not fishing, because you already claimed.



While I can understand your explanation on why you would vote me, I think your vote on JS definitely doesn't get answered here. The problem I see is how you vote JS immediately and then unvote and wait until he has a few vote on him added. I think it is the timing that looks odd, not your reasons for your vote. 


And, uh,, what is the underlined comment? I did not softclaim anything like that !


On bold - no, it was not a good way. It has been mentioned a lot in the thread why it is not a good and why it looks suspicious that someone is mentioning it. 


The timing on my vote had nothing to do with how many votes he had on him. I actually didn't even pay attention to that, and have no idea who was voting him at the time. He was suspicious, so I voted him. He explained what he was doing and I unvoted, because it was acceptable.


As for my plan, yes it's not ideal, but I don't think it's as horrible as you guys are making it out to be. There's always the risk that a vig will hit town. I expect the judgement to be to try to hit scum. If there had been 3 kills, it would be safe to assume that 2 of those kills came from you guys, and that's some good factual evidence to have at solving the game.


As for the JOAT soft claim. That's how "partial vig" reads to me. If you're not that, cool.



Pings...looks like further attempts to figure out more intel on Pral's role.  = scummy behavior

  On 7/10/2015 at 11:49 AM, Zander said:

Im still not liking this John/Pral thing somethings rotten there imo


Im gonna re-read Hallia and with that Talya.  I don't like the Lock Clear comment based on nothing atp.


John looks like he made a reaction test.  Pral reacted with a claim of his own...not sure its scum-worthy...although I definitely did not like Snow's attempt to add the mason WIFOM into the equation...IMO...Pral looks the better of the two at this point.


Hallia looks town.  I go back and forth on Talya...need blood in the water to make a determination which way I'd lean...but nothing in and by itself leans toward scum.


Lock clear comments before blood in the water are counterproductive.

  On 7/10/2015 at 1:47 PM, Aiel Heart said:

And will just respond as I go


  On 7/9/2015 at 5:55 PM, Talya said:




Ok so AT THE TIME we had two vig claims, John came out and said he wasn't a vig, and then people were looking at Pral as if he was scummy (please see the lines before what was bolded).

So if both of them are not the vig (one said he wasn't and the other was being looked at like he was scummy so he wouldn't be the vig either) the two options based on that would either be (1) no vig or (2) some third person was the vig. 

And that question was meant to be more incredulous. By no means should another vig (if there is one) step forward at this point. I was trying to figure out what people were getting at when they switched their attention/votes from John to Pral



^^ This one, she automatically assumes that Pral can't be a vig because people are funding him Scummy, Not sure  but I didn't like the last part in bold, the rest of her talk didn't sound like that. After this she goes to find out who had changed their votes. This doesn't read right to me at present.




Reading back through I'm more inclined to think there is a link between her and Zander, a few...comments on Zander feeling different, not wanting to putting him her scummy pile yet, This feels off/staged to me. I need to look at Zander a couple of things there I didn't like neither.


I did like her new posts, but when I look closely at them, she goes back to commentary n places rather than reads on people. Feels fency in a few places.




sorry, just please don't claim Doc, else I'll cry. <3

Once again, I was trying to figure out what THEY were assuming because based on THEIR scummy read of Pral from THEIR perspective he couldn't be the Vig. 

What did that leave us with? No vig or a third vig because John already said he wasn't

But it didn't come across like that, why not just ask people why they were voting instead of being a bit cryptic, which looked like you had already decided there was no vig there.

  On 7/10/2015 at 1:44 PM, Aiel Heart said:

Going to try to catch up quick, but I also need to pack and eat before work >.>


Also: not going to be around this weekend; going to go to my parents' house and then we're going to Cedar Point Saturday and Sunday. Will try to check in nights.


Roller Coaster Capital of the World?

  On 7/10/2015 at 5:50 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:41 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 7:37 AM, alannalynn said:

Reading this game is taking forever and a half. I can't wait to be caught up. Ugh.


Hoping you've caught up before I finish...



thats what he said???  lolololololol





now that's done.  


If forced to choose between Eldrick and LoTD for scum.  Who?  and Why?

  On 7/10/2015 at 6:09 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:50 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:41 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 7:37 AM, alannalynn said:

Reading this game is taking forever and a half. I can't wait to be caught up. Ugh.


