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[July Discussion] Platform & Adventure Games


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sorry this is a bit late, i thought it was supposed to go up Monday for some reason :blush:



some questions to get us started



1. Which do you prefer more, Platform or Adventure games? Why?


2. What do you like and not like about Platform games? Why?


3. What do you like and not like about Adventure games? Why?


4. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform game? Why?


5. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure game? Why?


6. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform Sub-Genre ? Why?


7. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure Sub-Genre? Why?


8. What games would you recomend in each category? Why?


9. What games would you advise people to stay away from? Why?





[b]1. Which do you prefer more, Platform or Adventure games? Why?[/b]

[b]2. What do you like and not like about Platform games? Why?[/b]

[b]3. What do you like and not like about Adventure games? Why?[/b]

[b]4. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform game? Why?[/b]

[b]5. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure game? Why?[/b]

[b]6. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform Sub-Genre ? Why?[/b]

[b]7. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure Sub-Genre? Why?[/b]

[b]8. What games would you recomend in each category? Why?[/b]

[b]9. What games would you advise people to stay away from? Why?[/b]




and some info



Platform Games




A genre of game characterized by requiring the player to jump to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles. It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps. The most common unifying element to games in this genre is a jump button; other jump mechanics include swinging from extendable arms, or bouncing from springboards or trampolines. Games where jumping is automated completely (ie: Zelda) are not included in this genre.


This genre is typically viewed in 2 different angles. Single screen movement is where gameplay is confined to a static playing field, generally viewed in profile (ie: Donkey Kong). Side Scrolling is where action is viewed from a side-view camera angle, and the onscreen characters generally move from the left side of the screen to the right (ie: Super Mario Bros).



Sub Genres


1. Hop & Bop - the defining trait of a hop and bop is that enemies are defeated primarily by jumping on their heads. Example: Bubsy.


2. Puzzle - are characterized by their use of a platform game structure to drive a game whose challenge is derived primarily from puzzles. Example: Portal.


3. Shooters - an attempt to marry platform games with shooters and are characterized by a minimal focus on precise platform jumping and a major emphasis on multi-directional shooting. Example: Contra.


4. Cinematic - are distinguished by the relative realism which focus on fluid, life-like movements, without the exaggerated physics found in nearly all other platform games. Example: Prince of Persia.


5. Comical Action - are characterized by levels that are single screen, and cooperative 2-player action. A level is cleared when all enemies on the screen have been defeated, and vanquished foes usually drop score bonuses in the form of fruit or other items. Example: Bubble Bobble.




Adventure Games




A genre in which the player assumes the role of protagonist in an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle solving instead of physical challenge. The focus on story allows it to draw heavily from other narrative-based media such as literature and film, encompassing a wide variety of literary genres. Nearly all adventure games are designed for a single player, since this emphasis on story and character makes multi-player design difficult.



Sub Genres


1. Interactive Fiction (Text) - convey the game's story through passages of text, revealed to the player in response to typed instructions and allows the player to interact with objects by typing commands. Example: Adventure.


2. Graphic Adventure - use graphics to convey the environment to the player; point-and-click adventures are a common type of graphic adventure in which the player uses a pointer, to interact with the environment and solve puzzles. Example: The Whispered Wolrd.


3. Puzzle Adventure - games that put a strong emphasis on logic puzzles, and typically emphasize self-contained puzzle challenges. Example: Myst


4. Visual Novels - an adventure game featuring mostly static graphics, usually with anime-style art and include a menu-based interface for all navigation and interaction which focus almost exclusively on character interaction. Example: Rumbling Hearts

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[b]1. Which do you prefer more, Platform or Adventure games? Why?[/b]

If I have to pick only one, I'm going to pick platformers. Some of the most iconic games of my childhood were platformers.


[b]2. What do you like and not like about Platform games? Why?[/b]

Like: Most of the platform games that I've played just have that addicting characteristic to them. Just gotta complete one more task or get to the next level.There's not really much I dislike, but there's always the stereotypical levels - like the desert level, or the volcano level, or the snow level. Also, I don't like sequels to games that are pretty much unrelated to the series that they are supposed to be a part of.


[b]3. What do you like and not like about Adventure games? Why?[/b]

Adventure games are fun. I'm not always big into multi-player gaming, and these types of games are perfect for keeping yourself busy on a computer during class.As before, there isn't much that I actually dislike about adventure games. Maybe some of the hidden object games which get extremely repetitve, but that's about it.


[b]4. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform game? Why?[/b]

Do I have to limit it to just one?

Super Mario (the first one, #2, #3, 64, Sunshine) are all the ones I've played. Classics.

Banjo Kazooie & Banjo Tooie. Two of the best games for the N64 that I ever played.



