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Avatar: The Legend of Korra


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the first episode airs on nickelodeon Saturday April 14th @ 11/10c am


you can also view episodes on Nicks website here currently, the first two episodes are available for veiwing




Officially titled The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra the new series is set 70 years after events that occurred with Aang and crew in Avatar The Last Airbender. Korra who is referred to as a “rebellious” young 17 year old is the current Avatar who at the start of the series has already mastered Waterbending, Firebending, and Earthbending.

She is apparently going to learn Airbending from Tenzin who is Aang and Katara’s Son and the father of a young family.

The conflict in the series surrounds the mysterious Equalist Leader known as Amon who leads an “Anti-Bending” Movement, the events seem to permeate around a relatively modern city known as Republic City.



i've marked it on my DVR to record as i've heard really good things from people who've seen the first few episodes. its got a wiered premier time for this show though, unlike the first Avatar, which premiered new episodes on Fridasy at 8pm est, the new episodes for this show are airing during the Saturday morning cartoon line up :blink:

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I never saw the original (I did however see the terrible movie unfortunately) but when I saw commercials for this it looked pretty cool

might watch it

  • Community Administrator

Pfft, best new anime this season is Uchuu Kyoudai. (And it is relevant as this does constitute new anime season just like legend of kora. :wink:)

  On 4/13/2012 at 9:42 AM, Nolder said:

I never saw the original (I did however see the terrible movie unfortunately) but when I saw commercials for this it looked pretty cool

might watch it


Yeah don't base the series off that steaming pile of poo. The series was way better than the movie. Sadly premiere will be during my sleepy time.


Soy just use the link i priveded int he P then, it takes you directly to Nicks Korra homepage where they host the episdoes :happy:



Nol, i 2nd way Soy said. M.Knight basically ruined the series with that stupid adaptation; infact i feel sorry for his kids because apparently they are the reason he offered to direct it in the first place.


you should watch the animated series though, it's one of the best American cartoon series to come out since the early 90's and late 80's imo



edited to added int he distinction of American Cartoon Series so as to not insult any Anime fans. cause theres been lots of epic Anime series to come out since then :laugh:


liek InuYasha, Death Note, Peach Girl, Fruit Basket, .hack//Sign, Full Metal .... but i digress



also, i don't really consider this series to be Anime, any more than i'd consider TMNT or Transformers to be Anime (even though they are drawn in that style)

  • Community Administrator

Avatar = American Anime. Anime is Anime. If they made an RPG just like FF6 its still classified as JRPG cause for fhe style, same for RPGS like Skyrim Made in japan Would be classified as western rpgs. "Dark Souls = westtern style RPG made in Japan.

  • 2 weeks later...

so how is everyone liking the new Avatar series??



i've got a theory on how this new villian got the ability to cancle a persons Bending .... i think this is Kho's handy work.


you know, the spirit who steals faces and has a grudge agaisnt the avatar





it's the only spirit i coudl think that woudl not only want to destroy benders, but also want to nueter the Avatar. and if the Avatar's bending is taken away in one life, would that prevent the future avatar from being able to bend as well, as the ability to bend all 4 elements is carried witht eh soul, and the Chi is a direct part of the soul ....



also, it's very interesting to see that Metal bending has sprung up as a sister art; i have to wonder if this will be added to the 4 bending's the Avatar already has to master. and they should do a trilogy in this btw, with a futuristic setting where the Avatar is born in a world where Benders are few and hunted or enslaved.



one beef i have is with the amount of air bending offspring Aang's son has .... its a resesive gene and his wife is a non-bender; for all 4 of his children to be benders is absurd imo


I for one am quite enjoying the new series. I think they went for something a little more mature with the bad guys this time. Ozai and Azula were just down-right evil becasue... well, they werfe evil. amon and the equalists have a cause that makes sense (given how muchbenders really do run the show) but theytake it to extremes and use bad methods to further their cause. it makes them more believable characters.


of course, azula will always be my favourite bad guy... after a snidely whiplash/dr evil tie :D


Azula :wub: my RPG character Agitha is actually modeled after her personality wise.