Hoping you've caught up before I finish...



thats what he said???  lolololololol





now that's done.  


If forced to choose between Eldrick and LoTD for scum.  Who?  and Why?



TBH  Ill have to go back an re read.  Im looking at John Snow/Pral and possibly Hallia/Tayla atp.  Im not having a problem with where my vote is atp




As for Eld and LotD


I'm about to go and look. I said earlier, I have like some Eld post and not others, and the rest I have kinda forgotten (hey were that good!). LotD seems to be blundering around a bit.


Off to ISO


What is wrong with the quoting lately, it's rubbish.


Eld -


-does the voting of JS before he has caught up, after thinks JS looks worse than Pral - Really this is really weird because I can't see that at all.


- then he thinks it's in the realms of possibility they could be w/w


Then the quotes below


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:17 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

A part of me wants to let the vig's prove themselves at night, but I don't know if that's the best play or not.


Post by Eld:


That's why I didn't suggest the idea of clearing it up at night, just brought the idea up for discussion.


The above he answers to the first quote - he isn't suggesting it, but putting it out there for discussion, really, the first one looks like he wants to do it but puts out the feelers to see what others say.



Then there is this.


So I know basically nothing about British Monarchy. Is there any good way to tell good char claims from bad ones? Were there bad monarchs over the years?



He's not a Lord, so for this he needs to be strung, drawn and quartered :p hmmpf!!


I'm doing this in parts because of this stupid formatting rubbish (and yes the last bit was a joke - sort of :wink: )


Eld - cont


- Mentions about the DL - seems to be in a bit of a rush here. This is before JS is back, maybe he thinks he can lynch a vig here?


- Says it is prettu clear that Pral wasn't a cc - after JS says this


- In answer to why he thought JS looked worse than Pral, he replies because why would you claim before you have shot, puts target there. He also says it looks bad for Pral (He didn't say this before, just that JS looked worse, so actually doesn't explain his reasoning at all. If he ever flips wolf, this looks bad for Pral.


- Asks if me and Hally are the M word. fishing here


- Asks Zander about his 3 reads (Heart/Seph and NB)


- Unvotes JS and talks about Mason QT


- now is liking the ideaof them proving themelves - not sure how to take this, there is a chance that kill wolves, so why say this, or town, so maybe he is third party?


- Is ok with people not wanting his idea of proving the vig, but it does narrow down the scum pool - Also any town PR's as well if not careful, worst suggestion ever right now


- Still going on about the vig killing n1


- This post HERE Don't understand this at all, seems a little confused looks like he is trying to work out how it could go and failing


- town vibes from Razen


- comments on Zander pushing his post count doesn't like his joke vote on JS and leaving it there.


- Then agrees with Zander ref JS and votes him?


- Says JS's vote on Pral makes sense, but biggest problem is with JS's lack of talking and that his willingness makes him think they are not wolves together.


- Now votes Pral


- Now votes Hally for saying she asks people if they are town/wolf if a LD, but doesn't say it herself - then why don't you ask her?


- Explanation on why he voted JS to Pral HERE


- Unvotes


- Responds to Nb's vote, by saying his was just for pressure and not staying there - Has anyone ever told him to question people rather than vote then, it is easier and doesn't make him look bad...looks like he is trying to do a Darthe and failing (sorry)


- doesn't like people calling him town, if there don't have a good reason.


- His read's list HERE - says he hasn't seen anything particularly scummy, but has Dice, Laine and Pral as slight scum reads.


- Votes Pral


better list from him


Strong Town:










Null to slight town:






Null to slight scum:





- Has Tina as strong town, although she has only done a few posts at this point.


- And now unvoted again


All those vote changes really does my head in, he flip flops around like flippy floppy thing! argghhh!


There doesn't really seem any logical thought process in what he posts, it's almost like it just spills onto the page. There are some points I have disliked (my comments are in blue to make it easier).


I think tonight I will leave this hear and read this back in the morning, because I'm trying to work out if he is clumsy town, or a wolf trying to look like a clumsy town. I need a clear head after that. If he isn't wolf and lynched may gives us info because of the interest people have shown here.