Devil May Cry


There are very few platformers that I don't like.


[b]5. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure game? Why?[/b]

I don't play very many pure adventure games. Most are from the platformer genre.


[b]6. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform Sub-Genre ? Why?[/b]

Favorite: Hop and Bop. Super Mario Bros. 'Nuff said.

Least Favorite: Shooter. I'm terrible at shooting games in any shape or form, and that includes platformers.


[b]7. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure Sub-Genre? Why?[/b]

Favorite: Visual novels. I'm playing a couple games like this -- they've got voices, but since I don't speak Japanese, I can only read the English subtitles. I also like anime visuals a lot.Least Favorite: Graphic adventure. I'm assuming this is where the point and click and hidden object stuff come in. I despise hidden object games. I'm terrible at them.


[b]8. What games would you recomend in each category? Why?[/b]


Super Mario (any game)

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie (level designs and the level theme music always made these games shine for me. Gameplay is awesome too.)

Spyro - another classic.


In my opinion, these are pretty family friendly. There's a couple places it skirts the line, but they are few and far between.


I reserve judgment on the adventure game genre.


[b]9. What games would you advise people to stay away from? Why?[/b]

Here, I'd say just to stay away from a game that you don't feel comfortable playing. Everyone's likes are different, and just because a game is a classic doesn't mean it's for everyone.

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1. Which do you prefer more, Platform or Adventure games? Why?


Platform. my childhood was NES and Sega Genisis; this was the dominate genre at the time



2. What do you like and not like about Platform games? Why?


i love the simplisitic design and goal of the games. once you play one, you can pretty much jump into any other without much confusion and their just fun. i dislike that the storys are equally simplistic and they often seem to be 2D in scope and story. the simplistic commands (jump botton, action button) can both be a good and bad thing. it can get boring, but its great if you just want somethign to play and not really think about.


some of the platformers can be agrevating; becuase the jumps are often time sensative. you've got to find the right timing to jump otherwise you miss it by less than an inch XD



3. What do you like and not like about Adventure games? Why?


i'd have to say i don't much play this genre, but i do love Qubert and Myst. Adventure on its own just inst much appealing, but Action/Adventure is a whole nother story :happy:



4. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform game? Why?


my fav platform game ... toss up between Mario Bros 3, Gilligans Island, and Sonic 2 (<3 Tails), child hood favs. least fav would have to be Contra & Super C. becuase they we're shooters and i could never get that far



5. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure game? Why?


tbh, theres only 1 game i played that would fit this category and i can't even remember its name. people tell me its Myst, but i've watched the walk throughs and it just doesn't match up.



6. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform Sub-Genre ? Why?


fav would be Hop & Bop :happy: because nothign beats the simple satisfaction that comes from jumping on a Kooba and squishing him good (or dancing on top of the flag pole :wink: )


least fav would be Comical Action. i think Pac-Man when i hear this and i was never good at Pac Man :dry:



7. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure Sub-Genre? Why?


fav woudl liekly be Puzzles, because i love puzzles and logic. it makes me feel smart :happy:


least fav would likely be Novel or Text; too much reading in a game and i become very boered, very quick.




8. What games would you recomend in each category? Why?


for Platform, i'd recomend Super Smash Bros off the Wii or old school, nothing beats Super Mario Bros 3 :happy:


for Adventure, i've heard GREAT things abotu Myst and you can get it on GBA or DS.



9. What games would you advise people to stay away from? Why?


Mario Bros 2 sucked, i'd stay away from that one in the franchise personally. not well versed enough in Adventure to make any real recomendations for staying away

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i'm thinking that Mario Bros is bound to dominate this thread. so heres some questions specifically about that series:



- Mario, Luigi or Yoshi?


- which installment is everyones fav?


- which suit/power out of all the games is your favorite?


- who is your fav villian?


- have you played the "New Super Mario Bros" that came out for the Wii a few years ago and what did you think of going back to the old school platform style?


- how do you think the 3D platformers in this series (62, Mario Galexy 1 & 2) fit in the series?


- don't you think by now, mario shoudl just let the princess rescue her own damn self :laugh:





after Mario, why dont we start talking abotu Donkey Kong Country, Kirby and Mega Man *grins*

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Mario, Luigi or Yoshi?

I have to pick Luigi. Partly because he doesn't get appreciated enough, and partly because my first day of high school, I had a senior tell me that I looked like Luigi - and the name stuck.


Which installment is everyones fav?

I will narrow it down to three. Super Mario 3, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine. Although I do remember kicking butt on Super Mario 2 waaaay back in the day. Peach was the best character to pick in that game. *nods*


Which suit/power out of all the games is your favorite?

