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I'm bad at Light vs Shadow... (AKA Wall of Smileys)


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chuckles found the leader of the lighties, and wondered how he could complete the task given to him, he weaved torture and saw a strange sight tumblr_mbycvnUDmO1rxcbh2.gif


he had never seen someone scream like this, and from the shock he lost his grip on saidan


but he played his secret card




it was the perfect move, she was laughing and then ROFL and soon she would die unless someone removed the illusion. he wove a gateway back to his mistress and was gone laughing :tongue:

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*removes illusion*


Why are new Shadowies always thinking they can beat Lighties?


Oh, well, we'll just keep proving them they can't.


*weaves gateway to where lolguy26 wove one*


Just wanted to say that it's annoying to destroy your waves all the time. Might take actions if you don't stop it.

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Eyes narrowed, Sorcha army crawled behind Leyrann and taped "Kick me-I'm a Lightie" on his back for not calling her Mistress the evilest of all Shadowies like she deserves.


You're playing with fire now...


*takes tape from his back and tapes it on Sorcha's back (That's the best thing about Post-It... You can tape it on the back of someone who taped it on your back...)*


*makes the tape stick better with some Air, so good that only by breaking the weaves you can remove the tape*


(oh, yeah, I got rank 13 in Air, so no need for you Soldier to try to cut the weaves. You'll most likely just exhaust yourself)


Now, I'd kick you if only the tape would say "Kick me - I'm a Shadowie".


I'm still just a civie, but I believe Lighties should definitely take action against all this bullying :rolleyes:


Oh, no worries. She finally tried to bully me, so now I can just show her that she isn't being prudent...


It seems like the shadowies are doing a raid. :) You never know what the lighties will do.


They'll find out...


Leyrann used to hang us upside down and threaten to kill us unless we returned to the Light.


Ahhh those were the days lol.


Of course it is nice that I don't have to do as much running around myself anymore :darkone:


I remember a different story... But yeah, it's always been like that with Shadowies... Lying so that they sound better than Lighties...

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*Balefires Ley*




At least now I won't have to listen to his incessant moaning about everything. The way he manages to make even a compliment from me about an old school member of the Light (aka himself) into something bad just tires me out.


How about no godmodding? Also, compliment? Where? I only see you trying to make people believe that I'm the one who starts fights.


Yeah.. Dutch people moan about everything.. :P Leyrann reminds me of a whitecloak haha (no offense)


Whitecloaks wouldn't be nice to civies...


Talking about Dutch people & moaning, do you also moan about the trains being too late all the time? I do. :smile:


Suddenly there was no post-it on Sorcha's back. She thought she remembered it but wasn't sure...





Now if only you remove ALL post-its everywhere, it's ok.


PS You got a nice amount of points in the time I was gone... Nice OP stats.

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Leyrann used to hang us upside down and threaten to kill us unless we returned to the Light.


Ahhh those were the days lol.



Fond memory. Implies was better. Hence ---> compliment.

Why would you want all post-its gone? They are great for old people like me that forget stuff.


Also. Calling people liars is poor form.

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