I'm liking where my vote is better and better.  I went back just to look and see where everyone's voted, and I haven't seen someone throw their votes around like Eldrick.  It honestly comes off to me as trying to make something stick.  I counted 4 times (that I picked up on, anyway) that he's changed his vote.


Also, a couple of things I noticed as I was reading through, or just wanted to comment on because they stuck out to me.

  On 7/9/2015 at 3:55 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 3:01 AM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  1. Cause John Snow is the only one talking and I want to hear from the other.
  2. Zander's early commentary looks fervently tied to a previous game.  I get that cause he was heavily invested and looked like he was trying to be funny.  Also realize that those who did not play do not want to read 400 pages to get his humor.  I would not lunch him for anything I've seen so far.
  3. Dice's commentary makes me look like Darthe (minus the gambits).



Notbob you still comfortable with where your vote is with Dice?  i think some more pressure on John Snow will get us an answer one way or another. 

Zander trying to get Not Bob to switch his vote to John Snow for pressure.  More for my own notes than anything else, but it came across to me as Zander pushing to focus on John Snow and discouraging people from looking outside of that.


  On 7/9/2015 at 1:14 PM, Pralaya said:


What I don't agree is him shifting the blame to me - with two reasons - the first being I did not vote him and the second being that I am dodging the thread. The first is easy - I hinted to Hallia right at the beginning why I am not cc'ing him. TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot. For the second reason, was I on the site yesterday? Of course, I was - I was trying to catch up in between work. And, I was there today too. If anyone knows how I play, I never post before I catch up completely. Anyway, this is completely what you want to believe - I cannot prove or disprove it.

The red is what stuck out to me.  Especially since John Snow did say that he had lied about it.  I don't know where the other person who claimed is.

  On 7/10/2015 at 7:43 PM, Razen said:

I'm liking where my vote is better and better.  I went back just to look and see where everyone's voted, and I haven't seen someone throw their votes around like Eldrick.  It honestly comes off to me as trying to make something stick.  I counted 4 times (that I picked up on, anyway) that he's changed his vote.


Also, a couple of things I noticed as I was reading through, or just wanted to comment on because they stuck out to me.

  On 7/9/2015 at 3:55 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 3:01 AM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  1. Cause John Snow is the only one talking and I want to hear from the other.
  2. Zander's early commentary looks fervently tied to a previous game.  I get that cause he was heavily invested and looked like he was trying to be funny.  Also realize that those who did not play do not want to read 400 pages to get his humor.  I would not lunch him for anything I've seen so far.
  3. Dice's commentary makes me look like Darthe (minus the gambits).



Notbob you still comfortable with where your vote is with Dice?  i think some more pressure on John Snow will get us an answer one way or another. 

Zander trying to get Not Bob to switch his vote to John Snow for pressure.  More for my own notes than anything else, but it came across to me as Zander pushing to focus on John Snow and discouraging people from looking outside of that.


  On 7/9/2015 at 1:14 PM, Pralaya said:


What I don't agree is him shifting the blame to me - with two reasons - the first being I did not vote him and the second being that I am dodging the thread. The first is easy - I hinted to Hallia right at the beginning why I am not cc'ing him. TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot. For the second reason, was I on the site yesterday? Of course, I was - I was trying to catch up in between work. And, I was there today too. If anyone knows how I play, I never post before I catch up completely. Anyway, this is completely what you want to believe - I cannot prove or disprove it.

The red is what stuck out to me.  Especially since John Snow did say that he had lied about it.  I don't know where the other person who claimed is.


but it did get an answer right.  regardless of what was thought of it. 


And now LotD (really should be revising meh!)


- says in a couple of posts how sorry not around, and not much help and doesn't know what has happened - if so, why come onto the thread and post that instead of reading up? It's only page 12 (not that much considering some games, lol)


- For about half an hour he just says these type post and then decided to read, why doesn't he do that to begin with, he could have been done in that time. - This smells of stalling


- Js looking a bit odd, claiming vig and not explaining himself...he is leaning here a bit -


- then there is this post HERE - talks about what JS did and also Pral - Doesn't like how Js has handled it, but thinks Pral has handled it well. Then fence sits. - This is a nothing post, doesn't really give any meaningful thoughts but say a few lines


- Defends himself to Tina


- Votes JS on his answers to the vig thing, tthen says he hopes he is not playing into his hands Which could very well be the case - What on earth did you mean by that? I think it is a very odd comment


- This post is him saying he thinks JS has done himself no favours, but says some of what he says makes sense. HERE  - but if what he is saying about Pral is true he wants Pral to answer


- Gets voted by Pral on his inorganic posts and Unvotes HERE  - This looks so bad for him, he is accused of being scummy and so backs out of his vote...yuck!