It's a tossup for me between the flying squirrel suit from Super Mario 3 and the Metal Cap from Super Mario 64.


Who is your fav villian?

*gasp* Bowser!


Have you played the "New Super Mario Bros" that came out for the Wii a few years ago and what did you think of going back to the old school platform style?

Unfortunately, I haven't. I don't own a Wii.


How do you think the 3D platformers in this series (62, Mario Galexy 1 & 2) fit in the series?

To be honest, I never really thought of them as being in a series - more that each was kind of a stand alone game. Obviously Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are together, but I never spotted story ties between the games other than the fact that Mario has to rescue Princess Peach each and every time and the enemies tended to get recycled. But that's what makes it Mario, so no harm done.


Don't you think by now, mario shoudl just let the princess rescue her own damn self :laugh:

No, it's time the Princess repaid Mario by going out and saving the plumber in distress. Best game idea ever. You get to be Princess Peach and have to do the exact opposite of the previous games - do all the crazy and cool stuff to rescue Mario from some terrible and cruel fate like being forced to become Bowser's slave or something.

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Finally a topic that I know something about. :laugh:


Mario, Luigi or Yoshi?

Mario if it´s the usual Super Mario games. I like Yoshi tetris a lot though.


Which installment is everyones fav?

The original is still the best. I don´t like changes. lol I´m playing the Nintendo DS version right now. I´m finally at the last world but I had to take a paus.


Which suit/power out of all the games is your favorite?

I think picking flowers and shooting.


Who is your fav villian?

I agree with Razen. Bowser!


Have you played the "New Super Mario Bros" that came out for the Wii a few years ago and what did you think of going back to the old school platform style?

No, I haven´t. Don´t have a Wii.


How do you think the 3D platformers in this series (62, Mario Galexy 1 & 2) fit in the series?

I don´t like any 3D games. They make me sick.


Don't you think by now, mario shoudl just let the princess rescue her own damn self :laugh:

Yes, I do. I like Razen´s suggestion. Let her save Mario instead.

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1. Which do you prefer more, Platform or Adventure games? Why?


I like both, but I prefer adventure games


2. What do you like and not like about Platform games? Why?


I get very very frustrated with some platformers, especially levels where you are running towards the camera, and have to jump over stuff. *is thinking of certain Crash Bandicoot levels*


3. What do you like and not like about Adventure games? Why?


I just like adventure games. I like the story lines; to me, a good game needs to have a story.


4. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform game? Why?


Favorite has to be Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Don't really have a least favorite game, just levels that I detest.


5. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure game? Why?


Jak and Daxter for sure. It's a combo of platform, shooter, and adventure, and all 3 games, plus the racing game, are so much fun, they are awesome games.


6. What is your favorite and least favorite Platform Sub-Genre ? Why?


Hop and bop I don't like, not very good at those. Favorite is probably cinematic.


7. What is your favorite and least favorite Adventure Sub-Genre? Why?


I like them all for different things, so no real preference here.


8. What games would you recomend in each category? Why?


Spyro, Crash, and Jak & Daxter are all epic games.


9. What games would you advise people to stay away from? Why?


Don't play something you don't like. That's about it :tongue:

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I had just about every console since Pong except Nintendo. I got my kids a wii a couple years back and play it occasionally woth them but I am not that into Mario. I did play DK in the arcade back in the day however. I was a sonic kid and then a Spyro/crash grown up. Now it is all about the LEGOs. I can play those games over and over and over. It is just so fun to watch those things blow up.

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Sorry, have't really touched much into this thread yet.


Basically. Legacy Of Kain = Hack and Slash action/Adventure game I loved in the past (specially the later ones) Theres a lil platforming in the 3d versions.


Uncharted = Platforming in the context, that, like tomb raider, your always running/climbing/jumping onto something. it has shooting also. :wink:

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Mario, Luigi or Yoshi?


Yoshi all day long



Which installment is everyones fav?


Oooh that's a tricky one, does Mario Kart count?


Which suit/power out of all the games is your favorite?


I liked Mario on Yoshi's back (in Sunshine particularly)


Who is your fav villian?


Perhaps controversial, but DK, although I liked games where he was the goody too


Have you played the "New Super Mario Bros" that came out for the Wii a few years ago and what did you think of going back to the old school platform style?


I think I played them, but I can't remember anything about them, so that probably speaks for itself :laugh:


How do you think the 3D platformers in this series (62, Mario Galexy 1 & 2) fit in the series?



I really like them, they're top notch games and true to the series so I can't complain


Don't you think by now, mario shoudl just let the princess rescue her own damn self :laugh:


Damn right she should, although I don't see it happening any time soon!

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