Hoof, i can't agree more, though i get more of a Hitler/Holocust feeling from the equalist movement *nods* i don't think the bad guys are the only character more mature this go around, Korra is, what, 16; so the conflicts she's going to deal with will be on a more mature level than that of Aang.

  • 1 month later...

I'm late as hell to this thread, apologies. Just wanted to say that I was a huge fan of the original Avatar show, and I'm really loving where Legend of Korra has gone so far.


The steampunk themes are very cool, and I love all the in-jokes and subtle references and connections to the previous show (ie. cabbages). I can't wait to see more of the plot unfolding, especially finding out more about Amon and how he got access to Energybending (I don't think there's any doubt Energybending is what Amon is performing, note the similarities in the hand placements and movements when Amon removes Lightning Bolt Zolt's bending to when Aang removes Ozai's bending in the previous series).


I do have one open question: If season 1 is Air, and Korra has already mastered the other three elements, what will they call season 2?


might be Metal and Energy Bending since these are two new forms and for her to have a chance she should master these two as well *nods* plus theres her needing to connect with the spirit realm as well.



i'm glad i'm not the only one who lmao'd at the cabbage referrance. bubba looked at me like i was nuts until i explained that in every season (especially in Ba Sing Sa) something always happened to a Cabbage Peddler and his cabbages :happy:



and yes Morning, i recognized immediately the similarity between what Aang did to Ozai and what Amon is doing to benders. which is why i'm almost positive that Kho is behind Amon's raise to power and his bending ability. as the original power for energy bending was learned b Aang from the spirit realm.


I was talking about it with a friend, he thinks that Season 2 could be called Avatar State, as that's really the one aspect of being the Avatar that hasn't been mentioned in LoK yet. I do hope they get to that soon!


Tarlock can blood bend... without a full moon. What an interesting development.


I am beginning to doubt that he is Amon. It would be far too obviuos, and i feel Tarlock is developing too much as a bad guy in his own right to be just the other bad guy secretly.


I DO think that Amon will turn out to be SOMEONE we know though.... just not Tarlock.


well if Tarlock isn't Amon then he's certaintly working for Amon with the legislation he passed against non-benders *nods*



yeah, this is a beef i have with the new series. why is it that every water bender can seemingly blood bend and every fire bender can seemingly bend electricity :dry: these are supposed to be the sub-factions of the elements that not everyone can do, and yet here we're seeing alot of subfaction benders popping up. not cool!


i mena, Tophs kid knowing how to Metal Bend is understandable, as Toph was one of the first metal benders; and her blindness allowed an accute sensativity to her element ... but an entire troop of metal benders and Koras fire bending alley can also bend elcricity ... come on man, wtf!

  On 6/4/2012 at 3:25 PM, Red2111 said:

well if Tarlock isn't Amon then he's certaintly working for Amon with the legislation he passed against non-benders *nods*



yeah, this is a beef i have with the new series. why is it that every water bender can seemingly blood bend and every fire bender can seemingly bend electricity :dry: these are supposed to be the sub-factions of the elements that not everyone can do, and yet here we're seeing alot of subfaction benders popping up. not cool!


i mena, Tophs kid knowing how to Metal Bend is understandable, as Toph was one of the first metal benders; and her blindness allowed an accute sensativity to her element ... but an entire troop of metal benders and Koras fire bending alley can also bend elcricity ... come on man, wtf!


Hardly every water ender can blood bend- Tarlock is the only one so far. Mako is a professional firebender, so it makes sense that he is capable of making lightning.


the only other lightning we saw except for Zolt was the other firebenders at the power station use, maybe most of them spent LOTS of time training and practicing with lightning to the exclusion of other areas of firebending, so that they can work at the power station.


As for metalbending, maybe it isnt as hard to do as it was to discover. No-one had ever considered bending the impurities in metal before (so far as we know) so maybe now that people know it is possible, it is relatively easy to teach certain earthbenders to do it?


haven't caught the new episode but i guess there goes bubbas theory of them being the same person lmao


it might have something to do with him being a chi blocker ... of could be because tarrlok wasn't really trying


Sorry for the spoiler red :o


But they are definitely not the same person. Amon is even more of a mystery now. It has nothing to do with his chi-blocking though- other equalists were takrn down by Tarlock easily, but Amon was nearly completely unaffected o.o


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