- Posts a reads list - HERE - I think wait and see more, null are his favourite phrases. This is not a good reads list, only one scum Js and then he doesn't committ to that


- he then turns on Pral, leaving for two days, said he didn't do that and makes more excuses for himself.


- JS and Eld are interesting choices, can't read Eld


Likes to apologise a lot. I know he hasn't played for like years, and he style is a little odd. But the way he reacts to Pral accusing him of being scummy is not good, If he thought JS scummy he would keep it there, then turns the tables on Pral a bit. I'm getting a scummy lean here, so much fence sitting must have a good alto voice! I would like to know what he meant by " playing into JS's hands" - if you could answer please LotD. 

  On 7/8/2015 at 10:13 AM, Razen said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:46 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:44 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:41 AM, John Snow said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:36 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Hey JS


If Pral is the lowest poster, you gonna shoot him?


Depends. If Pral were to drop off the map right now and not show up the rest of the day, wouldn't you?


My ultimatum is to inspire activity. Most games on DM have at least 3 people with post counts under 10 at the EoD1. I'm in a position to inspire activity. I'm taking advantage of it. 


If I were in your position, no.


Even if he didn't post anything else for the rest of the day, he still claimed another vig.


IYO is he also a vig? Would you shoot another vig because he didn't post enough?



Eldrick I really feel the best way for this to be fair and give him a chance to explain is not give him ideas or scenarios but just have him explain it himself.  see how he does and if we dont like it lunch him and if we like it well fine.



I really don't like the way that Zander is going about this.  I don't know if it's just the fact that I've never played with him before or what, but I'm getting a vibe that I'm not liking.  I think that Eldrick's questions for JS here are valid - and Zander comes out with a "don't give him ideas" kind of thing.  Up to this point, JS hasn't been defending himself really at all, combined with the way he drew attention to himself for his role claim is either really ballsy as scum or a townie trying to stir up trouble.



  On 7/8/2015 at 9:45 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 9:12 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Sorry if double post. Last one didn't go through.


The only way for this vig thing to make sense, being they aren't going at each other, is they either have a QT (maf/mason/something else) or they actually are both vig.




I'm actually liking the idea of them proving it at night. If we get 3 kills, we basically have 2 clear townies. Not 100%. There could be other killing roles out there. But if they are mafia, there prolly won't be 3 kills.



and 3 possible dead townies.  and even IF they are telling the truth we also loss vig shots.  this IS NOT a good plan!!!! 


And then he's trying to sound like the voice of reason here by trying to keep them from shooting after Eldrick suggested they prove it.  I see no reason to not give them a chance to prove themselves.  Especially since JS has already said who he intends to shoot.



Fisrt Bold- My dont give him ideas comment is perfectly logical.  If he's scum and realizes he made mistake or a slip and is scrambling for an idea or response or waiting for someone in the Maf QT.  Why would we want someone in thread to give him an idea or open a thought process he could exploit?  It makes perfect sense man not sure why your even questioning it tbh....the validity of Eldricks answer's/responses are meaningless.  General rule of thumb for Town...DON'T HELP POSS SCUM clear themselves...lololol


Second Bold- Even IF they may or may not be town asking them to prove it by shooting at like N1 and possibly kill 2 towns is aww geez I don't know....stupid.  anti town.  We have no idea who they will shoot and John did say he'd shoot the lowest poster....doesnt mean the lowest poster is scum especially on D1.


My answers are both logical and easy to understand imo.


Ofc YOUR logic would make sense from a Mafia PoV.

  On 7/8/2015 at 11:59 AM, Razen said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 11:44 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 11:33 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

I'm fine with you guys disagreeing with the idea. Of course it has risks. But if they are telling the truth, it narrows the scum pool, which is a good idea.

To clarify. If we end up with 3 kills tonight, there's a good chance they aren't mafia.


I'd like to know everyone's opinion on the matter. Is this a good idea or not?


And are JS and Pral willing to do this? Cuz if not, it doesn't matter what we think.


I think the idea definitely has merit and I wouldn't be opposed to it.  Yeah, it could backfire if they both shot town (assuming they're both telling the truth about being Vigs).  But it would semi-clear them, so it would definitely mean we could build off of that.



So you like the idea of possibly killing 2 town to try and prove they are what they say they are, waste 2 vigs shots (if they're telling the truth) to only SEMI CLEAR THEM??!!!  And this is OFC this is not even factoring the fact if they may be Mafia!!!!!


Pro Town Idea homie...lolololol


I'm looking into your soul Razen and Im not liking what I see here....i so very thoroughly enjoy hunting wolves...and Im starting to get a scent here....

  On 7/8/2015 at 12:19 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:02 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 11:59 AM, Razen said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 11:44 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 11:33 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

I'm fine with you guys disagreeing with the idea. Of course it has risks. But if they are telling the truth, it narrows the scum pool, which is a good idea.

To clarify. If we end up with 3 kills tonight, there's a good chance they aren't mafia.


I'd like to know everyone's opinion on the matter. Is this a good idea or not?


And are JS and Pral willing to do this? Cuz if not, it doesn't matter what we think.


I think the idea definitely has merit and I wouldn't be opposed to it.  Yeah, it could backfire if they both shot town (assuming they're both telling the truth about being Vigs).  But it would semi-clear them, so it would definitely mean we could build off of that.



much safer and easier to just lynch one of them imo.


See, that's the kind of thinking I would expect to see from someone who doesn't want to be killed.  See, vig shots, wolves don't control them.  So I can easily see them pushing a lynch on a claimed vig todayThere's no way to know if they're telling the truth until tomorrowSo instead of giving them that chance, you want to stop it before it even happens?



Geez someone playing Maf who doesn't want to be killed by a stupid Anti-Town idea...wow...very suspect of me...lolololol. 


Ofc we don't know IF HE'S LYING!!!!! Might wanna factor that into the ole thought process Razan.  (Side Note:  OFC LATER ON IN THE THREAD HE'S DENIES SAID CLAIM but that's just something I want noted.  Razan obv doesnt know that at this point but ofc my point still stands atp)


FWIW- ofc my idea of lynching them would let us know before tomorrow right?? but either way its something I think is safe to say we'd want resolved one way or another ASAP


I think I've already touched on this part man.

  On 7/8/2015 at 12:55 PM, Razen said:

I've also started to put together my reads list, and I'm happy with the way's it's going so far.


I'm leaning town on:

Seph - just a gut really, but I did like that he doesn't want to get bogged down in the mess between Pral/JS. 

Eldrick - I've liked his posts, they all seem pretty well thought out.

JS - He seems like he's playing like he's got nothing to lose, by making a ballsy claim right out of the gate.  It's not behavior I would expect from a wolf.  Take with a grain of salt, though.



Hallia - Other than her leaning town on Talya (who I don't have enough to read at all) and Zander (see below) I think she's brought up a couple of good points and asked legitimate questions.  I'd lean slightly towards town on her.

Laine - I like that she's engaged with people, but I'm not entirely sure yet as to what side of the fence I'm on with her.  I've liked some of the points she's brought up, but I'm just getting an off feeling in my gut that something isn't as it seems with her.



Zander - I just don't like the way he's approached the whole JS/Pral Vig claim.  He comes off to me as trying to eliminate a potential threat to his wolf team by trying to push for the lynch on one of Pral/JS.


I have no clue/I need to see more to form an opinion:







Not Bob


I'd definitely like to hear from those in that fourth section about what their thoughts are about the whole situation.



  On 7/8/2015 at 12:58 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:56 PM, Razen said:

Vote: Zander.


i legit LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL'd in RL when i seen this!!!!!



I know I touched on this already but yeah taking the chance on lynching someone who claimed vig followed by someone else who claimed vig with no CC or vote on each other is a worse way to approach then let them fore their poss vig shots at god only knows who.  COME ON MAN...THIS LOOKS VERY VERY BAD!!!!


i just feel this needs some more lolololololololol's

  On 7/8/2015 at 3:12 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 3:09 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 3:05 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 7:52 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 7:49 PM, alannalynn said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 7:47 PM, Zander said:



[v] John Snow [/v]



??? Where are you getting masons froM?



...........i dont like it.......theres mason talk.....maybe....just maybe im over reacting....


All right, so, let me get this straight.  At the time, I wasn't sure if you were joking here or not, but the fact that you instantly said masons and then put a vote on is weird.  And then you say you might be over reacting to the situation.


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:31 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:28 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:25 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:23 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:22 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:17 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

A part of me wants to let the vig's prove themselves at night, but I don't know if that's the best play or not.


not a good at all imo.


Eldrick you towning here?


Yes I am. The main topic of discussion is the vig claims. I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle it.



after SW lynching is pretty high up on list fwiw.


I don't see how SW affects this. The vig claim in that game was legit.


Or are you talking about the possible mason claim? (that I didn't pick up on)



i mean pure WIFoM that distracts the game as well as a POSS soft Mason claim.  either way.  its gotta be cleared up.  neither made a CC case or nothing so its up to us to clear it up.


And now you've settled on trying to clear that up.  It sounds like you're pushing a lynch to me.



  On 7/8/2015 at 2:46 AM, Zander said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 2:28 AM, seph said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 2:16 AM, Zander said:



lynch all Masons imo...lolololol


seriously what is the chance this happens in back to back games lol



Seph didnt quote your long quote but no not a joke vote.  just add the Mason must die because of SW.  Good only knows but wouldn't it be perfect by saying oh well that couldn't/wouldn't happen again.  ive asked for an explanation and havent gotten it yet so im waiting.


And now it's not a joke and that literally the only thing you've voted for is because Masons must die because of SW.  Sounds like you aren't waiting to me, you've made a decision.





im keeping my vote on John for now in the very very slight chance your not a wolf and just have a hard time with the reading.  But dude you is HOWLING atp.


Then what did I just put in red?  You did say you were waiting.  But your vote is still in place.  Which is why I'm having a hard time believing you.



And OFC him misrepping me...then here finally admitting i said what I said,  Ofc as I also mentioned ITS CALLED PUTTING PRESSURE ON THEM!!!!


I think I hear Razaen howling!!!!

  On 7/9/2015 at 12:25 AM, Razen said:

This was my list from this morning:

  On 7/8/2015 at 12:55 PM, Razen said:

I've also started to put together my reads list, and I'm happy with the way's it's going so far.


I'm leaning town on:

Seph - just a gut really, but I did like that he doesn't want to get bogged down in the mess between Pral/JS. 

Eldrick - I've liked his posts, they all seem pretty well thought out.

JS - He seems like he's playing like he's got nothing to lose, by making a ballsy claim right out of the gate.  It's not behavior I would expect from a wolf.  Take with a grain of salt, though.



Hallia - Other than her leaning town on Talya (who I don't have enough to read at all) and Zander (see below) I think she's brought up a couple of good points and asked legitimate questions.  I'd lean slightly towards town on her.

Laine - I like that she's engaged with people, but I'm not entirely sure yet as to what side of the fence I'm on with her.  I've liked some of the points she's brought up, but I'm just getting an off feeling in my gut that something isn't as it seems with her.



Zander - I just don't like the way he's approached the whole JS/Pral Vig claim.  He comes off to me as trying to eliminate a potential threat to his wolf team by trying to push for the lynch on one of Pral/JS.


I have no clue/I need to see more to form an opinion:







Not Bob


I'd definitely like to hear from those in that fourth section about what their thoughts are about the whole situation.


With what's transpired today and hearing more, I've been a little bit better able to flesh out my list of reads.  I've still got a few nulls, but most of those are now because I've seen things I've both liked and disliked about some posts from those players.


Lean Town:

Seph - Hasn't changed since this morning

Eldrick - same as Seph

Heart - She is engaging with players and asking the right kinds of questions.  Also isn't shy about posting her thoughts on other players.

Talya - I've really liked the way she's posted in this game.  Quality over quantity.  Her posts are well thought out, reasoned to my liking, and she's pointing things out and engaged with the game.

Tina - I've gotten town vibes from her posts.  She's given what she thinks about people, and why she feels that way.  I'm a fan of putting thoughts out like that, shows your trying to contribute to the town.



Laine - still not sure what to think of her, honestly.

Zander - After getting into it with him on page 16, I've still not liked the way he reacted to being prodded, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, considering that I've never played with him before.  I do think that even though it is kind of hypocritical of him to push JS for an answer after he was asking for time, that he's right about clearing up the potentials of this situation.  And I agree with what he and Talya have been pointing out too about his delaying.

Hallia - I'm not feeling as good about her as I was earlier.  Still a null, but one which I'm not really sure which way to lean on.

Dice - I'm not sure I like the way he's talked about lynching Zander almost on principle for his posts about post count and how high number of posts = town.  He's correct to point out the quality over quantity thing, but other than that, it seems like he hasn't really given his own thoughts up to this point or really asked his own questions.

Not Bob - I like the way he went out and voted for Dice, it seems like a good way to start up something that isn't centered on JS or what he claimed.  But other than this, I haven't really seen anything from him that stood out to me.


Lean Scum:

JS - This morning, before JS reappeared and asked to be trusted because he had an EP like role, he was giving me vibes of someone who was really aggressive and attempting to draw attention to himself, which I don't expect most scum to do.  However, when I went back and reread, something drew my eye that I had pointed out about him trying to draw a cop view, and that didn't sit well with me.  I also don't like that he's been the center of attention up to this point and is content to wait to explain things until later, when it suits him better, when he's got certain players around to back him up.  That doesn't seem like it's helpful pro-town play to me.  If he is town, he needs to come out and help us catch the bad guys.



Still can't tell:

Pralaya - hasn't posted anything since he hard-claimed vig after JS.  A complete wild-card, I wouldn't be surprised if he's one of the ones that JS is waiting for before explaining.

Lord - hasn't really contributed much



  On 7/9/2015 at 10:46 AM, Razen said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:34 AM, John Snow said:

Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

I'm confused.  First, you said you weren't the vig.  And then, you're saying that Pral's absence is allowing the train on you to ramp up and let us kill our vig.  You're contradicting yourself here.


For what it's worth, I do agree that if he is deliberately avoiding posting in the game thread after browsing when his claim has been questioned endlessly it's that he's trying to hide something.  And I do think it's insanely weird he was ok with your claim too.




  On 7/9/2015 at 1:40 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 1:14 PM, Pralaya said:


Alright, caught up completely.

Hah, lot of things seemed to have been blown out of proportion. Masons, being in the same team etc etc. I am basically looking at all the posts that tries to bring these up.
Anyway, with John Snow's claim that he was lying, it changes things. I can see why he was lying in the first place - trying to bring up the activity during D1. In which case his reaction-testing would make sense definitely.
What I don't agree is him shifting the blame to me - with two reasons - the first being I did not vote him and the second being that I am dodging the thread. The first is easy - I hinted to Hallia right at the beginning why I am not cc'ing him. TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot. For the second reason, was I on the site yesterday? Of course, I was - I was trying to catch up in between work. And, I was there today too. If anyone knows how I play, I never post before I catch up completely. Anyway, this is completely what you want to believe - I cannot prove or disprove it.
Now, back to my readlist.


That's fair, and I think your explanation makes sense.  He said that he was fishing for reactions, but he admitted that he was focusing on you after.  That doesn't seem to me like he was genuine and more trying to paint you in a bad light as a result.


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:34 AM, John Snow said:

Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

So, if you were trying to kickstart the game and look for reactions, are there any other reactions that you noticed besides Pralaya?  Because you're coming off to me as tunneling on his reaction with this post.




  On 7/9/2015 at 4:36 PM, Razen said:

I went back to look at Eldrick, since I looked at Pral's read list and I wanted to examine where we disagreed.


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:39 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Hey guys. I'm here, and catching up.


So far, the only thing that caught my attention was JS claiming vig on Day 1. I don't trust that claim.




Back to reading.

Voted for JS at this point, and then literally comes back after.


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:54 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Wow. I stopped reading at just the wrong time.


Pral hardclaims right afterwards.


I read this as a joke. I don't think he's actually vig. He very well could be, and hiding under the other claim. There could easily also be 2 vig's. I still don't believe either of the claims. Why claim vig Day 1? I think it looks worse for JS than it does for Pral, though.

This feels forced to me.  Literally, read like a couple more posts and he would've seen that. 


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:20 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

So I know basically nothing about British Monarchy. Is there any good way to tell good char claims from bad ones? Were there bad monarchs over the years?

I really, really, don't like this line.  This looks to me like he's looking to fish for names for a claim, should he need it.


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:35 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Let's try to avoid a DL hitting without majority, k?


Random death with no coroner report is just bad.

It was still a long way out from the deadline (I believe it still is too).  This line feels to me like he's trying to get people to speed things up without carefully considering things and waiting for more information.


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:03 PM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:01 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 3:14 AM, Hallia said:

1. dicetosser1 - No posts at all - null

2. NotBob - Haven't seen enough to give me a read one way or another - null

3. Aiel Heart - Not enough posts - null

4. alannalynn - Not enough posts - null

5. Pralaya - Hardclaim vig cc - Time will tell

7. lord of the dawn - Not enough posts - null

8. Eldrick - Not bad posts, seems towny enough

9. Zander - Not bad posts at all, stronger town read

10. Seph - Asking questions, seems engaged - towny

11. TinaHel - One post - null

12. Razen - Same as Seph, towny as well


14. John Snow - poor reactions, quick to vote initially, not improved since


No scum reads at all?  The only one I'm seeing that you're not put in your lean town or null column is JS, and I'm not really inclined to think he's scum at this point.


There isn't anything wrong with not having scum leans yet. It takes me a while to get them myself.


Not incriminating by itself, because it is true, it can take a while to sit down and analyze things.  But I don't like how he lectures about that after I asked Hallia more about her read list.


  On 7/8/2015 at 1:52 PM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/8/2015 at 12:59 PM, TinaHel said:


Can I clear something up for you? I find it weird that the only thing you have to comment on about my posts is me commenting on Seph assuming it's an advanced game.


As for Zander saying there being one mafia among Talya/Hally/Snow/Pral, I see where he's coming from there. With Talya and Hally, there's the whole Hally unreasonably clearing Talya. And then Snow and Pral are the vig claims. I wouldn't add Talya to the list, but the other 3 definitely have some explaining to do.

I don't like how he's going with the four people that Zander had suspected.  Someone else had pointed out that if you pulled 4 random names, there's a reasonable chance that you could get at least 1 wolf.  I've felt better about Hally as I've gone back and read, and Talya has been pretty solid as well.  We now have a bit more on Snow and Pral too.


  On 7/9/2015 at 5:03 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 1:58 AM, Zander said:

Because a) its just stalling the game b) people can read it when they get on here its not going anywhere right? c) seems like maybe he's waiting on a teammate or adice on what to say.


Theres just no good reason for it.  And im surprised theres not more votes on him to create pressure for him to stop stalling.







His vote on JS.  No real reason, just piggybacks off of what Zander said about voting to pressure JS.  It feels like he's just content to slip right in under that umbrella.


I think that we could do with pressing Eldrick a bit more.  I really don't like how he tried to ask about which monarchs were good to claim and which weren't.  Couple that with his reaction when he first voted JS and missing the second claim, and what to me felt like speeding up a lynch train that didn't need at that point, and I'm getting pretty weird vibes from him.  Unvote, vote: Eldrick.



-So Razen goes from having John as town and Pral as Null and Edlrick (stating he liked his posts THIS IS IMPORTANT) town as of July 8th @ 9:55 am.


- then @ July 8th 9:25 pm.:  to John scum Eldrick still town (Nothings CHanged THIS IS IMPORTANT) and still null on Pral


- i list the reasons he may or may not accept John Snow and Pral just so he doesn't try to go over on his John SNow view


- Now he reads Eldrick scum and votes him.  this post is at July 9th 1:36 pm.  going back and using quotes begining July 7th???


Well if you liked his posts and nothings changed why are you know quoting them to lead you to vote him???  You can see how bad you contradict yourself here can't you.


ALSO NOTE HOW HE VALIDATES PART OF HIS VOTE WITH ADDING "PRESSURE" which he used as part of his reason for voting me!!!!


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